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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Fw: Line in the Sand on Gun Rights


Please see Dr. Ron Paul's note to me below about the statists' all-out assault on our 2nd Amendment freedoms.

Dr. Paul asks that after you sign your Liberty Protection Directive, you please forward this email on to your friends, family members, and anyone else you know who will take action.

This is one battle you and I can't afford to lose.

In Liberty,

Erica D.

P.S. Please consider chipping in $10, $20 or $30 to help Campaign for Liberty fight for our gun rights.

From: Ron Paul []
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2013 6:42 AM
Subject: Liberty Protection Directive
To: Erica D. []


I'm worried the new assaults on our gun rights are going to move fast.

Please make sure everyone sees my email from Monday. Ask them to forward it on to friends and family once they've signed their Liberty Protection Directive. If they could contribute at all to this fight, I'd greatly appreciate it.

In Liberty,

Ron Paul

sent from my Verizon Wireless Blackberry

From: Ron Paul []
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2013 6:00 PM
Subject: Line in the Sand on Gun Rights!
To: Erica D. []

Campaign for Liberty

Dear Erica,

As Americans' tears fell and our blood boiled as we watched the smoke billowing from the sites of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, few Americans could have foreseen the national security state Leviathan we live under today.

But ever since that fateful morning, the statists, using fear and mass hysteria, have pulled every trick in the book to expand government power and GUT many of our most sacred constitutional freedoms.

Now - after the recent tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut - establishment members of BOTH parties believe the timing is right to finally gut our Second Amendment freedoms, as well.

And should they succeed, you and I can only guess what will happen next.

Erica, C4L has created a special Liberty Protection Directive I'm counting on you to sign IMMEDIATELY to make your voice heard on this critical issue.

This fight is going to happen fast. The statists are determined to strike while anti-gun hysteria across the U.S. is at full-blast.

The Liberty Protection Directive makes it clear you're drawing a line in the sand.

No more assaults on our gun rights. No more assaults on our civil liberties.

No more standing by silently while the statists build up their prison walls all around us with outrageous schemes, including:

***Unmanned, armed drones flying overhead to spy on us;

***Department of Homeland Security-approved "Fusion Centers" issuing warnings about people who might have the "wrong" presidential candidate's bumper sticker on their car;

***Mandatory groping and naked body scans just to board an airplane;

***Warrantless wiretapping and snooping, enabling nameless, faceless bureaucrats in Washington, D.C. to listen to our phone calls and read our emails;

***Looking the other way while the President claims authority to assassinate American citizens on a whim;

***The NDAA's "indefinite detention" provision allowing our federal government to lock us up FOREVER without so much as a trial.

Of course, they tell you and me they're demolishing our constitutional liberties "for our own good."

They tell us we're so utterly powerless to protect ourselves against anything, we simply must depend on government overlords - who truly know what's best for all of us - to ensure our safety.

And now they're making the same laughable argument about our gun rights!

Studies show countries with high rates of civilian firearms ownership are the safest.

Countries where only those in power are armed - supposedly for the civilian population's "protection" - are cesspools of violence!

This should be no surprise.

The Founders included the Second Amendment in the U.S. Constitution as a bulwark against tyranny - as a check against evil men wielding the sword of government to bloody the American people into submission.

But now the Big Government crowd is going all-out to gut it.

There's no doubt - President Obama's anti-gun blueprint will serve as the basis for the statists' assault on our gun rights.

His outrageous desires to infringe on our liberties include the Feinstein Gun Ban - outlawing firearms that look "scary" - and a ban on magazines holding more than ten rounds.

But by far the worst is a thinly veiled national gun registration scheme hidden under the guise of mandatory background checks.

After all, you and I both know registration is the first step toward outright confiscation.

The establishment will do anything to ram these and other schemes through Congress, so there's no telling where this fight is headed.

And should they succeed on this issue, you and I are likely to see a mad rush of dozens of other outrageous plans designed to shred what remains of our constitutional liberties.

That's why it's critical you sign your Liberty Protection Directive to C4L IMMEDIATELY.

Your Liberty Protection Directive is a key part of the plan Campaign for Liberty President John Tate and I have put together to help fight back against the new attacks on our gun rights coming from Congress.

During my time in Congress, I did everything I could to stop radical assaults on our civil liberties and our Second Amendment rights.

And I have no intention of letting up on that fight now.

I've instructed C4L staff to pull out all the stops - including email, mail, op-eds, and blogs.

This type of program won't be cheap. But my hope is C4L will be able to raise the resources needed to fund hard-hitting radio, newspaper, Internet, and TV ads, as well.

Of course, none of this can happen without your help, so please agree to act today.

Seeing the statists' frantic rush to increase government power and further restrict our freedoms, I have to wonder if our gun rights are the last thread holding our republic together.

