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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Did you see this video?

Dear Erick,

Did you see the video update from my father and Matt Hawes last week?

As the Senate battle draws near, it's vital C4L be able to activate millions of grassroots supporters from around the country.

The vote will be close.

And your action today will make the difference.

So please, read the email below from Matt Hawes.  Then, watch the urgent video and take action today.

For Liberty,
Rand Paul
Senator Rand Paul

Dear Erick,

Dr. Ron Paul and I have prepared an urgent video update for you regarding Audit the Fed.

As you know, Audit the Fed overwhelmingly passed the House right before the August recess.

And now it's crucial the bill pass the Senate, too.

Campaign for Liberty is in the middle of developing a massive grassroots tidal wave of action to advance Audit the Fed in the Senate.

Will you be a part of it?

With your help, we can launch the biggest assault on the Federal Reserve in our nation's history.

I don't know about you, but the thought of generating that much public outrage over such a secretive institution is exhilarating.

So please watch this urgent video update to learn all the details and find out how you can help.

In Liberty,

Matt Hawes
Vice President

P.S. As you know, Audit the Fed overwhelmingly passed the U.S. House in July.

Now, to shine the maximum possible spotlight on the Federal Reserve, the bill must pass the U.S. Senate.

With your help, we can launch the biggest assault on the Federal Reserve in our nation's history.

So please watch the urgent video update Dr. Paul and I have prepared for you to learn all the details and find out how you can help.

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