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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Fw: The villain is back


Did you see the email below from Ron Paul?

You see, anti-liberty senators are working together on a deal to "reform" immigration that will force YOU to obtain a National ID card! 

It's vital you and I do everything possible to defeat this dangerous scheme. 

Your action today is critical to stopping the establishment from further trampling on our Constitution and our privacy.

Please read the letter below from Dr. Paul and take action right away.

In Liberty,


From: Ron Paul []
Date: Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Subject: The villain is back

Campaign for Liberty


This is getting to be like a bad movie.

You know the ones - where the villain, dead and buried more times than you can count, somehow mysteriously reappears in a place you don't expect him?

Well, here comes. . . a new fight over a biometric National ID card - and if you don't have the card, you can't work.

Right now, freedom-stealing statists Senator John McCain (R-AZ) and Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY), banding together with members of both parties, are scheming to sneak a massive power grab into a new "immigration reform" bill.

This bill is a statist's dream - a biometric ID card for every American.

In fact, when asked recently if he favored "a super Social Security card that would have some sort of biometric thing like a fingerprint," John McCain said, "I'm for it"!  

That's why it's vital you sign your "No National ID" petition to C4L to make your voice heard on this issue IMMEDIATELY.

I'll give you the link in a moment, but first let me explain exactly what's at stake.

If passed, this dangerous scheme would require a new National ID card that would:

*** Include biometric identification information, such as fingerprints, retinal scans, or scans of veins on the back of hands, which could easily be used as a tracking device;

*** Be required for all U.S. workers regardless of place of birth, making it illegal for anyone to hold a job in the United States who doesn't obtain the ID card;

*** Require all employers to purchase an "ID scanner" to verify the ID cards with the federal government. Every time any citizen applies for a job, the government would know - and you can bet it's only a matter of time until "ID scans" will be required to make even routine purchases, as well.

That's why it's vital you sign your "No National ID" petition to C4L right away.

National ID

Of course, the most dangerous part of the bill is the biometric tracking technology, which would allow federal bureaucrats to track our every move.

Allowing our government to have this much "prying power" in our lives will ultimately result in the TOTAL loss of freedom.

This is exactly the type of battle that often decides whether a country remains free or continues down a slide toward tyranny.

Government goon squads with all our personal information - information they do not need and constitutionally should not have - is a recipe for disaster for our nation.

You see, once "well-meaning" government bureaucrats know exactly how we live our lives, it won't be long until they try to run them.

In fact, it will only be a matter of time until they spend their workdays making sure you and I don't go anywhere, read anything, eat anything, or drink anything they think we "shouldn't be allowed to."

Once that door opens, how long before the statists start telling us what we can teach our children? Or where we can go to church? Or what God we are "allowed" to worship?

It's clear this battle isn't really about immigration.

Whatever you think of that issue, it's simply being used as cover.

This fight is about being able to watch and control your every move.

If there is good news to report, it's that, thanks to the help of activists like you, liberty-minded Americans have been able to render the Big Government politicians' National ID nearly toothless in numerous states across the country.

And C4L has been vital in helping to hold off their attempt to implement their cherished National ID scheme for the last few years.

But the statists are growing nervous.

They know the American people are FED UP with TRILLION-dollar deficits, massive new tax hikes, all-out assaults on our God-given right to keep and bear arms, and their other attempts to control every aspect of our lives.

They see your outrage is producing results, and many of their outrageous schemes are failing.

The American people are rising up in state after state to say "Enough," and brushfires of liberty are sweeping the nation.

So the statists are trying a bipartisan, "backdoor" scheme to impose more control over the American people.

They're hoping that after months of Big Media mouthpieces decrying the "poisonous and partisan politics" in Washington, the American people will jump for joy at the sight of a Democrat from liberal New York and a Republican from conservative Arizona "working together to solve our immigration mess."

Well, you and I know better.

After all, activists can hardly find two Senators with bigger vendettas against the liberty movement than Senator Chuck Schumer and Senator John McCain.

Senator McCain, along with his buddy Lindsey Graham, has very publicly denounced the liberty movement.

