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Monday, August 5, 2013

Some Animals are More Equal

Campaign for Liberty

Dear Erick,

“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others…”
Do you remember that maxim from George Orwell’s novel Animal Farm?
It referred to how the revolutionary pigs running the fictional farm first started out “equal” to fellow animals.
Then after years of unchallenged power, the pigs made laws and rules the other barnyard animals had to follow -- but they were exempt.
Erick, I’m sure you recognize the scenario. It is far from fiction, and it happens at all levels of government -- even in Colorado.
Recently, CBS4 reported that some Colorado state legislators have not been receiving tickets from Traffic Enforcement Cameras (also known as “Automated Ticketing Machines” or ATMs) in Denver, while Colorado citizens have been continually sacked with costly fines.
Some Colorado legislators haven’t been receiving them because of a “loophole” in the system. You see, their "special" legislator plates are not registered with the DMV, so authorities don't "know" who was driving the vehicle. 
In fact, one Democrat lawmaker was caught six times by Denver’s Photo Radar Cameras. Because his lawmaker vanity plates were not in the DMV’s system, he didn’t pay or even receive the citations -- until he was called out by the television station.
While the vanity plates for legislators do not come with any actual privileges, they do give the perception of a double standard to the public, and as we’ve found out, cause real problems.
Instead of fixing this “glitch” in the system, Colorado Campaign for Liberty would like these big brother "gotcha" cams to be gone entirely -- along with the vanity license plates for lawmakers.
There is a mountain of evidence that these cameras do not increase safety as claimed, and they simply fill local government coffers while making the corporations that own the system wealthy.
Besides, these Automated Ticketing Machines deny citizens their Sixth Amendment rights.
Last legislative session, Colorado Campaign for Liberty pushed SB13-035 -- a bill that would have banned these big brother “gotcha” cameras all over the state.
Sadly, the bill was quietly killed in committee.

Traffic Camera pushers and money-hungry politicians in Colorado would like nothing better than for us to pack up, admit defeat, and leave them alone.
That's not going to happen!

Can I count on you to take the following steps?
  1. Contact your state legislators (CLICK HERE to find their names and contact information). Tell them you want to see Traffic Enforcement Cameras eliminated in Colorado.
  2. Also, tell them to get rid of their special legislator vanity plates as well.
Thank you for helping us keep up the fight!

In Liberty,

Matt Holdridge
Colorado State Coordinator
Campaign for Liberty

P.S. Campaign for Liberty has been leading the fight nationwide to remove unconstitutional and dangerous Traffic Enforcement Cameras from the country’s streets and intersections -- and now you have the chance to do just that in Colorado.
Contact your state legislators and urge them to eliminate Traffic Enforcement Cameras and state lawmaker vanity plates today!

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