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Saturday, August 10, 2013

Erick, Stop Calling About Audit the FED!

Campaign for Liberty


"Can you get those Campaign for Liberty people to stop calling our office about Audit the Fed?"

When I worked for Congressman Ron Paul, I often heard that from staffers in other offices.

Their problem?

Instead of only being championed by one brave Congressman, nearly 80% of the American people were calling for passage of Audit the Fed!

And Campaign for Liberty is leading that R3VOLUTION.

Without the support of Campaign for Liberty, Dr. Paul would never have gotten the House leadership to hold a roll call vote on Audit the Fed - let alone pass it with an overwhelming majority.

Having seen firsthand the effectiveness of Campaign for Liberty, I was thrilled when Dr. Paul asked me to help continue the R3VOLUTION by serving as Campaign for Liberty's Vice President of Policy.

Since then, you and I have worked to fight the National Internet Sales Tax Mandate, Barack Obama and Harry Reid's gun-grabbing scheme, National ID, and the NSA's spying on our phone and Internet activities.

Now, Campaign for Liberty has an ambitious and exciting plan to pass Ron Paul's Audit the Fed Bill (HR 24/S. 209) in the House and then force Harry Reid to hold a Senate roll call vote!

Campaign for Liberty's Cosponsor Push started this past Monday on the first day of Congressional recess.

Campaign for Liberty's committed network of grassroots activists are feverishly working in their districts to turn up the heat on their Representative to Audit the Fed.

Erick, when Representatives are back home, they can't depend on staffers to shield them from their constituents.

Sadly, not everyone understands the damage the Fed routinely causes with its inflationary policies.

Some - especially those who leech off government and have wedded themselves to Big Government's big handouts - just won't "get it" until catastrophe hits them in the face.

That's why these times call for true patriots.

I know you understand doing nothing is not an option.

So can I count on you to make a generous contribution to help Campaign for Liberty turn up the heat on Congress to pass Audit the Fed?

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Your generous contribution will help fund Campaign for Liberty's ambitious Cosponsor Push, which includes:

*** A massive email, direct mail, and telephone campaign urging constituents to contact their Representative;

*** Targeted website advertisements, as well as newspaper, radio, and Facebook ads in select target districts;

*** Extensive personal lobbying of targeted Congressmen in critical districts;

*** Delivery of petitions collected from you and your fellow C4L members;

*** Hard-hitting TV ads that will detail how Bernanke and the Federal Reserve are bankrupting America.

And I'm pleased to announce the first TV ad should be hitting your inbox as early as Tuesday!

This powerful new ad shines a bright public spotlight on the out-of-control Federal Reserve and urges the American people to turn up the heat on their representatives to cosponsor Audit the Fed.

So be on the lookout for the TV ad on Tuesday.

If you agree the Federal Reserve's corruption and cronyism must be exposed to the American people, I hope you'll make a generous contribution IMMEDIATELY.

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As Campaign for Liberty President John Tate recently told you, with Ben Bernanke's term winding down, the political stars may be aligning for us to have the best opportunity yet to PASS Audit the Fed.

At that point, the statists' ability to stop pro-Audit the Fed Senators such as Rand Paul from forcing a vote on the bill - putting every Senator on record - could be extremely difficult.

Pressure on the Senate would be dramatically increased if Campaign for Liberty can either pass the bill through the U.S. House with a massive bipartisan majority once again - or at least prove majority support for H.R. 24 in the U.S. House.

Right now, Audit the Fed stands at 153 House cosponsors.

With our targeted Cosponsor Push, my hope is that Campaign for Liberty can turn up the pressure on enough House members to get the 64 needed for a House majority.

Campaign for Liberty's goal for forcing a vote on Audit the Fed is $125,000 by August 16.

The more money we raise, the more pressure we can put on Congress to finally EXPOSE the Federal Reserve.

So please agree to your most generous contribution of $500, $250, $100, $50 - or whatever you can afford - IMMEDIATELY.

In Liberty,

Norm Singleton
Vice President of Policy

P.S. With Ben Bernanke's term winding down, the political stars may be aligning for us to have the best opportunity yet to pass Audit the Fed.

If you agree the Federal Reserve's corruption and cronyism must be exposed to the American people, I hope you'll make a generous contribution IMMEDIATELY.

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Because of Campaign For Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501(C)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions (IRC § 162(e)(1)).

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