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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Let's End Foreign Aid -- TODAY!

Campaign for Liberty
Dear Erick,

President Obama and his cronies in Washington continue to send BILLIONS of your tax money in foreign aid to countless countries.

With recent reports showing four out of five Americans are near poverty – between joblessness and a welfare application – it's more evident than ever the American dream is on it's last leg as Barack Obama and his statist allies in Congress use your tax money to fund their imperial projects.

It’s bad enough President Obama keeps sending our money overseas but it’s especially insulting when he uses your tax dollars to support those who burn our flag, attack our embassies, imprison and even murder our citizens.

If I sound fired up – it’s because I am.

As major cities go bankrupt; bridges collapse and roads deteriorate; political elites and special interests in Washington continue to send more of our money to buy tanks and fighter jets for foreign countries like Egypt.

Recently, after mobs hit the streets, protested and burned our flag, Egypt’s “democratically” elected President Mohamad Morsi was ousted through a military coup.

And under current law, under section 7008 of the Foreign Assistance Act, the U.S. is prohibited from providing foreign aid to nations that experience military coups.

But you can’t count on the statists to uphold current law – unless you put pressure on them.

Thankfully, Senator Rand Paul will be introducing an amendment that could be the beginning of the end of foreign aid starting with Egypt – saving taxpayers BILLIONS dollars.

But he needs you to stand with him.

That’s why it’s critical you show your support and IMMEDIATELY call your Senator (202) 224-3121 and demand they vote for Senator Paul’s amendment and uphold our current rule of law.

And after you call, please consider a generous contribution of $25, $50, or even $10 to help Campaign for Liberty continue our efforts.

Erick, it is unacceptable for our government to even consider giving one more penny of our money for the purpose of expanding the American Empire when so many here at home are struggling just to get by.

I hope you agree.

For too long the political elites have ignored our demands. They’ve taken our money through taxation and spent it without any fear of retribution.

I am sick and tired of the statists in Washington acting like a teenager in a shopping mall with a credit card whose limit is virtually nothing.

I know if we get enough people to show their support, the statists will know if they don’t vote for Senator Paul’s amendment to end foreign aid – they’ll face their constituents come election time.

And between you and me, I’d love nothing more than for Campaign for Liberty members to flood the phones of Senate offices demanding they support Senator Paul’s amendment.

So please IMMEDIATELY call your Senator (202) 224-3121 and demand they support Senator Paul’s amendment and uphold our current rule of law.

In Liberty,

John Tate

P.S. President Obama and his cronies in Washington continue to send BILLIONS of your tax money to countless countries for the sake of expanding their American Empire.

Thankfully, Senator Rand Paul is introducing an amendment that could be the beginning of the end of foreign aid – saving American taxpayers BILLIONS of dollars.

Show your support and IMMEDIATELY call your Senator (202) 224-3121 and demand they support Senator Paul’s amendment.

And to help Campaign for Liberty continue our efforts against the statists in Washington, please consider a generous contribution of $25, $50, or even $10.

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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Fw: VIDEO: Bernanke's Worst Nightmare


Wow! Did you see the video Rand Paul just sent around?

You should really check it out here.

Erica D.

From: Rand Paul []
To: Erica D. []
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2013 12:40 PM
Subject: Fw: VIDEO: Bernanke's Worst Nightmare

Campaign for Liberty


How'd you like it if every single dollar the federal government spent was "off the books"?

No budget. No recordkeeping.

Just President Obama and his buddies doling out our taxpayer cash to buy votes and enrich his politically connected pals behind closed doors.

Erica, if you're up in arms about our federal government's $3.8 TRILLION on-the-books annual spending (and you should be), what do you say about the Federal Reserve putting the American people on the hook for $16 TRILLION in secret bailouts to crony capitalists and overseas banks not long ago?

I've introduced S. 209, the Audit the Fed bill, and I'm going to do everything I can to EXPOSE the Fed and stop Ben Bernanke's economic snake oil "solutions" from wrecking our fragile economy.

YOUR action today in support of my father's Campaign for Liberty will help turn up the heat on my colleagues to pass Audit the Fed.

My good friend, Diana, over at Campaign for Liberty has created a video detailing how YOU can help break through Harry Reid's stonewalling in the U.S. Senate.

Please click HERE to watch this critical video before it's too late.

With our national debt spiraling out of control, and Ben Bernanke continuing to print money like there's no tomorrow, there's no time to waste.

So please watch Diana's new video and take action TODAY!

In Liberty,

Rand Paul, MD
U.S. Senator (R-KY)

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Because of Campaign For Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501(C)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions (IRC § 162(e)(1)).

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Monday, July 29, 2013

VIDEO: Erick, Help Pass Audit the FED!

Campaign for Liberty


How'd you like it if every single dollar the federal government spent was "off the books"?

No budget. No recordkeeping.

Just President Obama and his buddies doling out our taxpayer cash to buy votes and enrich his politically connected pals behind closed doors.

Erick, if you're up in arms about our federal government's $3.8 TRILLION on-the-books annual spending (and you should be), what do you say about the Federal Reserve putting the American people on the hook for $16 TRILLION in secret bailouts to crony capitalists and overseas banks not long ago?

I've introduced S. 209, the Audit the Fed bill, and I'm going to do everything I can to EXPOSE the Fed and stop Ben Bernanke's economic snake oil "solutions" from wrecking our fragile economy.

YOUR action today in support of my father's Campaign for Liberty will help turn up the heat on my colleagues to pass Audit the Fed.

My good friend, Diana, over at Campaign for Liberty has created a video detailing how YOU can help break through Harry Reid's stonewalling in the U.S. Senate.

Please click HERE to watch this critical video before it's too late.

With our national debt spiraling out of control, and Ben Bernanke continuing to print money like there's no tomorrow, there's no time to waste.

So please watch Diana's new video and take action TODAY!

In Liberty,

Rand Paul, MD
U.S. Senator (R-KY)

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Because of Campaign For Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501(C)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions (IRC § 162(e)(1)).

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Saturday, July 27, 2013

I Don't Want to be on the Wrong Side of Campaign for Liberty

Campaign for Liberty

Dear Erick,

Following Ron Paul's historic grassroots presidential campaign in 2008, the establishment of both parties just hoped you and I would fade away.

But Campaign for Liberty's State Leaders have done the exact opposite.

They are now the ones leading the fight for liberty in your neighborhoods and state capitals.

A few of the stories from this year's legislative session are just too good not to share, so I wanted to draw your attention to them.

Can you imagine what it's like to push Right to Work in the home of the United Autoworkers Union?

Our Michigan state leader, Tony DeMott, and his team did just that.

Almost no one thought it was possible.

Yet they ignored the naysayers, applied the political tactics they learned from C4L's top-notch grassroots training, and made it happen.

Following the fight, Greg Mourad, Vice President of the National Right to Work Committee, said, "Michigan Campaign for Liberty's petition and phone call drives played a major role in getting Right to Work passed."

Thanks to their determined efforts, Michigan became the 24th Right to Work State.

That's one of the things that make Campaign for Liberty's State Leaders stand out among other grassroots organizations.

These folks will never back down from a challenge.

In Delaware, home state of America's notoriously outspoken Vice President, Joe Biden, our State Leader, Eric Boye, took on another battle the political class told him was impossible to win - defeating gun control in a solidly blue state.

Defending our Second Amendment rights on the state and federal level was a challenge Campaign for Liberty members across the country answered the call to action on throughout 2013.

But in Delaware, when Governor Markell and State Attorney General Beau Biden (Joe Biden's son) pushed a bill that would deny Second and Fourth Amendment rights to anyone deemed "mentally risky," it seemed the road was paved for its passage.

Its success appeared certain when the Delaware House rushed it through by a vote of 40-1.

Enter Eric and Delaware C4L.

Eric defied the odds by launching a grassroots campaign that gained statewide and national media attention . . .

. . . and stopped the bill - not once, but twice - in the Delaware Senate.

On June 30, the last day of the legislative session, Boye rallied Campaign for Liberty supporters at a "Fill the Halls, Hold the Line" rally just before the evening session began.

There, some State Senators said pressure brought on by C4L supporters was the reason they switched sides and opposed the bill.

HB 88 may have been stalled for this year, but Eric and the rest of Delaware Campaign for Liberty stand ready to fight - and defeat - the gun-grabbers again should they attempt to revive the bill in 2014.

These stories just go to show that even if the odds are stacked against you - and you see politicians supposedly on your side running for the hills - don't assume the grassroots aren't powerful enough to prevail.

There are literally dozens of stories like this from across the country, and I wish I could share each one, but time and space limits us to just a few more.

In Michigan, South Carolina, and many other states, Campaign for Liberty's Leaders are on the front lines fighting Medicaid expansion under ObamaCare.

While the Michigan fight is still ongoing, South Carolina provides a great example of what Campaign for Liberty's grassroots training can equip people to do.

South Carolina State Leader Talbert Black is one grassroots activist politicians don't want to cross.

Asked why he chose Campaign for Liberty as his vehicle for grassroots activism, Talbert replied, "C4L is the only organization that has the tools and philosophy necessary to go up against entrenched corruption and win."

One of his first fights was passing legislation that forced the State Senate to go on record by casting roll call votes.

Before that, the vast majority of legislation was passed by voice vote, making it impossible to hold elected officials accountable.

Concerning ObamaCare's Medicaid expansion, Talbert and SC C4L's action put the Governor on record there, too.

South Carolina Campaign for Liberty generated such a strong grassroots opposition to the Obamacare expansion that Governor Nikki Haley publicly declared the state would not expand Medicaid or set up an Obamacare exchange.

It gets even better.

A FOIA request from a state newspaper revealed communication between Governor Haley's Chief of Staff, Tim Pierson, and the director of SC Health and Human Services stating that the Governor "didn't want to be on the wrong side of Campaign for Liberty" on the issue.

Talbert has also fought hard for Constitutional Carry, testifying in four public hearings on the issue across the state.

With the legislation currently in committee, he is continuing the fight.

And South Carolina isn't the only state where C4L's leaders are pushing Constitutional Carry.

While gun control activists are seeking to restrict or take away our Second Amendment rights, Campaign for Liberty's State Leaders are fighting to protect and expand our liberties.

In Maine, the legislature came within just two votes of passing Constitutional Carry. Maine C4L plans to push the same legislation in next year's session.

Across this great nation, Campaign for Liberty activists are refusing to back down in the face of tyranny.

When your rights are threatened, our leaders are there, ready to stand up to the challenge.

Even if it means standing alone.

Michigan C4L leader David Dudenhoefer surrounded by union thugs at the State Capitol

Will you stand with them today?

Please make your most generous contribution of $100, $50, $25, or whatever you can afford to Campaign for Liberty today.

Your generous contribution will help support C4L's efforts to train and mobilize effective grassroots activists who are committed to continuing the R3VOLution!

Establishment politicians on the national, state, and local levels are praying C4L will finally throw in the towel and get out of their way.

So what do we need to do?

Double down on the pressure.

Your support today will help guarantee Campaign for Liberty can train more activists to turn up the heat and reach millions of more Americans with our message of prosperity and hope for our nation's future.

Together, you and I will fight the statists every inch of the way as we push forward to Reclaim our Republic and Restore our Constitution.

In Liberty,

John Tate

P.S. From gun control, to Right to Work, to civil liberties, to ObamaCare expansion, Campaign for Liberty State Leaders are fighting and winning battles against the statists at the state and local level on a daily basis.

The secret to this success is the training they have received from Campaign for Liberty.

And Campaign for Liberty is planning to teach and mobilize even more grassroots activists to win even more battles against the statists.

So please make your most generous contribution of $100, $50, $25, or whatever you can afford to help Campaign for Liberty provide thousands more with the training and tools they need to keep lighting brushfires of freedom all across the land.

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Because of Campaign For Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501(C)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions (IRC § 162(e)(1)).

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Friday, July 26, 2013

Tanita Tikaram

Pela primeira vez em Portugal


25 anos de carreira


Lisboa – último espectáculo da digressão europeia

3 Novembro, CCB



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Twist in my sobriety


Cathedral Song


And I think of you



E que tal uma espreita ao novo álbum!?


All things to you




Love is heavy pressure


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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Worst Spying Scheme Period

Campaign for Liberty


President Obama's NSA was recently caught spying, collecting, and storing data on virtually every American citizen.

And some are now saying the "ObamaCare" database may end up being even worse.

But I'm afraid the worst spying and data collection scheme of them all could turn out to be the massive National ID database buried deep within the so-called "Immigration Reform Bill."

That's why it's vital you read John Tate's email below and take action IMMEDIATELY.

You see, while I support true immigration reform, the truth is this legislation fails to secure our border and is a replay of the same failed reform schemes you and I have seen over the years.

And given Barack Obama's hunger for more information on the American people, you can be sure his cronies will abuse the National ID database in the same manner the NSA and IRS have.

That's why every American who values liberty -- no matter what they think of the other provisions of the bill -- should oppose this National ID scheme.

So please read John's email and sign your "No Database/No National ID" Directive TODAY.

In Liberty,

Rand Paul, MD
U.S. Senator (R-KY)

Campaign for Liberty

Dear Rand,

Like the monster in a bad horror movie, the National ID scheme refuses to stay dead. . .

In the days after the U.S. Senate RAMMED through their so-called “Immigration Reform” monstrosity – including a massive National ID scheme – many U.S. Representatives described the bill as “Dead on Arrival” in the House.

When I first heard those words, I couldn’t help but think those predictions sounded too good to be true!

Today, you and I know they were.

Like mad scientists, Speaker John Boehner, Majority Leader Eric Cantor, and House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte are working to revive the National ID scheme.

That’s why it’s critical you help me turn up the heat on the U.S. House before it’s too late by signing your "No National ID/No Database" Directive IMMEDIATELY.

And if you possibly can, I hope you’ll also agree to forward the Directive to as many friends and family members as possible.

If passed, this dangerous scheme would require a new National ID card that would:

*** Allow federal bureaucrats to include biometric identification information on the card, potentially even including fingerprints, retinal scans, or scans of veins on the back of hands, which could easily be used as a tracking device;

*** Be required for all U.S. workers regardless of place of birth, making it illegal for anyone to hold a job in the United States who doesn’t obtain the ID card;

*** Require all employers to purchase an “ID scanner” to verify the ID cards with the federal government. Every time any citizen applies for a job, the government would know - and you can bet it’s only a matter of time until “ID scans” will be required to make even routine purchases, as well.

And the bad news is, you and I don’t have much time.

Just days after pronouncing the Senate bill “dead," House leadership held a meeting to discuss exactly how they were going to deal with the “immigration issue.”

Virtually no one was saying “dead on arrival” anymore.

U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell is urging the U.S. House to move on the issue.

Congressman and former GOP Vice Presidential candidate Paul Ryan is leading the charge behind the scenes.

Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor and Congressman Bob Goodlatte are drafting their own “compromise bill.”

But perhaps the worst news was the House would focus on "security" - a buzzword meant to trick Americans from all over the country into thinking that Congress is finally cowing to their wishes and sealing our southern border.

But in reality, it means something far different.

The “security” Members of BOTH parties in the U.S. House want doesn’t target any U.S. border . . .

Instead, it takes yet another step toward the creation of an all-out police state within them.

I’m afraid that’s exactly what you and I could end up with should Congress finally ram this massive National ID scheme into law.

Worse, it could happen in just the next two weeks!

So please sign your "No National ID/No Database" Directive IMMEDIATELY!

No National ID  - TURN ON IMAGES

More than a few hints were dropped at this month's "Immigration Reform” meeting that the U.S. House could move on this bill before the August recess!

So you and I MUST be ready for anything.

This is exactly the type of battle that often decides whether a country remains free or continues down a slide toward tyranny.

Gun ownership, health records, purchasing habits, religious beliefs – virtually anything you could dream up could all be added to this massive National ID database.

And doing so wouldn’t even require a vote by Congress.

Instead, it could happen with a simple stroke of a President’s pen.

And you and I both know this power WILL be abused.

Consider the massive scandal exposing the NSA’s spying on American citizens, and this President’s administration using wiretaps to go after reporters who dare criticize him.

We’ve seen the IRS harass and intimidate Tea Party and pro-liberty groups.

Rand, once “well-meaning” government bureaucrats know exactly how we live, it won't be long until they ramp up their efforts to run our lives through more laws, regulations, taxes, and other restraints.

In fact, it will only be a matter of time until they spend their workdays making sure you and I don’t go anywhere, read anything, eat anything, or drink anything they think we “shouldn’t be allowed to.”

And BOTH parties are complicit.

With your help, Campaign for Liberty can send powerful emails and run Facebook and Internet banner ads to alert liberty-loving Americans to the National ID scheme included in the new “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” bill.

But with the House battle looming, I’m afraid that simply won’t be enough.

If Campaign for Liberty has the support to pull out all the stops, there’s an additional twelve million folks my staff and I can reach through targeted direct mail and phone programs.

And finally, if we can raise the resources, Campaign for Liberty would also like to run hard-hitting newspaper, radio, and TV ads explaining exactly what the statists are up to.

Of course, such a massive grassroots mobilization program isn’t cheap - but it’s the only way to stop this dangerous National ID scheme from becoming the law of the land.

That's why it's absolutely vital you sign your "No National ID/No Database Directive" IMMEDIATELY!

No National  ID - TURN ON IMAGES

Your signed Directive makes it clear Congress should not only reject the Senate-passed monstrosity, but any other legislation containing a National ID database plan.

And because this fight is so critical, I’m counting on you to make a generous contribution of $30, $20, or at least $10 IMMEDIATELY to help Campaign for Liberty DEFEAT the statists’ National ID scheme.

Just like we saw in the Senate, I’m afraid you and I are seeing the beginnings of a strong “bipartisan” gang develop in the House, poised to RAM this bill – or even some worse compromise - through.

That’s why, in addition to your signed Directive, I hope you’ll dig deep and make the most generous contribution you can afford.

Rand, we don’t have much time.

You and I must make our voices heard right away.

So please agree to your most generous contribution of $30, $20, or at least $10!

In Liberty,

John Tate

P.S. Just this month, House leadership held a meeting to discuss exactly how they were going to deal with the “immigration issue.”

Virtually no one was saying “dead on arrival” about the U.S. Senate bill’s chances of passing anymore.

Instead, more than a few hints were dropped at the meeting that the U.S. House could move on this bill before the August recess!

That’s why it’s absolutely critical you sign your "No National ID/No Database" Directive and make your most generous contribution of $30, $20, or at least $10 IMMEDIATELY!

No National  ID - TURN ON IMAGES

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Because of Campaign For Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501(C)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions (IRC § 162(e)(1)).

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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Monday’s Victory and Today’s Opportunity

Campaign for Liberty

Dear Erick,

While many Americans think of House and Senate procedure as arcane and unimportant to anyone except those on the Hill, procedural fights are of vital importance to the liberty movement.

And Monday night, we partially won a critical procedural fight.

Through social media and our website, Campaign for Liberty asked our members to contact the House Rules Committee and urge them to support bringing the Department of Defense appropriations bill, H.R. 2397, to the House floor under an “open” rule to allow votes on three key amendments.

An open rule allows members not in leadership (or in leadership’s favor) to make their voices heard by introducing amendments, having a brief debate, and getting a vote.

Congressman Ron Paul regularly took advantage of the open rule to force Congress to debate and vote on crucial issues of spending, civil liberties, and foreign policy. 

And Michigan Representative Justin Amash was relying on an open rule process to offer an amendment limiting the ability of the NSA to use taxpayer funds to spy on you in violation of the Fourth Amendment. 

Kentucky Representative Thomas Massie planned to use an open rule to introduce amendments preventing military and paramilitary “aid” to Egypt and Syria.

C4L urged representatives to vote down any rule that didn’t allow for votes on the NSA, Egypt, and Syria.

Despite a high likelihood that the Rules Committee would adopt a modified closed rule and rule the amendments we supported out of order, that didn’t happen.

House Leadership recognized their rule could be defeated if they didn’t give us our votes.

So late Monday night, despite adopting a modified closed rule, they still gave us the votes with extra time for debate!

However, only one of Rep. Massie’s two amendments was ruled in order – to prevent military and paramilitary “aid” to the military junta in Egypt.

Representative Amash’s amendment preventing the blanket collection of data on U.S. citizens under Section 215 of the so-called “Patriot” Act was also approved.

The importance of this can’t be understated. 

Later today, the House will vote for the first time to curtail the NSA’s domestic spying program and to cut off the flow of military and paramilitary aid to Egypt!

But Monday night’s victory is only half of the fight.

Now that the House will consider Reps. Amash and Massie’s amendments, I need C4L members to turn up the pressure!

Please contact Congress right away at 202-224-3121 and urge your representative to support Reps. Amash and Massie’s amendments to the Department of Defense appropriations bill.

Members of Congress have a responsibility to exercise oversight over controversial aspects of public policy, and the power of the purse string is one of its most effective ways to do so.

Now you and I have an excellent chance to stand up for taxpayers and our privacy rights through forcing Congress to uphold their responsibility.

But with the White House and many members of Congress desperate to continue the NSA’s domestic spying and keep the funds flowing to arm the military junta in Egypt, we have to make our voices heard loudly and clearly!

So please, call Congress TODAY at 202-224-3121 and urge your representative to support Reps. Amash and Massie’s amendments to the Department of Defense appropriations bill.

After you contact Congress, I hope you’ll chip in $25, $50, or whatever you can afford to help C4L reach millions of more Americans on these vital issues

I want to flood Congress with a tidal wave of grassroots pressure demanding they respect our Fourth Amendment rights and stop throwing away our hard-earned money.

But C4L can only recruit more Americans to our cause and mobilize them to take action with your help.

So, if you support preventing the NSA’s blanket collection of data and stopping the flow of military and paramilitary aid to Egypt and Syria, please contact Congress and contribute whatever you are able to C4L today!

In Liberty,

John Tate

P.S.  Late Monday night, grassroots pressure prevailed, and the House Rules Committee approved bringing the Department of Defense appropriations bill to the House floor under a rule allowing votes on two vital amendments!

Reps. Amash and Massie have introduced amendments to prevent the NSA’s blanket collection of innocent Americans’ data and stop the flow of military and paramilitary aid to Egypt.

But Monday night’s victory is only half of the fight. 

Please, call Congress IMMEDIATELY at 202-224-3121 and urge your representative to support Reps. Amash and Massie’s amendments to the Department of Defense appropriations bill, H.R. 2397. 

And after you’ve called Congress, I hope you’ll chip in $25, $50, or whatever you can afford to help C4L recruit millions of more Americans to defend our Fourth Amendment rights and stop Congress from throwing away our hard-earned money!

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Because of Campaign For Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501(C)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions (IRC § 162(e)(1)).

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