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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Keep Fighting

Dear Erick,

By now, you’ve likely heard about the Republican National Committee’s disturbing powergrab at the Republican National Convention in Tampa.

It’s clearer than ever that the Establishment realizes how much influence liberty-minded activists are gaining – and they’re shocked at how quickly we’ve grown.

The Establishment in all parties and levels of government knows that grassroots Americans of varying political stripes are getting involved every day in every state to challenge the status quo, stand up to their control, and defeat their statist schemes.

They watched our overwhelming victory for Audit the Fed in the House in July.

They’ve seen C4L grow to over half a million members in only four years.

This week's lashing out is just the latest example of how scared they’ve become.

And you know what?

They should be!

Contrary to what they probably hoped, this powergrab has ignited a fire within the grassroots.

But it’s time to learn how to channel that righteous indignation we’re all feeling into effective political action.

In order to successfully stand toe-to-toe with the Elite anywhere and everywhere as we advance, we must arm ourselves with the tactics it takes to win.

No infantryman would dare go into battle without his rifle.

Likewise, good political activists shouldn’t go into political dogfights empty-handed, either.

You can pick up your arms by attending the 2012 Liberty Political Action Conference, where our top-notch grassroots trainers will be on hand to teach you what you need to know -- including how to avoid the pitfalls the Establishment sets to trip up well-meaning activists.

In fact, our discounted hotel room rate expires this Friday, August 31st, so I hope you’ll reserve your spot right away.

At LPAC, we’ll band together to make it clear that nothing will discourage us from advancing our beliefs – and that we have the energy, enthusiasm, and motivation it will take to claim victory in the future.

Our training will prepare you to become the most effective activist possible, regardless of which party you’re involved in or how long you’ve been active in the movement.

After what’s happened this week at the RNC, it’s easy to just throw up your hands in disgust and say, “I QUIT!”

I admit it’s certainly the easiest thing to do.

But that’s just what the Establishment wants.

And let’s face it, when have we let what they want stop us before?

When C4L announced our top legislative priority would be Audit the Fed, it was hardly the easiest battle we could have undertaken.

The Old Guard scoffed, “That’s a fool’s errand.  It’s impossible.”

And you know what? We led the charge anyways. And we’ve made history!

We've even seen core issues - including Audit the Fed, a call for a new gold commission, no war without a declaration of war, defending our freedoms online, and a call for restrictions on the use of domestic drones - made an official part of a major party platform.

In reality, this action has only hardened my resolve to double-down on my efforts and continue to take the fight to the Elite everywhere.

And I hope it has for you, as well.

The liberty movement has an advantage over the Establishment.  We’re already armed with the right ideas - the philosophy of liberty.

But being right all the time simply isn’t enough. 

You owe it to yourself, and more importantly, to your ideas, to learn how to win!

So join us at the 2012 Liberty Political Action Conference from September 13-15, where you will be armed with the tactics necessary to stand up and fight back against the Elite in any party or level of government - and WIN BIG!

In Liberty,

Tim Shoemaker
Director of Legislation

P.S. This week, the Republican Party Establishment made it very clear they’re vehemently opposed to grassroots influence over the direction and ideology of the party.

How much we’ve grown and what we can accomplish has the Elite in all parties and levels of government worried.

But quitting and walking away is what they want from us.

You owe it to yourself and your ideas to learn how to take the fight to the Elite anywhere and everywhere and WIN!

Join us at the 2012 Liberty Political Action Conference, where our top-notch grassroots trainers will arm you with the tactics you need to know to turn the tables on the Establishment and claim victory.

Our discounted rate on hotel rooms runs out this Friday, August 31st, so visit right away and sign up today!

C4L’s training will prepare you to become the most effective activist possible, regardless of which party you’re involved in or how long you’ve been active in the movement.

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Tribute to Ron Paul

Dear Erick,

Yesterday, Ron Paul walked onto the convention floor to a thunderous applause.
And just a few moments ago, the RNC played this special tribute video to Dr. Paul at the National Convention to recognize his hard work and dedication to constitutional principles over the years.

It’s amazing how far we’ve come over these past four years.
And there’s no denying that WE are the future of the Republican Party!

For Liberty, 

John Tate
Campaign Manager

Paid for by Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Update From Tampa

Dear Erick,

I’ve been doing conventions long enough to realize that when you don’t have the numbers, things will not go your way.

Today, we didn’t have the numbers.  That is not in question.

Four years ago, the Republican Party simply handled our R3VOLUTION by slamming the door in our faces with hardly any consequences.

Today, the GOP establishment can no longer afford to employ these tactics. 

Instead, they’ve adopted new ones.

Properly elected Ron Paul delegates were stripped from us.  And when a motion was made to amend the Credentials Committee Report, it was ignored.

Morton Blackwell, a longtime conservative activist and RNC Rules Committee expert, found himself indefinitely detained – along with the rest of the Virginia delegation.

The RNC’s bus driver responsible for transporting delegates somehow “got lost” for well over an hour until a critical Rules Committee meeting adjourned.

Blackwell and the Virginia delegation were heading up the efforts to defeat new RNC rules proposed by Washington, D.C.-based insider attorneys.

These rules are designed to turn the Republican Party into a top-down organization and strip power away from state parties and grassroots activists of every stripe.