As I'm sure you remember, instead of standing with Senator Rand Paul during his historic filibuster, John McCain and Lindsey Graham were having dinner with President Obama.

And the next day, they lashed out against Rand, calling his filibuster "ridiculous."

They've clearly shown they believe we're not welcome in THEIR party.

That's one reason why I'm counting on you to FIGHT back by signing your "No National ID" petition to C4L IMMEDIATELY.

National ID

The only way to DEFEAT a new National ID card is to contact Americans from coast-to-coast and explain EXACTLY what's at stake.

They're not going to get the real story from the mainstream media. And they're surely not going to get the real story from the Washington establishment.

It's up to you and me to get our message out to as many folks as possible before it's too late.

With your help, C4L can send powerful emails and run Facebook and Internet banner ads to alert liberty-loving Americans to the National ID scheme included in the new "Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill."

But I'm afraid that simply won't be enough.

Campaign for Liberty staff tells me if they pull out all the stops, there's an additional twelve million folks they can reach through targeted direct mail and phone programs.

And finally, if they can raise the resources, C4L would also like to run hard-hitting newspaper, radio, and TV ads explaining exactly what Chuck Schumer, John McCain, and the rest of the statists are up to.

Of course, such a massive grassroots mobilization program isn't cheap - but it's the only way to stop this dangerous National ID scheme from becoming the law of the land.

Erica, with all the battles we're currently facing - from gun control to massive spending to National Internet Tax Mandates - Campaign for Liberty simply doesn't have the resources to do everything it takes to win this fight.

So please, sign your "No National ID" petition to C4L IMMEDIATELY!

National ID

And because this fight is so critical, I'm counting on you to make a generous contribution of $100, $75, $50, $25 - or whatever you can afford - to help Campaign for Liberty DEFEAT the statists' National ID scheme.

This is one fight you and I can't afford to lose.

Passage of the National ID card would virtually guarantee the last vestiges of freedom we enjoy as Americans would be seriously jeopardized.

If you and I don't defeat this scheme, who will?

There is already a strong, "bipartisan coalition" developing, and the American people barely know what's going on.

That's why, in addition to your signed "No National ID" petition - I hope you'll dig deep and make the most generous contribution you can afford.

Some folks have already contributed as much as $500 to this fight. Others have given $100 or $50.

But no matter how much you give, whether it's chipping in with $10 or a larger contribution of $150, I guarantee your contribution is urgently needed and will be deeply appreciated.

So please sign your "No National ID" petition to C4L and make the most generous contribution you can afford to help Campaign for Liberty DEFEAT the statists' National ID scheme.

In Liberty,

Ron Paul

P.S. Right now, freedom-stealing statists Senator John McCain (R-AZ) and Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY), banding together with members of both parties, are scheming to sneak a massive power grab into a new "immigration reform" bill.

If passed, it would require every American to obtain a National ID card to work legally in the U.S. - and you can bet it will only be a matter of time until they're required even for simple purchases.

So please sign your "No National ID" petition to C4L to make your voice heard right away.

Please also make the most generous contribution you can afford today to help fuel C4L's efforts.

National ID

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Because of Campaign For Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501(C)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions (IRC § 162(e)(1)).

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You were added to the system September 15, 2011 [More information].
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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Fwd: Because We Want to Hold You for 72 Hours...

Dear Erick,

Your action is needed right away to protect our free speech rights in Colorado.  Please read the urgent email below and share it with your friends and family.

In Liberty,

Deb Wells
Senior Director of State Operations

Campaign for Liberty

Dear Erick,

The Communist rulers of the Soviet Union didn't arrest its citizens who protested the regime very often.  They just declared them mentally ill and put them in special mental hospitals without trial.

This was eerily similar to what happened to former US Marine Brandon Raub last year when he was taken into custody by federal officials. They put him in a psychiatric hospital for observation because of his Facebook post where he was critical of many government policies.

Despite the fact that he had committed no crimes, he was held without trial for "psychological evaluation."

Does the federal government want to have the power to do this in Colorado? 