What might they do once they have nothing but disarmed victims in their sights?

World history brings to mind some horrific possibilities.

And I, for one, do not want to see that kind of madness happen here.

Instead, I want to do everything I can to guarantee ALL of our constitutional freedoms are protected - including our Second Amendment rights.

If you agree, please sign your Liberty Protection Directive today, and make your most generous contribution of $30.

If that's too much, please agree to your most generous contribution of $20 or even $10.

As I mentioned, there's no time to waste.

So please sign your Liberty Protection Directive to C4L IMMEDIATELY, and consider making a generous contribution of $30, $20, or $10!

For Liberty,

Dr. Ron Paul

P.S. Using fear and mass hysteria, the statists have pulled every trick in the book to GUT some of our most sacred constitutional freedoms - and now they're targeting our gun rights.

You and I must fight back.

That's why it's vital you sign your Liberty Protection Directive to C4L IMMEDIATELY, and if at all possible, make your most generous contribution of $30, $20, or $10.

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Because of Campaign For Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501(C)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions (IRC § 162(e)(1)).

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Monday, January 28, 2013

Line in the Sand on Gun Rights

Campaign for Liberty

Dear Erick,

As Americans' tears fell and our blood boiled as we watched the smoke billowing from the sites of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, few Americans could have foreseen the national security state Leviathan we live under today.

But ever since that fateful morning, the statists, using fear and mass hysteria, have pulled every trick in the book to expand government power and GUT many of our most sacred constitutional freedoms.

Now - after the recent tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut - establishment members of BOTH parties believe the timing is right to finally gut our Second Amendment freedoms, as well.

And should they succeed, you and I can only guess what will happen next.

Erick, C4L has created a special Liberty Protection Directive I'm counting on you to sign IMMEDIATELY to make your voice heard on this critical issue.

This fight is going to happen fast. The statists are determined to strike while anti-gun hysteria across the U.S. is at full-blast.

The Liberty Protection Directive makes it clear you're drawing a line in the sand.

No more assaults on our gun rights. No more assaults on our civil liberties.

No more standing by silently while the statists build up their prison walls all around us with outrageous schemes, including:

***Unmanned, armed drones flying overhead to spy on us;

***Department of Homeland Security-approved "Fusion Centers" issuing warnings about people who might have the "wrong" presidential candidate's bumper sticker on their car;

***Mandatory groping and naked body scans just to board an airplane;

***Warrantless wiretapping and snooping, enabling nameless, faceless bureaucrats in Washington, D.C. to listen to our phone calls and read our emails;

***Looking the other way while the President claims authority to assassinate American citizens on a whim;

***The NDAA's "indefinite detention" provision allowing our federal government to lock us up FOREVER without so much as a trial.

Of course, they tell you and me they're demolishing our constitutional liberties "for our own good."

They tell us we're so utterly powerless to protect ourselves against anything, we simply must depend on government overlords - who truly know what's best for all of us - to ensure our safety.

And now they're making the same laughable argument about our gun rights!

Studies show countries with high rates of civilian firearms ownership are the safest.

Countries where only those in power are armed - supposedly for the civilian population's "protection" - are cesspools of violence!

This should be no surprise.

The Founders included the Second Amendment in the U.S. Constitution as a bulwark against tyranny - as a check against evil men wielding the sword of government to bloody the American people into submission.

But now the Big Government crowd is going all-out to gut it.

There's no doubt - President Obama's anti-gun blueprint will serve as the basis for the statists' assault on our gun rights.

His outrageous desires to infringe on our liberties include the Feinstein Gun Ban - outlawing firearms that look "scary" - and a ban on magazines holding more than ten rounds.

But by far the worst is a thinly veiled national gun registration scheme hidden under the guise of mandatory background checks.

After all, you and I both know registration is the first step toward outright confiscation.

The establishment will do anything to ram these and other schemes through Congress, so there's no telling where this fight is headed.

And should they succeed on this issue, you and I are likely to see a mad rush of dozens of other outrageous plans designed to shred what remains of our constitutional liberties.

That's why it's critical you sign your Liberty Protection Directive to C4L IMMEDIATELY.

Your Liberty Protection Directive is a key part of the plan Campaign for Liberty President John Tate and I have put together to help fight back against the new attacks on our gun rights coming from Congress.

During my time in Congress, I did everything I could to stop radical assaults on our civil liberties and our Second Amendment rights.

And I have no intention of letting up on that fight now.

I've instructed C4L staff to pull out all the stops - including email, mail, op-eds, and blogs.

This type of program won't be cheap. But my hope is C4L will be able to raise the resources needed to fund hard-hitting radio, newspaper, Internet, and TV ads, as well.

