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Friday, November 11, 2011

You Wouldn't Know

Veterans Money Bomb

Dear Erick,

Tomorrow, my campaign is holding a Veterans Rally in Spartanburg, South Carolina.

Tomorrow evening, there’s another Presidential debate – and national security is the topic.

Erick, I’m sure you know just how important restoring a pro-American foreign policy and taking care of our veterans are to me.

Well, just minutes ago, I instructed my staff to extend today’s Money Bomb through the rest of Veterans Day weekend.

You see, I believe this is perhaps our best opportunity of the entire campaign to show the American people exactly why I generate so much support among members of our military.

And I believe communicating that simple message is critical to my effort to WIN the Republican nomination for President.

If you only paid attention to the “mainstream” media, there are some critical facts you wouldn’t know.

You wouldn’t know I’m a military veteran myself – having served for five years during the turbulent 1960s.

You wouldn’t know I’ve been called “a veteran’s best friend” for spending years fighting to ensure our veterans get the benefits and the recognition they deserve.

You wouldn’t know that while my opponents are raking in the cash from Wall Street fat cats, the top three organizations that employ my supporters are the U.S. Army, the U.S. Navy, and the U.S. Air Force.   

In fact, I’ve received more contributions from members of the military than all the other Republican candidates for President – COMBINED!

And you wouldn’t know that for months, poll after poll has consistently shown me within striking distance of first place in key early states.

Of course, complaining doesn’t solve any of these problems.

Action does.  And that’s why I’m counting on your IMMEDIATE help.    

Click to Donate

If my Veterans Day Weekend Money Bomb is a success, you and I can directly tell millions of more voters about my entire record, including my defense of our military
whether they’re on or off the battlefield.

As President, changing how Washington treats our veterans will be a top priority of my administration.

Returning to a more conservative foreign policy that puts America’s national security first will be another top priority.

America’s military forces deserve better than to be used for nation-building or policing the world, so our troops understand I’ll never put them in harm’s way without a clear mission and the tools they need to succeed.

As President, I’ll concentrate on securing OUR border, rather than the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan.

And I will honor the promises our government made to our men and women in uniform when they return home.

But I need your support to help my campaign bypass the media and explain all these things directly to the voters.

If you haven’t yet done so, please contribute to my campaign’s Veterans Day Weekend Money Bomb.

And please be as generous as you can.

Your contribution will help me send a message directly to the voters that I believe will be critical to my efforts to WIN the Republican nomination.

Thanks so much for your support.

For Liberty,

Ron Paul

P.S. Just minutes ago, I instructed my staff to extend today’s Money Bomb through the rest of Veterans Day weekend.

You see, I believe this is perhaps our best opportunity of the entire campaign to show the American people exactly why I generate so much support among members of our military.

If you haven’t yet done so, please contribute to my campaign’s Veterans Day Weekend Money Bomb.

And please be as generous as you can.

Click to Donate

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Paid for by Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee

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