When Sen. Kevin Lundberg asked the Secret Service why they needed "Peace Officer" powers in Colorado, the agent said "we need the ability to put somebody on a 72-hour mental health hold."

And the General Assembly is about to hand that power to Federal Agents operating in Colorado.
Colorado Senate Bill 13-013 has already passed the State Senate, and it gives the United States Secret Service or “Peace Officer” new sweeping powers to make arrests in the state.
In reality, this bill is designed to give more authority to the Secret Service to curtail protests of federal government officials and bureaucrats who may be visiting the state.
This so-called “Peace Officer” role has been gradually expanding into states across the country and is now being pushed right here in Colorado.
It’s vital you contact your State Representative at 303-866-2904 today and urge them to vote AGAINST SB13-013.
There’s no doubt that this needless and dangerous bill is being pushed on our state by outside powers, and it is supported by various “law and order” interest groups from within Colorado.
The fact is, this bill solves no problems and has the potential to open the door to widespread abuse by Federal Agents operating with virtual immunity in Colorado.
If you do not want Federal Agents to have expanded powers within Colorado, contact your State Representative at 303-866-2904 right away. INSIST they stand up for free speech and VOTE AGAINST SB13-013.  This vote could happen any day this week!
In Liberty,

Matt Holdridge
Colorado State Coordinator
Campaign for Liberty
P.S. Your ability to peacefully protest the policies of the federal government is under attack at the State Capitol.  The effect would give the federal government the ability to lock you up for up to 72 hours--without charges or trial--any time they want, under the guise of a "mental health hold."
The Colorado General Assembly is about to hand over more power to the Secret Service to curtail protests of federal government officials and bureaucrats who may be in Colorado. This bill has already passed the State Senate.
It’s critical you contact your State Representative right away at 303-866-2904 and insist they stand up for free speech and VOTE AGAINST SB13-013. A vote could happen any day this week!

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Because of Campaign For Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501(C)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions (IRC § 162(e)(1)).

This message was intended for:
You were added to the system September 15, 2011 [More information].
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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The villain is back

Campaign for Liberty


This is getting to be like a bad movie.

You know the ones - where the villain, dead and buried more times than you can count, somehow mysteriously reappears in a place you don't expect him?

Well, here comes. . . a new fight over a biometric National ID card - and if you don't have the card, you can't work.

Right now, freedom-stealing statists Senator John McCain (R-AZ) and Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY), banding together with members of both parties, are scheming to sneak a massive power grab into a new "immigration reform" bill.

This bill is a statist's dream - a biometric ID card for every American.

In fact, when asked recently if he favored "a super Social Security card that would have some sort of biometric thing like a fingerprint," John McCain said, "I'm for it"!  

That's why it's vital you sign your "No National ID" petition to C4L to make your voice heard on this issue IMMEDIATELY.

I'll give you the link in a moment, but first let me explain exactly what's at stake.

If passed, this dangerous scheme would require a new National ID card that would:

*** Include biometric identification information, such as fingerprints, retinal scans, or scans of veins on the back of hands, which could easily be used as a tracking device;

*** Be required for all U.S. workers regardless of place of birth, making it illegal for anyone to hold a job in the United States who doesn't obtain the ID card;

*** Require all employers to purchase an "ID scanner" to verify the ID cards with the federal government. Every time any citizen applies for a job, the government would know - and you can bet it's only a matter of time until "ID scans" will be required to make even routine purchases, as well.

That's why it's vital you sign your "No National ID" petition to C4L right away.

National ID

Of course, the most dangerous part of the bill is the biometric tracking technology, which would allow federal bureaucrats to track our every move.

Allowing our government to have this much "prying power" in our lives will ultimately result in the TOTAL loss of freedom.

This is exactly the type of battle that often decides whether a country remains free or continues down a slide toward tyranny.

Government goon squads with all our personal information - information they do not need and constitutionally should not have - is a recipe for disaster for our nation.

You see, once "well-meaning" government bureaucrats know exactly how we live our lives, it won't be long until they try to run them.