Of course, none of this can happen without your help, so please agree to act today.

Seeing the statists' frantic rush to increase government power and further restrict our freedoms, I have to wonder if our gun rights are the last thread holding our republic together.

What might they do once they have nothing but disarmed victims in their sights?

World history brings to mind some horrific possibilities.

And I, for one, do not want to see that kind of madness happen here.

Instead, I want to do everything I can to guarantee ALL of our constitutional freedoms are protected - including our Second Amendment rights.

If you agree, please sign your Liberty Protection Directive today, and make your most generous contribution of $30.

If that's too much, please agree to your most generous contribution of $20 or even $10.

As I mentioned, there's no time to waste.

So please sign your Liberty Protection Directive to C4L IMMEDIATELY, and consider making a generous contribution of $30, $20, or $10!

For Liberty,

Dr. Ron Paul

P.S. Using fear and mass hysteria, the statists have pulled every trick in the book to GUT some of our most sacred constitutional freedoms - and now they're targeting our gun rights.

You and I must fight back.

That's why it's vital you sign your Liberty Protection Directive to C4L IMMEDIATELY, and if at all possible, make your most generous contribution of $30, $20, or $10.

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Because of Campaign For Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501(C)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions (IRC § 162(e)(1)).

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Friday, January 25, 2013

So what really happened with the filibuster?

Campaign for Liberty

Dear Erick,

Yesterday afternoon, after the U.S. Senate's bipartisan train wreck of a "deal" to weaken the filibuster was reached, Harry Reid stated:

"I'm not personally, at this stage, ready to get rid of the 60-vote threshold [for the filibuster]."

Of course, that's politician-speak. So what's the real translation?

He didn't have the votes to completely GUT the filibuster as he and his statist pals hoped.

Erick, that's due to the hard work of liberty-loving Americans throughout the country who consistently faxed, emailed, and called their U.S. Senators in opposition to Harry Reid's radical scheme.

But while the end result was nowhere near as horrific as it could have been, I certainly cannot call this a complete victory.

Mitch McConnell and Harry Reid DID cut a deal, and the filibuster IS weakened.

Thanks to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's capitulation, some important basic procedural motions of the filibuster process were lost.

But it's not the end of the world, and I certainly don't want you to think that.

In my opinion, there are some very important lessons that must be learned from this fight.

First, your action is making a tremendous difference.

I've heard from more than one source that the phones were ringing off the hook in the U.S. Senate.

Senate faxes were tied up for hours.

In fact, the Senate even tried - but ultimately failed - to figure out a way to block our faxes.

The ONLY reason the Senate filibuster remains largely intact today is because of the action of folks like you.

Second, without your continued action, I'm afraid our Republic is going to speed off a cliff.

I know that perhaps sounds overly dramatic.

But it seems all Harry Reid and President Obama have to do to get the Republican leadership to cave in nowadays is to threaten a fight.

And make no mistake, the flurry of Big Government schemes we've seen recently - FISA reauthorization, NDAA, weakening the filibuster, the disastrous "fiscal cliff" deal, and hiking the debt ceiling - are only a taste of what's to come.

I know you're sick of the constant barrage coming from Congress.

I am, too.

But our Liberty Movement is rising.

I've told you before our Liberty candidates were the only bright spot in the 2012 elections for a Republican Party that performed dismally.

Dr. Paul told you recently about the many successes pro-liberty activists have seen gaining leadership positions within the GOP.

I believe you and I are the future.

But you and I can't take that for granted - and you and I can't let the statists GUT what's left of our constitutional freedoms in the meantime.

The good news is, you and I are holding off the statists' onslaught.

Right now, you and I are the biggest thorn in their sides.

For all your hard work, I thank you. And I know Dr. Paul thanks you, as well.

In Liberty,

John Tate

P.S. Campaign for Liberty has had its hands full in recent weeks trying to stop the statists' schemes.

Thanks to the help of good folks like you, we're making a tremendous impact.

But C4L depends on the generosity of our members to sound the alarm.

So won't you please chip in at least $10 or $20 TODAY to help Campaign for Liberty fight back against the statists' assaults?

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Because of Campaign For Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501(C)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions (IRC § 162(e)(1)).

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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Re: Stand With Rand


Due to technical difficulties, you may not have received the message below correctly:

John Tate just sent an urgent message from the U.S. Capitol.

Mitch McConnell agreed to a filibuster deal, but they still need 67 votes to pass it.

Please read John's message below. Then call BOTH of your U.S. Senators IMMEDIATELY and demand they vote “NO” on the filibuster “deal.”

Sen. Michael Bennet - (202) 224-5852
Sen. Mark Udall - (202) 224-5941 

This so-called “deal” could severely limit our ability to fight Obama’s Big Government agenda!