All efforts to vote down these onerous rules were ignored despite a clear split in the voice vote.

Sadly, these rules will now govern the party.

While it is almost certain we did not have the votes on the floor to win either of these battles, a fair and open debate and recognition of our motions would have been a better way for these problems to have been handled.
It didn’t have to be this way.  And quite frankly, it’s a shame.

It’s a shame for Ron Paul supporters.  It’s a shame for conservative activists of all stripes, and it’s a shame for the Republican Party.

However, you and I have much to be proud of.

Many of the amendments our campaign fought for were included in the new GOP platform.  Four years ago, many politicians in both parties scoffed at our efforts to audit the Federal Reserve.

Now it’s in the Republican Platform – along with internet freedom, war only under a Congressional declaration, support for a gold commission, and fighting back against domestic drones.

We also forced the establishment to cave in and seat more of our delegates than they wanted to.

Instead of being shut out of the convention, Ron Paul was able to walk the floor and talk to his delegates Tuesday afternoon.

Coalitions that have been built over the past several weeks on these battles will last long into the future.

Our liberty movement is growing.  It’s growing fast.

And the underhanded actions we’ve seen over the past week are sure to drive more folks into our camp.

I’m proud of our liberty movement.  I’m proud of all we’ve accomplished.  I’m proud of you.

I strongly believe you and I are the future.

Winning won’t be easy.  Our opponents are determined to maintain their iron grip on power.

But their days are numbered – if I can count on you to keep up the fight.

The Ron Paul R3VOLUTION is not coming to end.

Our R3VOLUTION will not end until limited government, free markets, sound money, and respect for individual liberty, constitutional principles, and a pro-America foreign policy are finally restored in America.

And you will play a vital role in making this a reality.

For Liberty, 

John Tate
Campaign Manager

P.S.  The establishment is going to use every trick in the book to hold onto their power. 

But they know you and I are the future of the Republican Party.  Their days in power are numbered - if I can count on you to stay involved.

Our R3VOLUTION did not end today.  It’s only beginning.

Paid for by Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee

Discount Ends This Friday

Dear Erick,

If you’re making plans to attend the 2012 Liberty Political Action Conference this September 13-15 in Chantilly, Virginia, but haven’t yet reserved your room at the Westfields Marriott, time is running out to take advantage of our discounted rate.

The Westfields Marriott staff graciously agreed to extend our room rate through this Friday, August 31st, but that is the last day we will be able to guarantee you a discount on rooms.

So don’t delay!

Click on the image below to find out more as C4L looks forward to an unforgettable weekend of inspiration, motivation, and preparation for the battles ahead!

In Liberty,

Matt Hawes
Vice President

P.S. LPAC 2012 is just around the corner, and our special discounted rate on rooms at the Westfields Marriott in Chantilly, Virginia, runs out this Friday, August 31st.

So don’t delay!

Click on the image above to find out more about our room rate and purchase your ticket(s) for LPAC 2012 today!

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Saturday, August 25, 2012




Individual liberty is precious to you and me, but our cherished freedoms are under threat. Mallory Factor's shocking new exposé -- SHADOWBOSSES -- reveals exactly how forced unionism and union political spending put a stranglehold on our liberty and corrupt our political process. Order SHADOWBOSSES now so that you can stop government employee unions from growing our government and eroding our liberties.

In Liberty,

Rand Paul

background Shadowbosses Book Cover Twitter Facebook

Government Unions Control America and Rob Taxpayers Blind

BUY this book @

Campaign for Liberty • 5211 Port Royal Rd, Suite 310• Springfield, Virginia 22151

Help C4L's mission to Reclaim the Republic and Restore the Constitution by purchasing Shadowbosses today

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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Three Weeks from Today

Dear Erick,

Three weeks from today, the 2012 Liberty Political Action Conference will kick off at the Westfields Marriott in Chantilly, Virginia!

On September 13-15, hundreds of dedicated grassroots patriots will gather at LPAC to celebrate the principles of freedom, recharge among like-minded friends, and prepare for the battles ahead.

Speakers including Congressman Ron Paul, Senator Rand Paul, Senator Mike Lee, Congressman Justin Amash, and Senator Jim DeMint will join C4L for this historic weekend, and seasoned veterans will equip attendees with the tools needed to achieve victory on our issues at the local, state, and national levels.

After our efforts helped ensure Audit the Fed overwhelmingly passed through the U.S. House in July, the energy and enthusiasm we will display at LPAC 2012 will show the establishment that we are only getting warmed up.

For those making plans to attend, I'm pleased to announce that the Westfields Marriott has extended our room discount until August 31!

But space is limited, so if you intend on being at LPAC and haven't yet reserved your room, visit right away to learn how to obtain a room at our special rate.

Tickets for all three days of main stage activities (including our training) are only $120, and students can obtain a three-day pass for only $40.

Single-day tickets are also available.

So don't miss out on a weekend that will inspire, motivate, and equip you to keep fighting to Reclaim the Republic and Restore the Constitution.

Get your ticket(s) at today!

In Liberty,

Matt Hawes
Vice President

P.S. Only three weeks remain until the 2012 Liberty Political Action Conference kicks off in Chantilly, Virginia!

