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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

TV AD: Bernanke's Worst Nightmare

Campaign for Liberty


I've got some very exciting news to share with you.

Our new TV ad for the Audit the Fed Cosponsor Push is ready to launch - provided the funding is in place.

This powerful new ad throws a much-needed spotlight on Ben Bernanke's Federal Reserve and moves us closer to exposing the Fed, while also urging the American people to turn up the heat on their representatives to cosponsor the Audit the Fed bill.

It's just an example of what we can run in key districts across the country.

Won't you please make a generous contribution to our Audit the Fed Cosponsor Push?

You see, Campaign for Liberty is committed to forcing a majority of the House to cosponsor HR 24 so we can finally expose and end the Fed.

To pass Audit the Fed, my staff and I are ready to implement a POWERFUL battle plan to stir millions of liberty-loving Americans to take action to audit and then end the Federal Reserve once and for all.

But C4L will not be able to run an all-out effort unless we can raise $125,000 by midnight on August 16.

So after you watch our new TV ad, please make a generous contribution of $500, $250, $100, $50, or $35 toward our Cosponsor Push IMMEDIATELY.

Your generous contribution will help Campaign for Liberty launch a full-scale public relations and media blitz nationwide to force House members to cosponsor HR 24 and finally expose the Fed.

As you know, with passage of Audit the Fed, the American people will finally be able to see that the Federal Reserve System leads to:

*** Ever-expanding Big Government boondoggles like "ObamaCare." Once politicians figure out the Fed will just print money out of thin air to pay the bills if taxing and borrowing can't make ends meet, the floodgates open wide for even more of the statists' utopian plans;

*** Constant economic crises. The housing crisis and the resulting chaos is just one example of an economic bubble created by centrally planned interest rates and money manipulation;

*** The destruction of the middle class. As fuel, food, housing, medical care, and education costs soar, everyone who is NOT on the government dole is forced to make do with less as the value of their money slowly decreases;

*** Currency destruction. History shows us that riots, violence, and full-scale police states can result when people finally realize our money isn't worth the paper it's printed on and REFUSE to accept it.

If you and I can turn up the heat on Congress and generate a flood of new cosponsors for the Audit the Fed bill, it'll give us a real opportunity to force an up or down, roll call vote in Congress.

So all of those politicians who mouth their support for fiscal responsibility and government transparency when they're out looking for votes - but don't lift a finger to protect our liberties once in office - will be put on the record on this critical issue.

Then you, me, and EVERY other liberty-minded voter in America can clearly see which politicians are serious about auditing the Federal Reserve. . .

. . .and which ones are content with kicking the can further down the road while Ben Bernanke continues to pump trillions of U.S. taxpayer money to his cronies in overseas banks.

We will either win their votes, or members of Congress could pay the price at the ballot box.

So please take a moment to check out our new, hard-hitting TV ad.

After you watch the ad, I hope you'll make a generous contribution of $500, $250, $100, $50, or $35 to help run this ad in key districts across the country.

With your help, Campaign for Liberty staff can run a hard-hitting email, direct mail, and telephone campaign designed to mobilize up to 10 million liberty-minded Americans to turn up the heat on their representatives to cosponsor HR 24.

And as soon as members of Congress realize millions of folks like you are demanding transparency, oversight and accountability at the Federal Reserve, they'll begin squirming under the white-hot heat of public scrutiny.

Then we'll turn up the pressure even more!

You see, Campaign for Liberty's full-court press won't end with the mail and phone program.

We also have a state-of-the-art Internet, Facebook, and Google ad campaign we can run in the districts of the representatives who have not yet cosponsored Audit the Fed.

This program is designed for efficiency and will allow Campaign for Liberty to micro-target Liberty-minded individuals - down to their zip code - with what they need to know to take action on Audit the Fed.

At the same time, C4L staff can flood Capitol Hill with petitions and visit members' offices in support of HR 24, the Audit the Fed bill.

But it's VITAL Campaign for Liberty raise $125,000 by August 16 so my staff and I can implement our entire program.

That's why I'm counting on you to make a generous contribution of $500, $250, $100, $50 or $35 to help Campaign for Liberty finally expose Ben Bernanke's Federal Reserve.

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Erick, I hope you've had it with the statists in Congress playing "political games" with our hard-earned money and protecting their crony-capitalist pals - all while our dollar gets inflated, devalued, and destroyed.

I hope you've had it with the steamrolling of the middle class.

And I hope you've had it with the crony capitalists, political elites, and special interests doing everything they can to hide the corruption in their big-government boondoggles.

I have.

It's time to draw the line in the sand and put every member of Congress - both Republicans and Democrats - squarely on the record on this critical issue.

That's exactly what our Audit the Fed Cosponsor Push is designed to do.

So please make a generous contribution of $500, $250, $100, $50 or $35 to help fund our cosponsor push so we can put EVERY politician on record.

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If you can afford more, by all means, please contribute what you can - and as much as you can - to this critical program.

Every dollar - every red cent - Campaign for Liberty can put into this program will get us one step closer toward our goal of auditing and exposing the Fed.

So please make a generous contribution of $500, $250, $100, $50 - or whatever you can - today!

Some folks have already given $1,000 to this fight. Some have given $500 or $250.

No matter how much you give, whether it's chipping in with $50, $25, $10 - or a larger contribution of $500 or $1,000 - your contribution is urgently needed and will be put to immediate use.

The August 16 deadline is rapidly approaching.

So there's not a moment to waste.

Please consider making your most generous donation to our Cosponsor Push to finally AUDIT and EXPOSE the Fed.

Together, you and I can finally expose Ben Bernanke and his cronies once and for all.

In Liberty,

John Tate

P.S. Our new TV ad for the Audit the Fed Cosponsor Push is ready to launch - provided the funding is in place.

This powerful new ad throws a much-needed spotlight on Ben Bernanke's Federal Reserve and moves us closer to exposing the Fed, while also urging the American people to turn up the heat on their representatives to cosponsor the Audit the Fed bill.

To pass Audit the Fed, my staff and I are ready to implement a POWERFUL battle plan to stir millions of liberty-loving Americans to take action to audit and then end the Federal Reserve once and for all.

So after you take a moment to watch the new TV ad, please make a generous contribution of $500, $250, $100, $50, or $35 toward C4L's Audit the Fed Cosponsor Push IMMEDIATELY.

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Because of Campaign For Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501(C)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions (IRC § 162(e)(1)).

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