That’s why it’s VITAL that you call BOTH of your U.S. Senators IMMEDIATELY.

In Liberty,

Norm Singleton
Vice President of Policy

From: John Tate []
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2013 12:30 PM
Subject: Mitch McConnell Caved - Call Senators NOW!
To: Norm Singleton []


I'm up on Capitol Hill.

Mitch McConnell just caved on the filibuster.

They still need 67 votes to approve the so-called "deal."

The good news is, Rand Paul is standing in their way and attempting to defeat their "compromise."

He's determined not to let the "deal" come up by unanimous consent.

Please email all C4L members and supporters and urge them to call their U.S. Senators and DEMAND they STAND WITH RAND!

There's no time to waste.


sent from my iPad

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Because of Campaign For Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501(C)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions (IRC § 162(e)(1)).

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Stand With Rand


John Tate just sent an urgent message from the U.S. Capitol.

Mitch McConnell agreed to a filibuster deal, but they still need 67 votes to pass it.

Please read John's message below. Then call BOTH of your U.S. Senators IMMEDIATELY and demand they vote “NO” on the filibuster “deal.”

Senator %?CF_SENATOR1?% - %?CF_SENATOR1_PH?%
Senator %?CF_SENATOR2?% - %?CF_SENATOR2_PH?%

This so-called “deal” could severely limit our ability to fight Obama’s Big Government agenda!

That’s why it’s VITAL that you call BOTH of your U.S. Senators IMMEDIATELY.

In Liberty,

Norm Singleton
Vice President of Policy

From: John Tate []
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2013 12:30 PM
Subject: Mitch McConnell Caved - Call Senators NOW!
To: Norm Singleton []


I'm up on Capitol Hill.

Mitch McConnell just caved on the filibuster.

They still need 67 votes to approve the so-called "deal."

The good news is, Rand Paul is standing in their way and attempting to defeat their "compromise."

He's determined not to let the "deal" come up by unanimous consent.

Please email all C4L members and supporters and urge them to call their U.S. Senators and DEMAND they STAND WITH RAND!

There's no time to waste.


sent from my iPad

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Because of Campaign For Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501(C)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions (IRC § 162(e)(1)).

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Campaign for Liberty

Dear Erick,

Harry Reid is determined to gut the filibuster...

And he's threatening illegal rule changes to force Minority Leader Mitch McConnell to accept his "deal."

That's why it is VITAL you call Senator Mitch McConnell IMMEDIATELY and demand he REJECT any of Reid's plans to gut the filibuster.

Reid's scheme will turn the U.S. Senate into a rubber stamp for Obama's Big Government agenda.

Tax hikes. Out-of-control spending. Runaway debt.

Gun bans and the destruction of the Bill of Rights.

The fight against Obama's socialist agenda could hinge on the filibuster fight TODAY.

That's why you MUST call Senator Mitch McConnell IMMEDIATELY and demand he REJECT any and all "deals" to gut the filibuster.

Senator Mitch McConnell - (202) 224-2541 

In Liberty,

John Tate

P.S. It is VITAL you call Senator Mitch McConnell IMMEDIATELY and demand he REJECT Harry Reid’s schemes to gut the filibuster.

And please make a generous contribution of $75, $50, or $25 to help Campaign for Liberty fight the statists’ Big Government schemes.

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Because of Campaign For Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501(C)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions (IRC § 162(e)(1)).

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Campaign for Liberty

Dear Erick,

Harry Reid is preparing to force rule changes to effectively gut the filibuster TODAY.

But he will need a dozen Republicans in order to pull it off.

That's why it is VITAL you call your Senators IMMEDIATELY and demand they say NO to Reid's plans to gut the filibuster.

Reid's scheme will turn the U.S. Senate into a rubber stamp for Obama's Big Government agenda.

Tax hikes. Out-of-control spending. Runaway debt.

Gun bans and the destruction of the Bill of Rights.

The fight against Obama's socialist agenda could hinge on the filibuster fight TODAY.

That's why you MUST call both of your Senators IMMEDIATELY and demand they vote against any and all efforts to gut the filibuster.

Senator Sen. Michael Bennet - (202) 224-5852
Senator Sen. Mark Udall - (202) 224-5941

And while you're at it, call Mitch McConnell and urge him to refuse any so-called "deal" that would weaken the filibuster.

Senator Mitch McConnell - (202) 224-2541

In Liberty,

John Tate

P.S. It is VITAL you call your U.S. Senators right away and demand they say NO to Harry Reid’s plan to gut the filibuster TODAY.

And please make a generous contribution of $75, $50, or $25 to help Campaign for Liberty fight the statists’ Big Government schemes.

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Because of Campaign For Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501(C)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions (IRC § 162(e)(1)).

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