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Thursday, May 30, 2013

Quiz Time

Campaign for Liberty

Dear Erick,

What prominent member of Congress was recently quoted as saying Congress would "not back away" from gun control?

A. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid?

B. House Democrat Leader Nancy Pelosi?

C. Republican House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte?

Erick, if you care about the future of your Second Amendment rights at all, the answer to that quick quiz is going to INFURIATE you . . .

President Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid have both promised gun control would be back on Congress' agenda.

But now, Representative Bob Goodlatte told The Hill he is working with Speaker John Boehner on legislation "strengthening" the unconstitutional federal "background check system"!

That's why I'm counting on you to sign your Second Amendment Protection Petition IMMEDIATELY.

But before I give you the link, let me explain why this is so important . . .

As you know, from day one after the horrible tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut, last December, expanded "background checks" have been at the very top of President Obama's anti-gun agenda.

It's not hard to see why.

More "background check" forms means more gun owners' names for Eric Holder and Barack Obama, more targets for harassment for abusive federal agencies such as the IRS . . .

But most importantly, they serve as the foundation for a NATIONAL GUN REGISTRY.

You and I both know registering firearms is only the first step toward their ultimate seizure by the federal government.

That's why I was so DISGUSTED to see Bob Goodlatte's comments - and I hope you are, too.

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor has already publicly stated he would be in favor of expanding the federal background check system.

And both John Boehner and Eric Cantor have been coy about whether they would be willing to pass a gun control bill with the votes of statist Republicans and Democrats . . .

Just like they did with the debt ceiling. And the "fiscal cliff" tax hike.

Since Speaker Boehner and Chairman Goodlatte could move at any time to ram this latest gun-grabbing scheme through the House, we don't have a moment to lose.

So please sign your petition TODAY and help me send a loud-and-clear message to Speaker Boehner, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, and Chairman Goodlatte:


Time and again, you and I have heard from the GOP House leadership that they would not work on any gun legislation until the Senate passed Harry Reid's gun control bill.

But now, I'm afraid those statements about "waiting to see what the Senate does" may have been designed to keep the heat off themselves.

As you know, because of the efforts of millions of pro-freedom Americans like you, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has been forced to put his gun-grabbing scheme on hold to give him and his anti-Second Amendment allies more time to browbeat wavering Democrats and Republicans.

So why are Speaker Boehner and Chairman Goodlatte working in secret to craft new gun control legislation?

To appear "reasonable" to the anti-gun national media heading into the 2014 election year?

Because they've been "promised" something by President Obama in some closed-door, smoky backroom deal?

I don't want to find out.

You and I can't ignore the Senate.

But you and I must also send a message to Boehner, Cantor, Goodlatte, and the entire Congress that our rights are non-negotiable!

That's why I need you to sign your Second Amendment Protection Petition IMMEDIATELY.

And if you can, please contribute $100 today.

Every dollar you give will help me turn up the heat on Congress.

With gun control expected to be back on the agenda in a matter of weeks, this isn't a fight you and I can ignore.

But if $100 is just too much, please agree to $50 or at least $25 IMMEDIATELY.

If our Second Amendment rights are to be protected, it's absolutely vital you and I act at once.

So please sign your Second Amendment Protection Petition right away.

And if you can, please help Campaign for Liberty's efforts with a contribution of $100, $50, $25 - or whatever you can afford - TODAY!

In Liberty,

John Tate

P.S. Representative Bob Goodlatte told The Hill he is working with Speaker John Boehner on legislation "strengthening" the unconstitutional federal "background check system"!

From day one after the horrible tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut, last December, expanded "background checks" have been at the very top of President Obama's anti-gun agenda.

That's why I'm counting on you to sign your Second Amendment Protection Petition IMMEDIATELY.

And if you can, please help Campaign for Liberty's efforts with a contribution of $100, $50, $25 - or whatever you can afford - TODAY!

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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

How LPAC Changed My Life

Dear Erick,

Last September, I traveled from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to the Liberty Political Action Conference in Chantilly, Virginia, to connect with other liberty-minded individuals and learn how I could become politically effective against the out-of-touch officials continually promoting Big Government and assaulting our liberties.

I felt ineffective with just posting on Facebook, contributing to blogs, and just holding signs.  As a nurse, I’m trained to always look for solutions, and I was completely fed up with an ever-expanding National Debt I can’t afford to pay back.

I wanted to learn how to really make a difference.