In fact, it will only be a matter of time until they spend their workdays making sure you and I don't go anywhere, read anything, eat anything, or drink anything they think we "shouldn't be allowed to."

Once that door opens, how long before the statists start telling us what we can teach our children? Or where we can go to church? Or what God we are "allowed" to worship?

It's clear this battle isn't really about immigration.

Whatever you think of that issue, it's simply being used as cover.

This fight is about being able to watch and control your every move.

If there is good news to report, it's that, thanks to the help of activists like you, liberty-minded Americans have been able to render the Big Government politicians' National ID nearly toothless in numerous states across the country.

And C4L has been vital in helping to hold off their attempt to implement their cherished National ID scheme for the last few years.

But the statists are growing nervous.

They know the American people are FED UP with TRILLION-dollar deficits, massive new tax hikes, all-out assaults on our God-given right to keep and bear arms, and their other attempts to control every aspect of our lives.

They see your outrage is producing results, and many of their outrageous schemes are failing.

The American people are rising up in state after state to say "Enough," and brushfires of liberty are sweeping the nation.

So the statists are trying a bipartisan, "backdoor" scheme to impose more control over the American people.

They're hoping that after months of Big Media mouthpieces decrying the "poisonous and partisan politics" in Washington, the American people will jump for joy at the sight of a Democrat from liberal New York and a Republican from conservative Arizona "working together to solve our immigration mess."

Well, you and I know better.

After all, activists can hardly find two Senators with bigger vendettas against the liberty movement than Senator Chuck Schumer and Senator John McCain.

Senator McCain, along with his buddy Lindsey Graham, has very publicly denounced the liberty movement.

As I'm sure you remember, instead of standing with Senator Rand Paul during his historic filibuster, John McCain and Lindsey Graham were having dinner with President Obama.

And the next day, they lashed out against Rand, calling his filibuster "ridiculous."

They've clearly shown they believe we're not welcome in THEIR party.

That's one reason why I'm counting on you to FIGHT back by signing your "No National ID" petition to C4L IMMEDIATELY.

National ID

The only way to DEFEAT a new National ID card is to contact Americans from coast-to-coast and explain EXACTLY what's at stake.

They're not going to get the real story from the mainstream media. And they're surely not going to get the real story from the Washington establishment.

It's up to you and me to get our message out to as many folks as possible before it's too late.

With your help, C4L can send powerful emails and run Facebook and Internet banner ads to alert liberty-loving Americans to the National ID scheme included in the new "Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill."

But I'm afraid that simply won't be enough.

Campaign for Liberty staff tells me if they pull out all the stops, there's an additional twelve million folks they can reach through targeted direct mail and phone programs.

And finally, if they can raise the resources, C4L would also like to run hard-hitting newspaper, radio, and TV ads explaining exactly what Chuck Schumer, John McCain, and the rest of the statists are up to.

Of course, such a massive grassroots mobilization program isn't cheap - but it's the only way to stop this dangerous National ID scheme from becoming the law of the land.

Erick, with all the battles we're currently facing - from gun control to massive spending to National Internet Tax Mandates - Campaign for Liberty simply doesn't have the resources to do everything it takes to win this fight.

So please, sign your "No National ID" petition to C4L IMMEDIATELY!

National ID

And because this fight is so critical, I'm counting on you to make a generous contribution of $100, $75, $50, $25 - or whatever you can afford - to help Campaign for Liberty DEFEAT the statists' National ID scheme.

This is one fight you and I can't afford to lose.

Passage of the National ID card would virtually guarantee the last vestiges of freedom we enjoy as Americans would be seriously jeopardized.

If you and I don't defeat this scheme, who will?

There is already a strong, "bipartisan coalition" developing, and the American people barely know what's going on.

That's why, in addition to your signed "No National ID" petition - I hope you'll dig deep and make the most generous contribution you can afford.

Some folks have already contributed as much as $500 to this fight. Others have given $100 or $50.

But no matter how much you give, whether it's chipping in with $10 or a larger contribution of $150, I guarantee your contribution is urgently needed and will be deeply appreciated.

