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Saturday, August 3, 2013

Guess Who's Not Coming

Dear Erick,

I have a quick list of names for you . . .

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC).  Senator John McCain (R-AZ).  Congressman Peter King (R-NY).  Governor Chris Christie (R-NJ).  President Barack Obama.

Erick, there’s one thing all of these people have in common.

This is a small list of people NOT COMING to the third annual LPAC conference this September 19-22.

After reading through those names, I’m sure the LAST thing you want is for your name to be added to this list of non-attendees!

But with LPAC less than 47 days away, time is running out to reserve your tickets!

So won’t you do so right away?

The great news is, I believe this could be our biggest and best LPAC ever.

Each day, more and more of your liberty friends are signing up to be at the 2013 Liberty Political Action Conference.

They’re coming because every day there are more scandals coming out of Washington, D.C. and our statehouses ...

There is more and more spending and pork ...

There are more smoky backroom deals ...

And it seems government has never been more out-of-control!

And they’re coming because know they need to keep fighting to stop the statists and their attacks against our liberties.

You see, at LPAC, you won’t see just a bunch of talking heads. 

You’ll hear from those who live in the trenches every day fighting to protect our liberties. 

They’ll talk about their difficulties and their losses -- but also of the gains they are making.

And they’ll arm you with the tools YOU can use to make a difference.

Each and every day of this three-day conference features leaders like;

***  Joel Salatin of Polyface Farms who will tell you of his struggles against the government and how he is fighting back;

***  WWE professional wrestler Glenn Jacobs (aka “Kane”) who has used his voice to let others know about the Internet Sales Tax tax-and-spenders in BOTH parties are pushing;

***  Mark Mix, President of the National Right to Work Committee and Dudley Brown, Executive Vice President of the National Association of Gun Rights who will tell you about the victories they are achieving through extensive grassroots mobilization;

Plus, you’ll see and hear from Senator Rand Paul, and U.S. Representatives Justin Amash, Kerry Bentivolio, Paul Broun, and Thomas Massie -- all bright lights in the darkness of Capitol Hill.

Of course you’ll also hear from C4L Chairman Ron Paul and have the opportunity to meet him at private reception and perhaps get an autograph.

Tickets for the reception with Dr. Paul can be purchased HERE.

Of course, there’s much, much more you’ll experience at LPAC.

You’ll also walk away with a notebook full of ideas to implement back home to keep the statists at bay. 

And if you’d like to ask our speakers any questions, you’ll usually find them more than willing to talk with you when you run into them later on. 

You’ll have ample opportunity to talk with local Campaign for Liberty state leaders who have fought the battles you’re fighting, and they will help you prepare.

Erick, LPAC is coming up on us fast.  I don’t want you to miss out on hearing and learning from the best.

Tickets are only $120 for the entire three-day conference

For those who can’t commit to the entire three days, there are one-day tickets available, as well.

The training on Sunday -- which must be purchased separately this year -- is only $45.

In reality, this cutting-edge training itself is worth hundreds if not thousands of dollars.

So please click here to see the speakers already scheduled and make your plans to be there with them.

It’s a decision I promise you will not regret.

In Liberty,

John Tate

P.S.  LPAC less than 47 days away, so time is running out to reserve your tickets!

LPAC is a truly wonderful experience I know you won’t want to miss.

So won’t you please reserve your tickets IMMEDIATELY?

Tickets for the three-day event are $120.  The Sunday training, which must be purchased separately, is $45.

But if you’d like, one-day tickets are available, as well.

So please reserve your tickets at once!

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