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Monday, April 8, 2013

They're Sneering at You

Campaign for Liberty

Dear Erick,

Right now, RNC members from all over the country are finishing up last-minute packing and preparing to head to the Republican National Committee's spring meeting that starts on Wednesday.

According to, RNC Chief of Staff Mike Shields has already been busy setting the tone - belittling organizations such as C4L as the "professional right" - and sneering at "grassroots supporters" like you.

When it comes to the outrageous new power grabs the RNC has cooked up, he even bragged that Democrats weren't even critical of their new schemes.

Erick, maybe the Democrats are keeping their mouths shut because they know the new rules will only further destroy the Republican Party!

After all, the liberty wing of the GOP is the ONLY portion of the party seeing growth - yet party insiders are circling the wagons instead of expanding the tent to accommodate those who truly believe in constitutional principles!

That's why it's absolutely critical you call your Republican National Committee representatives IMMEDIATELY.

You can reach your State Party Chairman, your National Committeeman, and your National Committeewoman using the information I've listed for you below.

National Committeeman Mike Kopp: 303-973-5375

National Committeewoman Lilly Nunez: 303-979-8601

State Chairman Ryan Call: 303-758-3333

Please urge them to support Virginia National Committeeman Morton Blackwell's resolution to repeal the new RNC rules passed last August and oppose any new schemes.

You see, as you may remember from news reports showing the floor of the 2012 Republican National Convention erupting in anger, the GOP establishment rammed through massive, draconian new rules targeting those of us who truly believe in liberty, limited government, and constitutional principles.

In the process of telling all Ron Paul supporters to hit the road, they stabbed our liberty movement, Tea Party types, and grassroots activists of every stripe in the back.

The new rules force more "winner take all" primaries, discourage states from allowing grassroots activists to have "too much" power over the selection of the eventual GOP nominee in state convention processes, create more national delegates beholden to campaign operatives, and raise the number of states needed to place a candidate's name in nomination at the convention.

The effect will be to disenfranchise liberty candidates like Ron Paul in 2012, Ronald Reagan in 1976, and Barry Goldwater in 1964, who were powered by armies of small donors and activists inspired by principle rather than opportunism . . .

. . . the very people that are proven to create the foundation for a healthy and vibrant Republican Party.

The good news is, as I already mentioned, Virginia RNC Committeeman Morton Blackwell - who led the fight against implementation of the new rules in Tampa - will be introducing a resolution reversing them.

He'll also be leading the fight against any new proposed rules in the "Growth and Opportunity Project" designed to further entrench the establishment, including:

*** Requiring every state to hold primaries instead of caucuses and conventions.

Establishment candidates that can afford multi-million dollar ad campaigns have a built-in advantage over liberty candidates, who rely on grassroots donors and volunteers. And this would also cost already struggling state governments as much as $30 million;

*** Replacing individual state primaries with a series of "regional" primaries, further advantaging well-heeled establishment candidates who can afford to run massive multiple-state campaigns at once;

*** Placing primary debates under the control of the GOP, virtually guaranteeing moderators favor their established frontrunners and that those who challenge the status quo are simply shut out.

Erick, you and I cannot allow these assaults to stand.

Please call your state's RNC representatives today and ask them to support Morton Blackwell's motion to repeal the Tampa rules changes and reject any attempts to adopt the three proposals in the "Growth and Opportunity Project" that further empower the establishment.

There's no time to waste. Please act at once!

In Liberty,

John Tate

P.S. The establishment is doubling down, pushing even more new rules to weaken the liberty movement, Tea Party types, and grassroots activists of all stripes.

That's why it is vital you call your RNC representatives today. Urge them to support Morton Blackwell's resolution repealing the Tampa power grab and demand they oppose any attempts to adopt the three proposals in the "Growth and Opportunity Project" that further empower the establishment.

And if you can, please chip in a contribution of $10 or $20 to support Campaign for Liberty’s continued efforts on the frontlines of the fight for freedom.

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