On September 13-15, hundreds of your fellow grassroots patriots will join speakers including Congressman Ron Paul, Senator Rand Paul, Senator Mike Lee, Congressman Justin Amash, and Senator Jim DeMint at the Westfields Marriott.

LPAC will also feature seasoned veterans who will equip attendees with the tools needed to achieve victory on our issues at the local, state, and national levels.

For those still finalizing their plans to attend, I'm pleased to announce that the Westfields Marriott has extended our room discount until August 31!

For more information on LPAC 2012, and to purchase your ticket(s), visit right away!

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You were added to the system September 15, 2011. For more information
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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

fwd: The fight shifts to the Senate

Erick --

When the Senate returns from recess, I plan on making an all-out push to force a vote on Audit the Fed.

With the House overwhelmingly passing my dad’s bill, momentum is on our side.

But news reports indicate Harry Reid will refuse to schedule a vote.

The only way to bypass his opposition is to swamp the Senate with grassroots activism.

That’s why if you haven’t had a chance to read my dad’s email below and support C4L’s efforts to force a vote on Audit the Fed (H.R. 459/S. 202), I hope you’ll take a few moments to do so.

I also ask that you forward this email to five of your friends and urge them to join the fight today.

You see, our strength is in numbers.

Your signed petitions, phone calls, and emails helped stampede the opposition in the House.

Audit the Fed’s massive victory would not have been possible without your action.

Our best chance to force a vote on Audit the Fed in the Senate is to generate a similar tidal wave.

So please forward this email to five friends and neighbors so C4L can flood the Senate with petitions from outraged Americans demanding the Senate vote on Audit the Fed (H.R. 459/S. 202).

And if you haven’t already, please read my dad’s email below and help C4L in their fight for full transparency and accountability at the Fed.

In Liberty,


Dear Rand,

For years, the Fed has been shrouded in secrecy as it manipulates markets, bails out its allies, and corrupts our currency.

But we just took a major step toward finally reining in the Fed. Audit the Fed passed the U.S. House 327 to 98, setting up a showdown in the Senate.

I've led this fight for years in Congress, and this session, my son Rand has joined the battle in the Senate.

As the Senate battle draws near, it’s vital C4L be able to activate millions of grassroots supporters from around the country.

The vote will be close. Your action today could well make the difference.

So please, read the email below from my friend Matt Hawes of Campaign for Liberty. Lend them your support and your action today.

For Liberty,

Congressman Ron Paul

Campaign for Liberty

Dear Rand,

Our first major battle in the fight to pass Audit the Fed this Congress has been won.  At the end of July, the U.S. House passed Ron Paul’s Audit the Fed bill 327 to 98.  

Now our second major battle – and our toughest one yet – gets fully underway.  The U.S. Senate awaits. 

And if you’ve seen Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke smiling recently, I’ll tell you why.  He thinks he has Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and his Fed-loving, statist allies in his pocket.

That’s why it’s vital you act today to help push our momentum forward in the U.S. Senate and prove them wrong.

Senator Rand Paul stands ready to lead the charge on the inside.  What he needs the most now is our critical grassroots backup.

In a moment I'll give you a link to the petition urging your senators to support Audit the Fed and insisting the Senate bring it up for a standalone, roll call vote, but let me first explain why this fight is so crucial.

This battle will NOT be easy.  There are many “Wall Street” senators who depend on the global elite for their campaign funds and their Senate seat.

It is up to you and me to show them that seat is at risk if they stand with the renegade Fed this time.

Patriots like you have helped win battles all across the nation these past few years - passing legislation to protect liberty at the state level, defeating statist schemes on Capitol Hill, and taking party positions as we work to make a lasting impact.  

And you have helped C4L bring the Federal Reserve right into the center of the political debate.  Thanks to your hard work and that of so many other Patriots, the Fed sits in shadows no more.

For years, the Federal Reserve has toiled in secrecy, with its propping up of world banks, bailing out of cronies, and printing of fiat currency not just unregulated, but largely unknown.

Those in the Washington establishment and global elite knew all about it, though.  They knew the Fed propped up Wall Street bankers.  They knew it floated loans to third world dictators.  They knew it was devaluing the dollar and risking our entire economic system.

They were just hoping the American people wouldn’t find out.

But from coast to coast, Americans are waking up to the Fed’s disastrous history and actions.  They’re not only learning about all the problems the Fed causes in our economy, but they’re so outraged they’re demanding Congress take action.

The Fed put you and me on the hook for trillions.  And remember when the head of the Fed refused to tell Congress where our money went just a few short years ago?

Times sure are changing.

Sign the Petition

You and I – and our Audit the Fed effort - have the banksters shaking in their boots.  Desperate to hold on to both their power and their secrecy, they’ve done everything they can to stop our fight for transparency.

But we’re not backing down.  We’re turning the pressure up.

You and I are already fresh off a major victory, as Audit the Fed passed the House without being watered down to make the banksters happy.

Now we stand on the verge of making history in the U.S. Senate.

Campaign for Liberty is planning a massive grassroots tidal wave of action for the time surrounding this historic vote, but only your help today will make these plans possible.

We want to make sure millions more Americans hear about the outrages perpetrated by the Fed and realize they can take action.

