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Monday, August 19, 2013

Erick, We Need 10 People in WINDSOR

Campaign for Liberty


Our Audit the Fed Cosponsor Push ends in just a few hours.

Already, more than 1,200 Campaign for Liberty supporters have driven the Cosponsor Push past $65,000.

But as of right now, we're still short of our $125,000 goal.

To help us get there, I need 10 people in WINDSOR to contribute only $20 each.

Will you be one of them?

If $20 is just too much right now, will you chip in just $10 or $5?

Today, H.R. 24, Ron Paul’s Audit the Fed Bill, stands at 154 House cosponsors – 64 short of a House Majority.

And unless good folks like you help rapidly INCREASE the number of H.R. 24 cosponsors, we may miss the best opportunity in the past 100 years to finally EXPOSE the Fed!

Can I count on you to chip in to help EXPOSE the out-of-control Federal Reserve?

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Right now, thanks to the help of good folks like you and Ron Paul’s tireless advocacy, more Americans than ever understand the destructive influence the Federal Reserve has on our economy.

But that hasn’t stopped the Federal Reserve’s madness.

Not long ago, news broke that Ben Bernanke pumped more than one TRILLION in U.S. taxpayer dollars to his cronies in overseas banks - without a shred of oversight or accountability.

Now, with nearly $17 TRILLION in national debt, Congress’ out-of-control spending, and the Fed’s ongoing $85 BILLION per month Federal Reserve “economic stimulus” printing spree, every shred of American wealth is threatened.

And make no mistake.

Ben Bernanke’s bankster pals, who line their pockets looting American wealth, would love nothing more than to sweep the Audit the Fed issue under the rug.

But they know Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke’s term is up in January.

Rumors are, after getting more “NO” votes than any other Fed Chairman in history during his last confirmation, Bernanke will not seek another term.

That means President Obama will have to appoint another nominee to Chair the Fed.

And the LAST THING the statists want to come up during the Senate confirmation process is the Audit the Fed issue.

At that point, the statists’ ability to stop pro-Audit the Fed Senators such as Rand Paul from forcing a vote on the bill – putting every Senator on record - could be extremely difficult.

And pressure on the Senate would be dramatically increased if Campaign for Liberty can either pass the bill through the U.S. House with a massive bipartisan majority once again – or at least prove majority support for H.R. 24 in the U.S. House.

That’s why your most generous contribution is so critical!

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With passage of Audit the Fed, the American people will finally see that the Federal Reserve System leads to:

*** Ever-expanding Big Government boondoggles like “ObamaCare.” Once politicians figure out the Fed will just print money out of thin air to pay the bills if taxing and borrowing can’t make ends meet, the floodgates open wide for even more of the statists’ utopian plans;

*** Constant economic crises. The housing crisis and the resulting chaos is just one example of an economic bubble created by centrally planned interest rates and money manipulation;

*** The destruction of the middle class. As fuel, food, housing, medical care, and education costs soar, everyone who is NOT on the government dole is forced to make do with less as the value of their money slowly decreases;

*** Currency destruction. History shows us that riots, violence, and full-scale police states can result when people finally realize our money isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on and REFUSE to accept it.

That’s why it’s so important you act IMMEDIATELY!

The good news is, members of the United States House are back home in their districts for their August recess and won’t be back in Washington, D.C. until after Labor Day.

In the meantime, there will be nowhere to hide from the over 70% of their constituents who believe the Federal Reserve should be audited.

And with Campaign for Liberty’s committed grassroots activists in states all over the country ready to turn up the heat, C4L can have more of an impact RIGHT NOW than ever before.

You see, a similar effort might cost another organization millions.

But with C4L’s massive network of “boots on the ground,” this program should cost only a fraction.

Campaign for Liberty is widely acknowledged to have one of the best grassroots operations in the policy arena today.

South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley's former Chief of Staff, Tim Pierson, spoke for many politicians in both parties when an internal email revealed him saying the Governor “didn't want to be on the wrong side Campaign for Liberty” during a fight over Obama's Medicaid expansion.

And since Audit the Fed passed in the U.S. House with an incredible 3/4ths majority during the last Congress, once pressured, many House Members will have to choose between following the will of the folks back home – or looking like flip-floppers going into 2014.

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If, when Congress returned from “recess’ in September, the majority of the House was on record supporting Audit the Fed it would cause a political earthquake.

The only bad news is, after all the insanity the statists have tried to RAM down our throats over the past few months - and with fights new and old looming on the horizon - C4L right now simply doesn't have the necessary resources to undertake the all-out effort needed to pass Audit the Fed.

That’s why, to fully launch this battleplan I need to raise $125,000 by August 19.

Unless C4L reaches this goal, the best opportunity to expose the Federal Reserve in 100 years may soon be in front of us, and we may simply be unable to take advantage.

You see, with a possible confirmation fight over a new Fed Chairman waiting in the wings, just showing we once again have majority support for this critical issue in the House could be enough to FORCE this issue into the limelight in the Senate.

Will Fed apologists in the Senate really vote to KILL Audit the Fed against the will of over 7 out of 10 Americans?

And if passed by the Senate, would President Obama really have the guts to veto H.R. 24 - risking the American people’s backlash against pro-Federal Reserve statists in BOTH parties – and watch the last two years of his presidency go down in flames?

Erick, this is why these next few hours are so critical – and why C4L is counting on your generous support.

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With your help, C4L national and state staffers can ratchet up the pressure on U.S. House Members by utilizing everything from mail and email to lit drops to hard-hitting TV ads.

And this includes a new hard-hitting TV ad targeting Congressman Peter King.

Congressman Peter King (R-NY) is one of many House members keeping his lips sealed on this issue in this new Congress . . .

You and I have to PROVE to Congressman King and others that they will not get away with ducking and running from this critical issue – and you and I are watching their every move.

So won’t you please help C4L reach its $125,000 goal?

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The more money we raise, and the quicker we reach our goal, means the more pressure we can put on Congress to finally EXPOSE the Federal Reserve.

And as it stands right now, we need 10 people in WINDSOR to chip in $20 to help us reach our goal.

So please agree to chip in $20 IMMEDIATELY.

Every dollar you give will help us get closer to our goal.

But if $20 is just too much, won’t you please agree to $10 or at least $5?

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Thanks to the support of good folks like you, we have made great strides in our fight to Audit the Fed.

Campaign for Liberty and Congressman Ron Paul put this issue on the political map just a few years ago.

It’s up to us to finish the job.

If you agree, please make your most generous contribution IMMEDIATELY!

In Liberty,

John Tate

P.S. Campaign for Liberty's Audit the Fed Cosponsor Push ends tonight at midnight, and we need 10 folks in WINDSOR to chip in just $20 to help us reach our goal.

With a fight over a new Federal Reserve Chairman possibly just around the corner, and polls still dramatically in our favor, we may soon have the best chance in the past 100 years to finally EXPOSE the Federal Reserve.

So please chip in with your most generous contribution IMMEDIATELY before the clock strikes midnight tonight!

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