So I came to LPAC, and it changed my life.

I heard from effective, experienced political experts with a track record of success, and they explained the Real Nature of Politics.

My eyes were opened.

I also listened to regular citizens, very much like myself, from the working class (not the political class) who were fed up with business as usual and decided to step up and make a difference. 

The speakers at LPAC inspired me and gave me hope to get involved and contribute to solving the problems facing America.

As the conference drew to a close, those of us in attendance were urged not to disengage when we returned to our lives – to remain ever vigilant in our defense of Liberty. 

When I returned to Massachusetts, I connected with my local C4L chapter and attended more political trainings closer to home - all the time thinking I would strive to promote good legislation, attack bad legislation, or perhaps even work on the campaign of a Liberty candidate.

However, due to the untimely passing of the then-current State Representative in my district (Peabody), a Special Election was called just four short months later.  A Republican hadn’t held the seat in decades.  (And this is Massachusetts, with just 11% registered Republicans.) 

Countless folks told me, essentially, “Nice try, kid, but you can’t win.”  But I followed C4L's advice to directly deliver a message of small government to the voters. 

And it worked - not only in a Republican Primary against a strong establishment candidate, but most importantly in a stunning upset in the General Election!

A year ago, I never thought that within 12 short months, I’d be a Massachusetts State Representative, voting against tax hikes, supporting entitlement reform, and promoting Liberty.

There is an expression: Luck is what happens when Preparation meets Opportunity.  LPAC is the best preparation you can get as you look for opportunities to promote Liberty, either as an activist or as a candidate.

I hope to see you at LPAC 2013.  This year, I have been asked by Campaign for Liberty to speak on one of their panels. 

I invite you to join me at this year’s event to learn how you can make a big impact for the cause of liberty.

I was able to make a difference, and you can, too!

In Liberty,

Leah Cole

P.S. Last year, I attended the Liberty Political Action Conference, and it changed my life.

I heard from effective, experienced political experts with a track record of success, and they explained the Real Nature of Politics.

In less than a year, I was able to put their training into practice as I became a Massachusetts State Representative.

I hope you’ll join me at this year’s event
to learn how you can make a difference, too!

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Your Representative is Holding the Line

Campaign for Liberty

Dear Erick,

For the past several months, Campaign for Liberty has dug in our heels to battle one of the biggest assaults on taxpayers, state sovereignty, and the Constitution to come out of the 113th Congress.

If big-spending politicians and establishment lobbyists manage to pull their plan off, an essential protection for small businesses and entrepreneurs will be stripped away...

... Creating open season for tax collectors on some of our nation’s most innovative job creators.

Your representative, Rep. Cory Gardner, has come out in opposition to the National Internet Tax Mandate, boosting our chances of defeating the bill.

So I hope you’ll call Rep. Cory Gardner at (202) 225-4676 today and thank him for supporting taxpayers against this corporatist cop-out.

Urge your representative to go one step further by signing Representative Thomas Massie’s letter to House leadership asking them to simply not bring the bill to the floor for a vote.

As I’ve written before, the National Internet Tax Mandate overrides the standard established by the Supreme Court in Quill Corporation v. North Dakota preventing states from taxing businesses lacking any “physical presence” in that state.

So in addition to having to remain in compliance with nearly 10,000 tax jurisdictions across the country, small businesses will face almost constant threat of audit and being dragged into courts in states where they may not even have any physical presence.

Simply put, state boundaries would be rendered meaningless for sales tax collection purposes, and online businesses in states such as Texas would have no recourse against big spending, high tax legislators in states such as California changing their tax laws or raising rates.

Though it’s called the “Marketplace Fairness Act,” this bill is about as fair as the “Patriot” Act is patriotic.

Your representative has taken a brave stand against a powerful machine.

So please contact Rep. Cory Gardner right away and let him know he is not alone.

If there’s an event where your representative may be speaking while in the district this week, and if you can attend, be sure to personally thank him for standing with the taxpayers on this issue.

Thank you for your dedication to defending our freedoms!

In Liberty,

John Tate

P.S.  The National Internet Tax Mandate would create open season for tax collectors on some of our nation’s most innovative job creators.

Your representative, Rep. Cory Gardner, has come out in opposition to the National Internet Tax Mandate, boosting our chances of defeating the bill.
I hope you’ll call Rep. Cory Gardner at (202) 225-4676 today and thank him for supporting taxpayers against this corporatist cop-out.