***  If we have the resources, we will launch hard-hitting TV ads, web ads, direct mail, and other targeted communications.

***  In addition, we will blanket the air, print, and web with earned media, tapping our vast network of reporters, editors, and opinion-makers to help shine the brightest spotlight possible on our Audit the Fed efforts in the Senate.

It is my goal to contact 5 million Americans in the coming weeks and rally them to help us make this massive push to Audit the Fed.  None of this will be cheap, though. 

In fact, if I can count on our members to stand by us now, I’m hoping to raise $1.5 million in the coming weeks to spread the word far and wide.

It’s no secret that money is tight for most people these days, including Campaign for Liberty.  And we certainly know there are other worthy places to put your money.  Believe me, we understand.

But time is running out to put all of our plans into motion.  I am afraid if we let the opportunities we have this year slip away, our fight to Audit - and then END - the Fed will be set back years.

You and I have never had a better chance to win this battle.

Sign the Petition

Our issue has never had a bigger spotlight, a broader appeal, or more public evidence on our side, thanks to all of your hard work and C4L’s efforts to spread the word these last few years.

The American people heard all about the TARP bailouts.

They heard about QE 1 and 2, and they know another round could be on the way soon.  They saw the Fed bail out the central banks of Europe. 

They see our debt mounting and our dollar crumbling.  And they’re angry.  It is time to rally them to our cause and finish this fight.

Campaign for Liberty must move forward with our grassroots activism plan in order to win in the Senate.

So please, help Campaign for Liberty take advantage of our historic opportunity to pass the Audit the Fed bill by filling out your petition and making your most generous possible contribution of $100, $50, $25, $10 - or whatever you can afford - to C4L today!

With the public spotlight of our victory in the House, and with the Fed being a major topic of political discussion and debate right now, the first part of our plan has come together, after years of hard work.

Now you and I must finish the job in the Senate.  Senator Rand Paul stands ready to fight, and Campaign for Liberty is working to mobilize the critical grassroots backup he needs to advance Audit the Fed.

So please, complete your petition to C4L and make your most generous possible contribution today.

Thank you for all you do to help C4L Reclaim the Republic and Restore the Constitution.

In Liberty,

Campaign for Liberty

Matt Hawes
Vice President

P.S. Our historic victory for Audit the Fed in the U.S. House, where it recently passed 327 to 98, has set the stage for us to take on our toughest battle yet – the U.S. Senate.  The banksters and their allies in Congress will do everything they can to stop or water down this vital reform in the Senate.

But, thanks to the hard work of so many dedicated Patriots these past few years, we have our best chance ever to pass Audit the Fed.  It’s also our last chance with Dr. Paul in Congress.  So it’s time to turn up the heat on the Senate!

Please fill out your petition and send your most generous contribution of $100, $50, $25, $10 - or whatever you can afford - to C4L today

Thank you for your support.

Sign the Petition

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Happy Birthday, Dr. Ron Paul!

August 20, 2012

Happy Birthday, Dr. Ron Paul!

Ron Paul is celebrating his 77th birthday today!

Please post your birthday wishes at and/or on Facebook as a birthday surprise to Ron Paul!

Poll: What Should Ron Paul Do Now?

Participate in our latest poll.

Cut Military Spending & Stop Nation Building to Keep Us Free and Safe

by Ron Paul

Grover Norquist, the influential conservative activist, recently made some very frank and sobering remarks about the U.S. military budget. Unlike many conservatives, Mr. Norquist understands that American national security interests are not served by the interventionist foreign policy mindset that has dominated both political parties in recent decades. He also understands that there is nothing "conservative" about incurring trillions of dollars in debt to engage in hopeless nation building exercises overseas.

Read the rest...

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Popular Ron Paul Videos

Ron Paul: There's "No Way" I'm Ready to Endorse Romney (51,832 views)

Ron Paul 2012: America Must Be Free Again (45,211 views)

House Passes Ron Paul's Audit the Fed Bill 327-98 (35,899 views)

Ron Paul Sets Texas on Fire with the Best Speech of His Life (22,750 views)

Ron Paul: The People Want Transparency (15,657 views)

For Liberty!


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Disclaimer: and these email updates are maintained by independent grassroots supporters of Ron Paul. They are not paid for, approved, endorsed or reviewed by Congressman Ron Paul.

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Sunday, August 19, 2012

It's Easy to Just Complain

Dear Erick,

Venting your frustrations against politicians and Big Government can make you feel better in the short term.

But in the end, it doesn’t accomplish a whole lot by itself.

If you and I want to reclaim the Republic, we need to stop acting like victims.

You can start by attending the 2012 Liberty Political Action Conference (LPAC) on September 13-15.

Do we just want to yell about what’s going wrong?

Or do we want to win on our ideas, give Big Government statists the fight of their lives, and take our country back?

If you’re willing to shred that victim card and equip yourself to be the most effective liberty activist possible, I urge you to join us for LPAC 2012.

I know some can’t make it this year due to finances, health, or other concerns, but they’ll be there with us in spirit – and carrying on the fight the best they can in their local area.

But if you’re able to come to Chantilly, Virginia, in September, you’ll take part in a weekend to remember.