So please sign your "No National ID" petition to C4L and make the most generous contribution you can afford to help Campaign for Liberty DEFEAT the statists' National ID scheme.

In Liberty,

Ron Paul

P.S. Right now, freedom-stealing statists Senator John McCain (R-AZ) and Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY), banding together with members of both parties, are scheming to sneak a massive power grab into a new "immigration reform" bill.

If passed, it would require every American to obtain a National ID card to work legally in the U.S. - and you can bet it will only be a matter of time until they're required even for simple purchases.

So please sign your "No National ID" petition to C4L to make your voice heard right away.

Please also make the most generous contribution you can afford today to help fuel C4L's efforts.

National ID

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Because of Campaign For Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501(C)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions (IRC § 162(e)(1)).

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You were added to the system September 15, 2011 [More information].
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Monday, March 25, 2013

NO Spring Break in the Fight for Liberty

Campaign for Liberty

Dear Erick,

As I write this, members of the House and Senate are heading out of town for their two-week “Spring District Work period.”

Even though Congress isn’t in session, however, you and I cannot take a “spring break” from working to advance liberty.

The statists certainly aren’t taking any time off from trying to defeat us.

Over the next two weeks, most senators and representatives will be holding Town Halls and providing opportunities for constituents to meet them in their local offices.

This is an excellent chance for you to ask your representative and/or senators to cosponsor (if they haven’t yet done so) and help pass Ron Paul’s Audit the Fed bill (H.R. 24/S. 209).

As you know, this legislation would authorize a full Government Accountability Office (GAO) audit of the Federal Reserve — the first such thorough audit in the Fed’s 100-year history!

This would clearly show the American people how the Fed facilitates big spending by Congress while bailing out and propping up big (American and foreign) banks and their other insider friends.

Last year, Ron Paul’s Audit the Fed legislation passed the House of Representatives with a three-fourths majority — and polls have shown over 70% of Americans support auditing the Federal Reserve!

Yet Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has so far refused to bring Audit the Fed up for a vote.

So it’s vital you make your voice heard by attending a Town Hall meeting and asking your senators and/or representative to cosponsor Ron Paul’s Audit the Fed bill.

Your representative and senators’ Town Hall meeting schedules should be available on their websites and in your local media. 

If there aren’t any Town Halls listed, call their local offices to see if you can schedule a meeting to discuss Audit the Fed.

If your senators are already cosponsoring the bill, thank them for their support and urge them to publicly call on Senator Reid to hold a vote on Audit the Fed.

My staff has created a flier you can distribute in your district to help show others why auditing the Fed is so important.

You and I must not let this opportunity to directly confront our legislators go to waste.

So please plan to attend a Town Hall or schedule a meeting with your elected officials over the next two weeks.

And if you can, please make a generous donation to Campaign for Liberty of $15 or $20 to help enable our work to pass Audit the Fed.

C4L is leading this fight, and our efforts have already resulted in unprecedented pressure on Congress and the Federal Reserve.

If funds allow, C4L can turn up the heat even higher and mobilize millions of Americans through hard-hitting mail, email, and op-eds, as well as Internet, print, and even TV ads.

Your action during Congress’ spring break, and your financial support, can help propel Audit the Fed to new heights of success and force Congress to act.

Thank you for standing with C4L in the fight for freedom.

In Liberty,

John Tate

P.S. The statists are not taking a spring break, and neither can we.  You and I must take advantage of the two-week congressional recess.

Please make every effort to either attend a Town Hall or schedule a meeting with your representative and senators to ask them to support Audit the Fed.

If they are already on board, thank them for their support and urge them to publicly demand Harry Reid schedule a vote on Audit the Fed.

Remember to print out copies of our Audit the Fed flier and distribute it at any Town Hall meeting you attend.  This is a great way to increase support for Audit the Fed.

And if you can, please support Campaign for Liberty’s efforts to Audit the Fed with a generous contribution of $15, $20, or more.

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Because of Campaign For Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501(C)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions (IRC § 162(e)(1)).

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Because We Want to Hold You for 72 Hours...