Urge your representative to go one step further by signing Representative Thomas Massie’s letter to House leadership asking them to simply not bring the bill to the floor for a vote.

And if you’re able at this time, chipping in $10 or even $5 will go a long way toward helping C4L stay at the forefront of the fight against big-spending, money-grabbing politicians.

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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Banker's Choice

Campaign for Liberty

Dear Erick,

President Obama has once again betrayed his promises to end Big Bank favoritism by nominating Rep. Mel Watt (NC-12), who ought to be called the representative from Bank of America, to head the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA).

This agency is charged with overseeing Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and other Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs).

Campaign for Liberty members should be all-too familiar with Rep. Watt.

In the 111th Congress, C4L defeated an attempt to gut Audit the Fed in the House Financial Services Committee.

The Representative who proposed it?  Mel Watt.

Watt later would go on to serve on the conference committee that prevented a thorough audit of the Fed from being reattached to the Dodd/Frank “Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act,” after the Senate had substituted their language in place of Congressman Ron Paul’s version.

While Mel Watt is an enemy of transparent government and an ardent defender of the Federal Reserve, that’s far from his worst offenses.

In 2002, Watt helped spur on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s risky lending practices that helped lead to the subprime mortgage crisis and that eventually crippled the economy in the fall of 2008.

One program in particular encouraged home ownership among welfare recipients by allowing residents of Charlotte, North Carolina, to purchase a home with a down payment of as little as $1,000 of their own money – with the City subsidizing the rest of the 3% down payment.

It’s no surprise, then, that CNN listed Charlotte among the top five worst hit cities for foreclosures during the housing crisis.

If confirmed, Watt would oversee the very agencies he made engage in such risky lending practices that inflated the housing bubble.

As if ignorant of Watt’s actions and blind to their consequences, President Obama said when announcing Watt’s nomination, “Mel has led efforts to rein in unscrupulous mortgage lenders. He’s helped protect consumers from the kind of reckless risk-taking that led to the financial crisis in the first place. And he’s fought to give more Americans in low-income neighborhoods access to affordable housing.”

This is the political equivalent of naming a convicted arsonist Fire Marshal.

Among Watt’s biggest donors, you’ll find Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs, and the National Association of Realtors, which also makes this nomination particularly troubling.

If confirmed, Mel Watt would be the banker’s best friend.

There are numerous other criticisms: Cato’s Mark Calabria, a former Senate Banking Committee staffer, argued Watt doesn’t meet the legally defined “qualifications” for the position.

The Competitive Enterprise Institute’s John Berlau has asserted that Watt’s opposition to Audit the Fed and his support for SOPA shows he opposes transparency and lacks a fundamental respect for Americans’ privacy - two basic qualifications any government appointee should meet.

When you look at the complete picture of who Rep. Mel Watt is, an ideological partisan who’s in the pocket of Bank of America and other major investment banks, there are more than enough reasons to scuttle this nomination.

Campaign for Liberty strongly opposes the nomination of Mel Watt to head up the FHFA, as he is clearly unfit to serve.

Stay tuned to for more information as Watt’s nomination proceeds to consideration in the Senate Banking Committee.

For now, please call your senators at 202-224-3121 and urge them to place a hold on Mel Watt’s nomination to head the FHFA.

We’ll be in touch soon as this nomination begins to move.

In Liberty,

Tim Shoemaker
Director of Legislation

P.S. President Obama has picked Rep. Mel Watt (NC-12) to head the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), an agency charged with overseeing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and other Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs).

When you look at the complete picture of who Rep. Mel Watt is, an ideological partisan who’s in the pocket of Bank of America and other major investment banks, there are more than enough reasons to scuttle this nomination.

If you’re able, after you’ve contacted your senators in opposition to this nomination, please chip in $10 to help Campaign for Liberty gear up for this fight.

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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Apply the Brakes

Thomas Massie - Campaign for Liberty

Dear Erick,

Right now, I'm doing everything I can to stop the National Internet Tax Mandate in the U.S. House. 

But without your support, I know my best efforts will come up short.

The special interests are doing everything they can to ram this misnamed, so-called "Marketplace Fairness Act" into law.

So I'm counting on your action today.

I’m so fired up about this legislation that just last week I took to the House floor with a number of my colleagues to discuss our opposition to this tax-hiking scheme.

But it’s going to take more than special order floor speeches to bring those members on the fence back to our side on this issue.