In addition to hearing speakers including Congressman Ron Paul, Senator Rand Paul, Senator Mike Lee, Joel Salatin, Jerry Doyle, Mike Church, Jack Hunter, and more, seasoned veterans will teach you how to:

- Stop politicians from conning you into thinking there’s nothing you can do to fight back;

- Pick a bill sponsor and get the legislature on record in order to prepare for the election season;

- Effectively put pressure on legislators to vote correctly (and turn up the heat if they oppose our issues);

- See past the statists’ tricks and distortions that get too many activists off-track;

- Raise the resources needed to fund your efforts and build a solid foundation for lasting victories in the future.

And that’s just for starters!

A three-day pass to hear all of our speakers and receive our second-to-none grassroots training costs only $120.

For those who can’t afford to attend all three days, one-day passes are also available, and you can purchase a ticket for only the Saturday training session, as well.

Rooms at the beautiful Westfields Marriott are available at a significant discount – but only if they’re reserved before August 24.

As we look ahead to fights on multiple fronts, LPAC 2012 will provide C4L members a chance to gather for a time of motivation, encouragement, and preparation for the work to come.

So sign up today, tear up that victim card, and turn that frustration into effective activism that wins on our ideas!

In Liberty,

Matt Hawes
Vice President

P.S.  Venting our frustrations against Big Government statists feels good in the short term, but it ultimately doesn’t accomplish very much by itself.

It’s time to tear up our victim cards once and for all and take our country back!

If you want to equip yourself to become the most effective activist possible, I urge you to attend LPAC 2012.

I know some can’t make it this year due to finances, health, or other concerns, but they’ll be there with us in spirit – and carrying on the fight the best they can in their local area.

But for those who are able to attend, you won’t want to miss our incredible lineup of speakers and second-to-none grassroots training!

Find out more and sign up for LPAC 2012 today at!

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Friday, August 17, 2012

Join us at LPAC

Dear Erick,

This September, the movers and shakers of the liberty movement will gather at the Westfields Marriott in Chantilly, Virginia, for the second annual Liberty Political Action Conference (LPAC)!

From September 13-15, LPAC will bring together hundreds of freedom-loving grassroots activists from all across the nation for 3 exciting days of speakers, training, receptions, and more!

Confirmed speakers include:

Senator Rand Paul
Senator Mike Lee
Senator Jim DeMint
Congressman Justin Amash
Congressman Scott Garrett
Joel Salatin
Mike Church
Jerry Doyle
And many more!

Campaign for Liberty’s own Donna Holt (State Director, VA C4L), Shawn Dow (State Coordinator, AZ C4L), and Tony DeMott (State Coordinator, MI C4L) will share their experiences and successes as state leaders.  Dave Pridgeon, C4L county leader and State Operations volunteer, will share his many successes in the local arena.

Of course, LPAC would not be complete without Congressman Ron Paul, who has confirmed he will be in attendance. 

Congressman Paul has stood up in defense of the Constitution and individual freedom for over 30 years, and his founding of C4L in 2008 ensured a continuing grassroots impact on the political landscape by liberty-minded activists.

LPAC 2012 is guaranteed to be an exciting, motivating, and encouraging weekend for all those desiring to reclaim the Republic and restore the Constitution.

And our grassroots training will equip you with the tools you need to turn your passion into effective action.

If you are serious about reclaiming the Republic, you simply must be at this Conference.

You can purchase your tickets and reserve a room at the Westfields Marriott in Chantilly, Virginia, by clicking here

When you purchase your tickets, make sure to enter Donation Referral Code COLPAC2012 to be entered into a drawing to win a free VIP pass to the Conference!

Please visit to learn more about our Conference activities and reserve your ticket(s) today!

Don’t miss this opportunity to gather with like-minded patriots from across the nation who share your commitment to winning our country back.

LPAC 2012 will equip you for legislative battles and capture the excitement and enthusiasm of a movement ready to make its mark on history!

I look forward to seeing you there.

In Liberty,

Matt Holdridge
Colorado State Coordinator
Campaign For Liberty

P.S. LPAC 2012 will be held at the Westfields Marriott in Chantilly, Virginia, on September 13-15.  Click here to order your tickets and reserve your room. 
Enter Donation Referral Code COLPAC2012 for a chance to win a free VIP pass to the Conference!

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fwd: The fight shifts to the Senate

Erick --

Did you get a chance to read Dr. Paul's email?

Your action today is our best chance to force a vote in the Senate on Audit the Fed.

In Liberty,


Dear Teri,

For years, the Fed has been shrouded in secrecy as it manipulates markets, bails out its allies, and corrupts our currency.

But we just took a major step toward finally reining in the Fed. Audit the Fed passed the U.S. House 327 to 98, setting up a showdown in the Senate.

I've led this fight for years in Congress, and this session, my son Rand has joined the battle in the Senate.

As the Senate battle draws near, it’s vital C4L be able to activate millions of grassroots supporters from around the country.

The vote will be close. Your action today could well make the difference.

So please, read the email below from my friend Matt Hawes of Campaign for Liberty. Lend them your support and your action today.

For Liberty,

Congressman Ron Paul

Campaign for Liberty

Dear Teri,

Our first major battle in the fight to pass Audit the Fed this Congress has been won.  At the end of July, the U.S. House passed Ron Paul’s Audit the Fed bill 327 to 98.  