Campaign for Liberty

Dear Erick,

The Communist rulers of the Soviet Union didn't arrest its citizens who protested the regime very often.  They just declared them mentally ill and put them in special mental hospitals without trial.

This was eerily similar to what happened to former US Marine Brandon Raub last year when he was taken into custody by federal officials. They put him in a psychiatric hospital for observation because of his Facebook post where he was critical of many government policies.

Despite the fact that he had committed no crimes, he was held without trial for "psychological evaluation."

Does the federal government want to have the power to do this in Colorado? 

When Sen. Kevin Lundberg asked the Secret Service why they needed "Peace Officer" powers in Colorado, the agent said "we need the ability to put somebody on a 72-hour mental health hold."

And the General Assembly is about to hand that power to Federal Agents operating in Colorado.
Colorado Senate Bill 13-013 has already passed the State Senate, and it gives the United States Secret Service or “Peace Officer” new sweeping powers to make arrests in the state.
In reality, this bill is designed to give more authority to the Secret Service to curtail protests of federal government officials and bureaucrats who may be visiting the state.
This so-called “Peace Officer” role has been gradually expanding into states across the country and is now being pushed right here in Colorado.
It’s vital you contact your State Representative at 303-866-2904 today and urge them to vote AGAINST SB13-013.
There’s no doubt that this needless and dangerous bill is being pushed on our state by outside powers, and it is supported by various “law and order” interest groups from within Colorado.
The fact is, this bill solves no problems and has the potential to open the door to widespread abuse by Federal Agents operating with virtual immunity in Colorado.
If you do not want Federal Agents to have expanded powers within Colorado, contact your State Representative at 303-866-2904 right away. INSIST they stand up for free speech and VOTE AGAINST SB13-013.  This vote could happen any day this week!
In Liberty,

Matt Holdridge
Colorado State Coordinator
Campaign for Liberty
P.S. Your ability to peacefully protest the policies of the federal government is under attack at the State Capitol.  The effect would give the federal government the ability to lock you up for up to 72 hours--without charges or trial--any time they want, under the guise of a "mental health hold."
The Colorado General Assembly is about to hand over more power to the Secret Service to curtail protests of federal government officials and bureaucrats who may be in Colorado. This bill has already passed the State Senate.
It’s critical you contact your State Representative right away at 303-866-2904 and insist they stand up for free speech and VOTE AGAINST SB13-013. A vote could happen any day this week!

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Because of Campaign For Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501(C)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions (IRC § 162(e)(1)).

This message was intended for:
You were added to the system September 15, 2011 [More information].
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Saturday, March 23, 2013

Like Us

Campaign for Liberty

Dear Erick,

Nowhere else is the philosophy of liberty and the discussion of America's future more alive than on the Internet.

Because we believe social networks are a great way to gently introduce friends and family to the message of liberty, C4L is very active on the most popular of these networks to bring these essential ideas to an audience that may not otherwise be familiar with us.

We're excited to report that our Facebook page now has over 140,000 followers, and over 34,000 people have joined us on Twitter!

Those two accounts are regularly updated with links to commentary and news stories featured on, and they give our members a terrific way to interact with one another.

Social media also allows us to deliver critical action alerts and breaking news on C4L to our members right away.

If you’re not already following us on Facebook, click on the image below to visit our page today and “like” us.

Those already following us on Facebook can still help us by clicking on the button next to “Liked” under our cover photo, where you’ll see an option to share C4L on your own page and invite your friends to join us!

Our movement is growing stronger every day as we take the fight to those who seek greater government control over our lives.

So please help us spread our message even further on Facebook and Twitter!

Let's make it so that no matter where people go on the Internet, they see Campaign for Liberty strongly represented!

In Liberty,

John Tate

P.S. Online activism is just one of the many ways we are working to advance liberty.  If you can at this time, please chip in just $10 or $20 to help C4L expand all of our efforts online and elsewhere to promote and defend freedom.

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Because of Campaign For Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501(C)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions (IRC § 162(e)(1)).

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You were added to the system September 15, 2011 [More information].
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