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Monday, April 1, 2013

U.N. Cheerleaders

Campaign for Liberty

Dear Erick,

There's been some critical developments concerning the National Internet Tax Mandate you need to know about.

This fight is set to reach a fever pitch in Congress, so it's never been more important those of us who believe in liberty and limited government make our voices heard.

Please read the email below explaining exactly what's going on and agree to take action TODAY!

In Liberty,

Dr. Ron Paul

Campaign for Liberty

Dear Erick,

The big spenders in Congress and state legislatures throughout the country are passionate about ramming through their National Internet Tax Mandate.

And their cheerleaders in the United Nations are now hoping it's only a matter of weeks until it becomes a reality.

Erick, with only a week left until the U.S. Senate goes back into session after the Easter recess, you and I must turn up the heat FAST!

Unless I can count on your action today, I'm afraid the big spenders just may get their way.

That's why it's critical you sign the Campaign for Liberty Directive I've made up for you URGING your representative and senators to vote "NO" on the statists' National Internet Tax Mandate.

If passed, the National Internet Tax Mandate would hand the federal government MASSIVE new controls over state tax policies, and set the stage for government at all levels - including the one-world socialists at the United Nations - to take another helping of your money via the Internet.

Worse, it's dangerously close to becoming reality . . .

Just hours before the Senate recessed in the early morning hours of Saturday, March 26, the statists took a "test vote" on a non-binding resolution hoping it would build momentum by showing overwhelming Senate support for their new National Internet Tax Mandate.

While the resolution passed by a significant margin, the big spenders fell far short of where they thought they'd be . . .

In fact, the statists now recognize their "test vote" proved the momentum could very well be with you and me!

I believe we can take advantage of this opportunity to KILL this monstrosity IF we turn up the heat on Congress FAST.

Our previous action already has the big spenders up in arms, and they're not going to wait around for you and me to build even greater numbers to defeat their scheme.

So you and I must do everything we can to make sure more and more Americans realize that under the new National Internet Tax Mandate:

*** All Americans would see their taxes go up, as big-spending governors of BOTH parties work with the federal government's IRS goons to implement a state sales tax on ALL goods purchased online.

Big-spending governors are running their states into bankruptcy, and - instead of reducing spending - they want the IRS to force YOU to bail them out with new Internet taxes!

*** Tax collectors in one state would now be free to pursue retailers across state lines.

For example, if a customer in New York makes a purchase from an online retailer in Texas, that retailer MUST collect New York's exorbitant sales taxes and send them to New York's tax collection agencies;

*** New and higher taxes would CRUSH economic growth and set the stage for massive new regulations that threaten the very existence of the Internet.

NO Internet Tax  Mandate

And all of this may not even be the worst of it . . .

You see, the United Nations wants in on the action, as well.

Just a few months ago, the U.N. drafted a new "Telecommunications Treaty" to impose restrictive regulations, global CENSORSHIP, and a massive new tax on all Internet operations.

If ratified by the United States Senate, the United Nations' "Telecommunications Treaty" - designed to take effect in 2015 - could give control of the Internet to U.N. bureaucrats.

Ultimately, the U.N. hopes to use this scheme to take a tax bite out of the TRILLIONS of dollars exchanging hands via Internet commerce - money that will make the U.N. a true world government.

And this National Internet Tax Mandate is playing right into the U.N.'s hands.

That's why it's critical you sign the Campaign for Liberty Directive I've made up for you URGING your representative and senators to vote "NO" on the statists' National Internet Tax Mandate.

And if you can, please agree to an IMMEDIATE contribution to help Campaign for Liberty turn up the heat.

As you'll see, these Directives put your elected officials on notice . . .

Americans simply will NOT tolerate a National Internet Tax Mandate.

My hope is to flood Congress with directives from folks like you by reaching up to 12 million Americans just in the next week before the Senate goes back into session!

But contacting so many Americans using email, mail, web ads, and op-eds won't be cheap.

Only the continued support of C4L members nationwide can allow us to carry out a robust national program.

Won't you please agree to a generous contribution of $250, $100, $50, or even $35 TODAY?

NO Internet  Tax Mandate

If that's too much, please chip in $10 or $20.

Whatever you can give, please give today.

Your action makes everything Campaign for Liberty does possible.

But time is running out.

Please help us DEFEAT the National Internet Tax Mandate before it's too late.

Please agree to your most generous contribution of $250, $100, $50 or even $35 TODAY!

In Liberty,

John Tate

P.S. The statists now recognize their "test vote" on the National Internet Tax Mandate proved the momentum could very well be with you and me!

But that has the big spenders up in arms, and they're not going to wait around for you and me to build even greater numbers to defeat their scheme.

That's why it's critical you sign the Campaign for Liberty Directive I've made up for you URGING your representative and senators to vote "NO" on the statists' National Internet Tax Mandate.

And if you can, please agree to your most generous contribution of $250, $100, $50, or even $35 TODAY!

NO Internet  Tax Mandate

P.P.S. If your representative or senators are holding any local meetings, please attend and ask them where they stand on this critical issue.

In fact, you can plaster their events with this flier to help make sure more Americans understand the impact the National Internet Tax Mandate could have.

For proper formatting, be sure to download and then print the file.

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Because of Campaign For Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501(C)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions (IRC § 162(e)(1)).

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