Now our second major battle – and our toughest one yet – gets fully underway.  The U.S. Senate awaits. 

And if you’ve seen Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke smiling recently, I’ll tell you why.  He thinks he has Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and his Fed-loving, statist allies in his pocket.

That’s why it’s vital you act today to help push our momentum forward in the U.S. Senate and prove them wrong.

Senator Rand Paul stands ready to lead the charge on the inside.  What he needs the most now is our critical grassroots backup.

In a moment I'll give you a link to the petition urging your senators to support Audit the Fed and insisting the Senate bring it up for a standalone, roll call vote, but let me first explain why this fight is so crucial.

This battle will NOT be easy.  There are many “Wall Street” senators who depend on the global elite for their campaign funds and their Senate seat.

It is up to you and me to show them that seat is at risk if they stand with the renegade Fed this time.

Patriots like you have helped win battles all across the nation these past few years - passing legislation to protect liberty at the state level, defeating statist schemes on Capitol Hill, and taking party positions as we work to make a lasting impact.  

And you have helped C4L bring the Federal Reserve right into the center of the political debate.  Thanks to your hard work and that of so many other Patriots, the Fed sits in shadows no more.

For years, the Federal Reserve has toiled in secrecy, with its propping up of world banks, bailing out of cronies, and printing of fiat currency not just unregulated, but largely unknown.

Those in the Washington establishment and global elite knew all about it, though.  They knew the Fed propped up Wall Street bankers.  They knew it floated loans to third world dictators.  They knew it was devaluing the dollar and risking our entire economic system.

They were just hoping the American people wouldn’t find out.

But from coast to coast, Americans are waking up to the Fed’s disastrous history and actions.  They’re not only learning about all the problems the Fed causes in our economy, but they’re so outraged they’re demanding Congress take action.

The Fed put you and me on the hook for trillions.  And remember when the head of the Fed refused to tell Congress where our money went just a few short years ago?

Times sure are changing.

Sign the Petition

You and I – and our Audit the Fed effort - have the banksters shaking in their boots.  Desperate to hold on to both their power and their secrecy, they’ve done everything they can to stop our fight for transparency.

But we’re not backing down.  We’re turning the pressure up.

You and I are already fresh off a major victory, as Audit the Fed passed the House without being watered down to make the banksters happy.

Now we stand on the verge of making history in the U.S. Senate.

Campaign for Liberty is planning a massive grassroots tidal wave of action for the time surrounding this historic vote, but only your help today will make these plans possible.

We want to make sure millions more Americans hear about the outrages perpetrated by the Fed and realize they can take action.

***  If we have the resources, we will launch hard-hitting TV ads, web ads, direct mail, and other targeted communications.

***  In addition, we will blanket the air, print, and web with earned media, tapping our vast network of reporters, editors, and opinion-makers to help shine the brightest spotlight possible on our Audit the Fed efforts in the Senate.

It is my goal to contact 5 million Americans in the coming weeks and rally them to help us make this massive push to Audit the Fed.  None of this will be cheap, though. 

In fact, if I can count on our members to stand by us now, I’m hoping to raise $1.5 million in the coming weeks to spread the word far and wide.

It’s no secret that money is tight for most people these days, including Campaign for Liberty.  And we certainly know there are other worthy places to put your money.  Believe me, we understand.

But time is running out to put all of our plans into motion.  I am afraid if we let the opportunities we have this year slip away, our fight to Audit - and then END - the Fed will be set back years.

You and I have never had a better chance to win this battle.

Sign the Petition

Our issue has never had a bigger spotlight, a broader appeal, or more public evidence on our side, thanks to all of your hard work and C4L’s efforts to spread the word these last few years.

The American people heard all about the TARP bailouts.

They heard about QE 1 and 2, and they know another round could be on the way soon.  They saw the Fed bail out the central banks of Europe. 

They see our debt mounting and our dollar crumbling.  And they’re angry.  It is time to rally them to our cause and finish this fight.

Campaign for Liberty must move forward with our grassroots activism plan in order to win in the Senate.

So please, help Campaign for Liberty take advantage of our historic opportunity to pass the Audit the Fed bill by filling out your petition and making your most generous possible contribution of $100, $50, $25, $10 - or whatever you can afford - to C4L today!

With the public spotlight of our victory in the House, and with the Fed being a major topic of political discussion and debate right now, the first part of our plan has come together, after years of hard work.

Now you and I must finish the job in the Senate.  Senator Rand Paul stands ready to fight, and Campaign for Liberty is working to mobilize the critical grassroots backup he needs to advance Audit the Fed.

So please, complete your petition to C4L and make your most generous possible contribution today.

Thank you for all you do to help C4L Reclaim the Republic and Restore the Constitution.

In Liberty,

Campaign for Liberty

Matt Hawes
Vice President

P.S. Our historic victory for Audit the Fed in the U.S. House, where it recently passed 327 to 98, has set the stage for us to take on our toughest battle yet – the U.S. Senate.  The banksters and their allies in Congress will do everything they can to stop or water down this vital reform in the Senate.