That’s why I reached out to Campaign for Liberty.
I’ve been keeping an eye on their efforts to oppose this legislation in the Senate, and thanks to Campaign for Liberty members speaking out, the vote on final passage was much closer than it could have been.

I believe we can carry that momentum over and build on it in the House.

You see, I’ve written a letter to House leadership expressing my concerns with this legislation and asking them to simply not bring it to the floor for a vote.

But I could really use your assistance in getting as many members of Congress as possible to sign my letter opposing the Internet Tax Mandate.

You can reach your representative at 202-224-3121.

At its core, this legislation is simply unfair.

It forces companies doing business over the Internet - even those in non-sales tax states - to act as tax collectors for states and local jurisdictions across the country.

A few very large companies are now supporting this legislation because it would help them establish a competitive advantage and smother potential future competitors in red tape.

As rising shipping costs and a stagnant economy continue to depress business activity, attempts to shift the burden of tax collection from state agencies to online retailers outside those states would hinder the development of e-commerce.

The Constitution’s Commerce Clause should be used to help, not impede, the flow of goods and services.  As C4L has written before, this legislation flips the Commerce Clause on its head.

Worse yet, the Internet Tax Mandate will replace tax competition between the states with tax harmonization, meaning tax rates will inevitably rise over time.

For these reasons, I hope you’ll contact Congress and ask your representative to sign my letter to House leadership urging them to reject the so-called “Marketplace Fairness Act.”

You can reach your representative at 202-224-3121

The Internet has been an enormous boon to our entire economy, and I hope to keep it that way.

That’s why, if you’re able, I’d like to ask that after you’ve contacted your representative you contribute $250, $100, or even $25 to help Campaign for Liberty recruit millions of grassroots Americans to stand with us on this issue.

Campaign for Liberty has assured me that if they can raise the necessary funds, they can expand their program against the Internet Tax Mandate with hard-hitting TV, radio, and Internet banner ads to alert Americans to the dangers of Congress passing the misnamed “Marketplace Fairness Act.”

Together, I’m sure we can get enough support from conservatives and liberty-minded legislators to stop this bill in its tracks.

Will you help today, when your assistance is needed most?

I look forward to working more with the liberty movement, and while I wish I were writing you about repealing Gun-Free School Zones or legalizing industrial hemp, I hope I can count on your support to defeat the ill-conceived and misguided Internet Tax Mandate.

Please contact Congress today and encourage your representative to sign on to my letter this week.

Your action could make all the difference.

In Liberty,

Congressman Thomas Massie (KY-4)
P.S. I’ve written a letter to House leadership expressing my concerns with the so-called “Marketplace Fairness Act” and asking them to simply not bring it to the floor for a vote.

I’ve seen firsthand the great work Campaign for Liberty members have done in chipping away support from this bill.

And I could really use your assistance in getting as many members of the House as possible to join me in opposing the Internet Tax Mandate.

So today, please urge your representative to sign my letter to House leadership urging them to reject the so-called “Marketplace Fairness Act.”

You can reach your representative at 202-224-3121.

After you’ve contacted your representative, and if you’re able to, I’d ask that you contribute $250, $100, or even $25 to help Campaign for Liberty recruit millions of grassroots Americans to stand with us on this issue.

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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Honor My Dad

Dear Erick,

The progress our liberty movement has seen over the past few years has been nothing short of incredible.

Never before have those of us who believe in constitutional principles, individual liberty, sound money, limited government, and a pro-American foreign policy been so energized, organized, and influential.

After seeing so many new allies elected to both houses of Congress and to state legislatures throughout the country, the liberty movement is truly a force BOTH political parties now have to reckon with.

But ultimately, I believe restoring our country’s future and restoring respect for liberty means laying a strong foundation that’s built to last for years to come.

That’s why I think Campaign for Liberty Foundation’s work is so absolutely critical

There’s no denying there’s a real hunger for liberty today throughout this country - especially among young people.

Like you, it’s a hunger I want to see nurtured and developed until our country’s founding principles are finally restored.

Today, Campaign for Liberty Foundation is doing exactly that with their Ron Paul Scholarship Fund.

The mission of the Ron Paul Scholarship Fund is to award deserving, pro-liberty students with scholarships to help defray the costs of education, granting them access to greater opportunity while advancing our shared cause of liberty.

Today, for many young people, college degrees are often the price of admission to a good professional job.

In the profession my father and I both share – medicine – it’s especially true.

But it’s true in politics, as well.

Sadly, with the rising cost of college tuition, many of the best and brightest pro-liberty students find themselves saddled with mountains of debt upon graduation.

Often, that means they’re forced to choose other more lucrative careers instead fighting for their true passion – liberty and limited government.

After all, without the establishment’s deep pockets, many pro-liberty organizations – like Campaign for Liberty Foundation – are run on a shoestring budget.

So if you and I want to make sure today’s pro-liberty youth movement is transformed into a true political force, ensuring the best and brightest students don’t graduate from college facing massive debt is critical.

That’s why C4L Foundation developed the Ron Paul Scholarship Fund.

The Ron Paul Scholarships will be awarded once a year to liberty-minded students who meet some very important criteria, which include maintaining a solid GPA, writing a 500-word essay on the political issue most important to them, and going through an interview with C4L Foundation staff.

There are several levels for these one-year scholarships, including:

*** The Ron Paul Patriot Scholarship in the amount of $10,000;

*** The Ron Paul Liberty Scholarship in the amount of $5,000;

*** The Ron Paul Freedom Scholarship in the amount of $2,500;

*** Internship Grants in the amount of $1,000 to help defray the housing costs of those who would like to intern for pro-liberty Members of Congress in both the U.S. House and Senate.

In addition to these student scholarships, C4L Foundation is also offering scholarships to advanced political trainings taking place right now all over the country.

And as I’m sure you agree, these scholarships are the perfect way to honor my dad and continue the R3VOLUTION he started.

Of course, Campaign for Liberty Foundation must be able to count on your financial support to ensure this program is a success.

So I hope you’ll agree to a generous contribution of $500, $250, $100, $50, $35 – or whatever you can afford - TODAY.

Your tax-deductible donation will help forever change the lives of deserving young people seeking to make a difference in the future of our country.

Whether these students attended public school, private school, or were home schooled, your gift will make a major impact in young men and women’s lives as they seek to further their education.

Let’s ensure these pro-liberty students have the resources, advantages and opportunities to lift the liberty movement to the next level.

Please make a generous contribution of $500, $250, $100, $50, $35 – or whatever you can afford – to help ensure the Ron Paul Scholarship Fund is a success.

Thank you so much for your support.

In Liberty,

Rand Paul, MD
U.S. Senator (R-KY)

P.S. My father always says the future of liberty depends on young people.

Let’s ensure the best and brightest pro-liberty students have the advantages to advance our cause and make a difference for the future.

Please contribute $500, $250, $100, $50, $35 – or whatever you can afford - to the Ron Paul Scholarship Fund TODAY.

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Monday, May 20, 2013

VIDEO: A National ID Card for Erick Stobel

Congressman Ron Paul

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Saturday, May 18, 2013

Will You Be There?

Campaign for Liberty

Dear Erick,

On September 19-22, grassroots activists from all across the nation will gather at the Westfields Marriott in Chantilly, Virginia, for the 2013 Liberty Political Action Conference.

And in only a few more weeks, Campaign for Liberty’s Early Bird Rate for tickets to this year’s LPAC will expire.

So I hope you’ll take advantage right now of this chance to get your pass to all three days of General Session activities, featuring top speakers including C4L Chairman Ron Paul and Senator Rand Paul.

The Conference’s fourth day will be devoted entirely to grassroots political activism training, where expert instructors will equip you with what you need to know to take back your freedoms starting in your own local area.

While tickets for the training must be purchased separately this year, three-day pass holders can get their training ticket at a discounted rate.

Attendees can also reserve their room at the Westfields Marriott at a special LPAC price, but this rate is only available on a first-come, first-serve basis – and rooms are already going fast!

If you have any questions, or are interested in sponsoring this year’s Conference or exhibiting, contact us at

So don’t wait!

Visit today for more information on LPAC 2013 and to purchase your tickets for C4L’s biggest event of the year!

In Liberty,

John Tate

P.S.  In just a few weeks, C4L’s Early Bird rate for tickets to all three days of General Session activities at the 2013 Liberty Political Action Conference will expire.

So don’t miss this opportunity to get your three-day pass at the special Early Bird rate!

While tickets to our full day of grassroots activism training must be purchased separately this year, three-day pass holders can also get a special discount on their training ticket.

Visit to learn more about this year’s Conference and to purchase your tickets today!

If you have any questions, or are interested in sponsoring or exhibiting, contact us at

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