But, thanks to the hard work of so many dedicated Patriots these past few years, we have our best chance ever to pass Audit the Fed.  It’s also our last chance with Dr. Paul in Congress.  So it’s time to turn up the heat on the Senate!

Please fill out your petition and send your most generous contribution of $100, $50, $25, $10 - or whatever you can afford - to C4L today

Thank you for your support.

Sign the Petition

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You were added to the system September 15, 2011. For more information
click here.
View this email as a web page.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The fight shifts to the Senate

Campaign for Liberty

Dear Erick,

For years, the Fed has been shrouded in secrecy as it manipulates markets, bails out its allies, and corrupts our currency.

But we just took a major step toward finally reining in the Fed. Audit the Fed passed the U.S. House 327 to 98, setting up a showdown in the Senate.

I’ve led the fight throughout this Congress on Audit the Fed – and we’ve been joined every step of the way by Campaign for Liberty.

As the Senate battle draws near, it’s vital C4L be able to activate millions of grassroots supporters from around the country.

The vote will be close. Your action today could well make the difference.

So please, read the email below from my friend Matt Hawes of Campaign for Liberty. Lend them your support and your action today.

For Liberty,

Rand Paul
Senator Rand Paul

Campaign for Liberty

Dear Erick,

Our first major battle in the fight to pass Audit the Fed this Congress has been won.  At the end of July, the U.S. House passed Ron Paul’s Audit the Fed bill 327 to 98.  

Now our second major battle – and our toughest one – gets fully underway.  The U.S. Senate awaits. 

And if you’ve seen Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke smiling recently, I’ll tell you why.  He thinks he has Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and his Fed-loving, statist allies in his pocket.

That’s why it’s vital you act today to help push our momentum forward in the U.S. Senate and prove them wrong.

Senator Rand Paul stands ready to lead the charge on the inside.  What he needs the most now is our critical grassroots backup.

I'll give you a link to the petition urging your senators to support Audit the Fed and insisting the Senate bring it up for a standalone, roll call vote in a moment, but let explain why this fight is so crucial.

This battle will NOT be easy.  There are many “Wall Street” senators who depend on the global elite for their campaign funds and their Senate seat.

It is up to you and me to show them that seat is at risk if they stand with the renegade Fed this time.

Patriots like you have helped win battles all across the nation these past few years - passing legislation to protect liberty at the state level, defeating statist schemes on Capitol Hill, and taking party positions as we work to make a lasting impact.  

AND you have helped C4L bring the Federal Reserve right into the center of the political debate.  Thanks to your hard work and that of so many other Patriots, the Fed sits in shadows no more.

For years, the Federal Reserve has toiled in secrecy, with its propping up of world banks, bailing out of cronies, and printing of fiat currency not just unregulated, but largely unknown.

Those in the Washington establishment and global elite knew all about it, though.  They knew the Fed propped up Wall Street bankers.  They knew it floated loans to third world dictators.  They knew it was devaluing the dollar and risking our entire economic system.

They were just hoping the American people wouldn’t find out.

But from coast to coast, Americans are waking up to the Fed’s disastrous history and actions.  They’re not only learning about all the problems the Fed causes in our economy, but they’re so outraged they’re demanding Congress take action.

The Fed put you and me on the hook for trillions.  And remember when the head of the Fed refused to tell Congress where our money went just a few short years ago?

Times sure are changing.

Sign the Petition

You and I – and our Audit the Fed effort - have the banksters shaking in their boots.  Desperate to hold on to both their power and their secrecy, they’ve done everything they can to stop our fight for transparency.

But we’re not backing down.  We’re turning the pressure up.

You and I are already fresh off a major victory, as Audit the Fed passed the House without being watered down to make the banksters happy.

Now we stand on the verge of making history in the U.S. Senate.

Campaign for Liberty is planning a massive grassroots tidal wave of action for the time surrounding this historic vote, but only your help today will make these plans possible.

We want to make sure millions more Americans hear about the outrages perpetrated by the Fed and realize they can take action.

***  If we have the resources, we will launch hard-hitting TV ads, web ads, direct mail, and other targeted communications.

***  In addition, we will blanket the air, print, and web with earned media, tapping our vast network of reporters, editors, and opinion-makers to help shine the brightest spotlight possible on our Audit the Fed efforts in the Senate.

It is my goal to contact 5 million Americans in the coming weeks and rally them to help us make this massive push to Audit the Fed.  None of this will be cheap, though. 

In fact, if I can count on our members to stand by us now, I’m hoping to raise $1.5 million in the coming weeks to spread the word far and wide.

It’s no secret that money is tight for most people these days, including Campaign for Liberty.  And we certainly know there are other worthy places to put your money.  Believe me, we understand.

But time is running out to put all of our plans into motion.  I am afraid if we let the opportunities we have this year slip away, our fight to Audit - and then END - the Fed will be set back years.

You and I have never had a better chance to win this battle.

Sign the Petition

Our issue has never had a bigger spotlight, a broader appeal, or more public evidence on our side, thanks to all of your hard work and C4L’s efforts to spread the word these last few years.

The American people heard all about the TARP bailouts.

They heard about QE 1 and 2, and they know another round could be on the way soon.  They saw the Fed bail out the central banks of Europe. 

They see our debt mounting and our dollar crumbling.  And they’re angry.  It is time to rally them to our cause and finish this fight.

Campaign for Liberty must move forward with our grassroots activism plan in order to win in the Senate.

So please, help Campaign for Liberty take advantage of our historic opportunity to pass the Audit the Fed bill by filling out your petition, and make your most generous possible contribution of $100, $50, $25, $10 - or whatever you can afford - to C4L today!

With the public spotlight of our victory in the House, and with the Fed being a major topic of political discussion and debate right now, the first part of our plan has come together, after years of hard work.

Now you and I must finish the job in the Senate.  Senator Rand Paul stands ready to fight, and Campaign for Liberty is working to mobilize the critical grassroots backup he needs to advance Audit the Fed.

So please, complete your petition to C4L today, and make your most generous possible contribution today.

Thank you for all you do to help C4L Reclaim the Republic and Restore the Constitution.

In Liberty,

Campaign for Liberty

Matt Hawes
Vice President

P.S. Our historic victory for Audit the Fed in the U.S. House, where it recently passed 327 to 98, has set the stage for us to take on our toughest battle yet – the U.S. Senate.  The banksters and their allies in Congress will do everything they can to stop or water down this vital reform in the Senate.

But, thanks to the hard work of so many dedicated Patriots these past few years, we have our best chance ever to pass Audit the Fed.  It’s also our last chance with Dr. Paul in Congress.  So it’s time to turn up the heat on the Senate!

Please fill out your petition, and make your most generous contribution of $100, $50, $25, $10 - or whatever you can afford - to C4L today

Thank you for your support.

Sign the Petition

This message was intended for:
You were added to the system September 15, 2011. For more information
click here.
View this email as a web page.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Let the Fight Begin

Dear Erick,

The credentials fight you and I were expecting to have in Tampa has already started.

The Committee on Contests recently issued a ruling on the establishment’s challenge to Ron Paul’s delegates and alternates who were duly elected in Maine, and on our challenges to the outright cheating that occurred in Louisiana, Massachusetts, and Oregon (alternates only).

Despite Ron Paul’s supporters being so clearly in the right in these four states, the establishment is so far refusing to rule fairly and seat our duly elected delegates and/or alternates.

Here’s a brief summary of the bogus challenge made by the GOP establishment against us in Maine, as well as our challenges to the cheating that occurred elsewhere:

***  In Maine, where Ron Paul supporters held a clear majority at the State Convention, the establishment is attempting to unseat the state’s duly elected delegates and alternates – acting like sore losers in the process. The challenge to our delegates in Maine is so bogus that Republican Governor Paul LePage – who is one of the few delegates not being challenged by the establishment – has declared he will not attend the Republican National Convention unless Ron Paul's delegates and alternates who were duly elected are seated;

***  In Louisiana, establishment “big wigs” used threats, intimidation, and force – literally smashing the bones of one gentleman – to shut out Ron Paul supporters who had a clear majority at the State Convention;

***  In Oregon, the State Chairman blatantly ignored the votes of the Convention, taking it upon himself to replace the duly elected alternate delegates with an “appointed” slate chocked-full of establishment cronies;

***  In Mitt Romney’s home state of Massachusetts, corrupt Party officials changed the rules after the game was over – kicking out Ron Paul’s duly elected delegates and alternates and replacing them with their hand-picked cronies.

As you can see, the Old Guard establishment doesn’t care about cheating, lying, abuse of process, and high-handedness in our Party.

All they seem to care about is maintaining their iron grip over the Republican Party.

But Ron Paul’s number-one goal for the RNC is making sure his delegates and alternates who deserve to be seated in Tampa are credentialed.

So if the establishment wants a fight in Tampa, rest assured we’re going to give them one.

Currently, our campaign lawyers and staff are furiously working to analyze and craft the appropriate response to the Committee’s rulings, and we’ll be sure to keep you informed as we move forward in the process.

And believe me, we will not sit idly by and watch the establishment run roughshod over Ron Paul’s supporters who were illegally railroaded by the GOP.

We will stand up and fight for all of Ron Paul’s delegates and/or alternates in these four states – and we will not back down.

Of course, one would think the Romney campaign would want these conflicts resolved so they didn’t become major issues at the Convention.

But so far they’ve sat idly by on the sidelines.

Hopefully they’ll change their do-nothing approach once they realize we’re serious about going all-out to win these credentials battles.

And remember, nearly 90 major media outlets have already reserved a spot at our “We are the Future Rally.”

So if the GOP goes through with these bogus challenges, they won’t be able to hide behind their iron curtain.  They will be exposed by the press.

The good news is, the Committee on Contests’ ruling is not the final word in this fight.

The battle will be decided by the Credentials Committee in Tampa – where we are very organized and prepared to take action.

As the battle rages on over the next two weeks, I’ll be sure to keep you updated on our progress and any new developments that occur along the way.

I hope to see you in Tampa.

For Liberty, 

John Tate
Campaign Manager

P.S. Please keep in mind that we are helping our delegates who are suffering from financial hardship during these tough economic times attend the convention.

If you’d like to help your fellow Ron Paul delegates get to Tampa for the Republican National Convention, please click HERE to chip in with a generous contribution.

Any amount you contribute will be put directly toward helping Ron Paul’s delegates.


Paid for by Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee