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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Hands Off the Internet!

Dear Erick,

The Internet – and along with it, the entire technological revolution – is now in the government’s crosshairs.

Of course, for years, government officials have turned up their nose at the Internet - aghast that something so “unregulated” (i.e. “FREE!”) could be allowed to exist.

But today – they have a new unspoken reason for their HATE.

And it’s you and me.

That’s why I’m hoping I can count on to you sign your special Protect Internet Freedom Mandate IMMEDIATELY!

I’ll give you the link shortly . . .

But first, let me tell you why this fight deserves your attention – and your generous support.

You and I both know how hard it would have been for the incredible growth our Liberty movement has seen in recent years to have taken place without the Internet.

So right now, the Big Government statists are scheming to suffocate the technological revolution in a ball of bureaucratic red tape . . .

Their excuse? 

Our well-meaning government overlords are going to “protect consumers” like you and me with “net neutrality,” “open access,” and, of course, their favorite – “cybersecurity.”

But dig a little deeper, and you will find all we’ll get is higher costs, new taxes, lost or slower access - and government snoops expanding their “data mining” capabilities to spy on our every move.

In fact, just recently, we’ve seen a torrent of massive new regulatory schemes rearing their ugly heads in Congress, including: 

***  Internet Sales Taxes designed to hike the price of goods sold over the Internet;

***  The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), which would give the government the power to shut down any website simply because someone made the “allegation” there was a copyright violation;

***  The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act of 2011 (CISPA), which would gut privacy laws and allow Internet providers and websites to hand over personal data to ANY agency in the federal government;

***  The Internet “Kill Switch,” which would allow the President to shut down the entire Internet at a moment’s notice.

And this December, the United Nations is meeting to come up with even MORE recommendations for international Internet regulations!

The Wall Street Journal called it “a wake-up call for the world’s two billion web users, who take for granted the light regulation of the Internet.”

That’s why it’s vital you sign the Protect Internet Freedom Mandate IMMEDIATELY!

And if you possibly can, I hope you’ll agree to a generous contribution of $50, $25, $10 - or whatever you can afford - today.

Every dollar you give will help Campaign for Liberty mobilize more Americans to STOP the statists’ assault on Internet freedom.

You see, it’s not just our liberty movement that’s at stake. 

What’s left of our fragile economy could be, as well.

Over the past several years, the technological revolution – operating largely outside of government’s bureaucratic stranglehold - has fueled one of the few bright spots in our economy.

It's unlocked individual self-empowerment, entrepreneurialism, creativity, innovation, and the creation of markets in ways never before imagined in human history.

In fact, the iPhone App alone has been responsible for creating nearly half a million jobs in the United States since the iPhone was introduced.

All in less than five years - WITHOUT government permission, partnerships, subsidies, or regulations!

But the statists don’t care about the cost to the economy of shutting down or regulating the Internet.

The statists don’t care about all the new jobs created over the past few years.

They only care about one thing – and one thing only.



In one example of what happens when the government gets too much uncontested control, the FCC, which has been charged by Congress with assigning spectrum rights through transparent, market-based auctions, has actually conducted very few fair and transparent auctions.

Spectrum is the invisible airwaves that mobile devices, broadcast television, and FM radio use to communicate, and private ownership of spectrum is forbidden by government.

But since government controls the right, it picks the winners and the losers.

Instead of being fairly allocated, government involvement in spectrum has essentially created one of the largest corporate welfare programs in history.

And they can’t wait to get their hands on the immense treasure trove of private personal information on virtually every American that total control of the Internet would give them . . .

Just imagine government bureaucrats with everything about what you read, what you watch, what you buy, what you say, whom you talk to - and what you think about THEM – all at their fingertips.

That’s why, if you and I are serious about restoring liberty in this country, these are not battles you and I can afford to lose.

But sadly, with a constant rash of attacks coming from virtually every direction, winning these battles is NOT going to be easy.

Instead of trying to ram just one or two schemes through Congress, it seems like the statists’ strategy is to kill the Internet by 1,000 cuts.

So our one chance is to send a LOUD AND CLEAR message to Congress: 


But we must act fast.

After the stinging defeat the statists took over SOPA recently, they WILL be back for blood - especially with the November 2012 election rapidly approaching.

New fights are rearing their ugly heads virtually every week.

After all, the statists would love nothing more than to shut you and me up before Election Day – or at least try to ramp up Internet regulations to force us into virtual silence!

The only good news is, if you and I can turn up the heat now, we can win.

But it won’t be easy – or cheap.

So I’m counting on your IMMEDIATE contribution of $50, $25, or $25 to help me turn up the heat on Congress to keep our Internet free.

Your signed Protect Internet Freedom Mandate and your generous financial support will both play a critical part in helping me turn up the heat on Congress.

In fact, a generous contribution of $50, $25, or $10 will help me:

>>>  Contact up to 12 MILLION Americans by direct mail, email, and telephone to urge them to turn up the heat on Congress to stop any attempt to shut down Internet freedom;

>>>  Generate petitions, postcards, emails, and phone calls to members of Congress to remind them of the price they’ll pay should they even think about increasing Internet regulations;

>>>  Pay for hard-hitting Internet, radio, and - if I can raise the money – TV ads to make sure politicians really start to feel the American people’s opposition to their radical schemes.

But I can’t do it without your support, and it’s absolutely critical we launch this fight now.

This is not a battle you and I can afford to lose.

So please, sign the Protect Internet Freedom Mandate IMMEDIATELY and agree to your most generous contribution of $50, $25, or $10 right away.

There’s not a moment to waste. 

Sign your Protect Internet Freedom Mandate TODAY!

In Liberty,

Matt Hawes
Vice President

P.S.  Thanks to the massive liberty movement that has been fueled by the Internet over the last few years, Big Government politicians are using every weapon in their arsenal to shut you and me down – and shut us up.

That’s why it’s vital you sign the Protect Internet Freedom Mandate IMMEDIATELY and agree to your most generous contribution.

Help send a loud and clear message to politicians of BOTH political parties – HANDS OFF THE INTERNET!

This message was intended for:
You were added to the system September 15, 2011. For more information
click here.
View this email as a web page.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Did You Hear?

Dear Erick,

Just before the busy Memorial Day weekend, C4L Vice President Matt Hawes broke the news that Audit the Fed (H.R. 459) is scheduled for a vote THIS JULY in the United States House of Representatives.

This is what we’ve been working toward over the past two years, and now it’s time to double-down on our efforts to secure victory – first in the House and then in the U.S. Senate!

Please take just a moment to read the important message below from Senator Rand Paul, and, if you haven’t already, take immediate action.

In Liberty,

Tim Shoemaker
Director of Legislation

Campaign for Liberty

Dear Erick,

The Fed has proven it cannot be trusted and must be audited.  While the banksters’ dangerous schemes have been going on for years, the bailouts exposed the trillions being stolen from the American people.
Campaign for Liberty has taken this cause straight to Americans nationwide, and the response has been overwhelming.

It is time to Audit the Fed.  Time to shine a bright spotlight on the largest theft in American history.
Just like during my campaign, however, the establishment is stacked against us.
But the establishment isn’t counting on patriots like you from all across America raising their voices to be heard.  The time to turn up the pressure on the Fed is NOW!

Please take a few moments to read the message below from Campaign for Liberty Vice President Matt Hawes and support C4L in this vital effort to rein in the Federal Reserve.  As we enter this critical time, we have an unprecedented chance to finish this fight and finally hold the Fed accountable for all it has done to wreck our economy and endanger our nation.

Don’t let this opportunity slip away.

For Liberty,

Campaign for Liberty
Senator Rand Paul

Campaign for Liberty

Dear Erick,

There’s one thing the presidential race has made clear – our issues are moving to the front and center of the national debate. 

They are being embraced more and more as the principles of liberty are discussed around the country.

And no issue has struck a chord more than reining in the Federal Reserve.

Candidates fall all over themselves to support an audit. 

They scream from the rooftops about firing Ben Bernanke – or worse.

You and I have an opportunity like never before to finally pass a full, complete audit of the Federal Reserve - this year.

That’s why it’s vital you IMMEDIATELY complete your AUDIT THE FED petition.

Senator Rand Paul stands ready to force the issue in the Senate.

And Congressman Ron Paul has just a few short months left in the House to pass the legislative achievement of his lifetime.

So I hope you’ll join C4L on the frontlines today as we push forward in the battle to stop the out-of-control Fed.

Audit the Fed is rapidly gaining ground in the House, where we now have majority support. 

And even though the Senate is a tougher road, we still are at 20 cosponsors.

This is a fight that we simply must win.

Sign the  Petition

You and I have seen the damage the out-of-control Fed can cause, especially during a time of crisis.

As you know, the Federal Reserve, the Treasury Department, and their cronies on Wall Street have for nearly four years been engaged in the worst plundering of a country’s wealth in the history of civilization.

It began with the bailouts. 

Then it moved on to QE 1 and 2 – with who knows how many more coming in the future.

Our dollar is being devalued. 

The cost of food, gas, and other goods is being inflated, while you and I are left holding the bag.

And all the while, the budget deficit grows.  Our debt grows – now it’s nearly 16 trillion dollars.

And don’t be fooled by the charade of imaginary spending cuts the politicians want you to believe they have passed.

Nothing has changed.  In fact, the debt ceiling increase ensures we will add at least TEN TRILLION dollars in new debt over the next ten years.

Only you and I, together with millions of freedom-loving Americans, can demand Congress finally put a stop to the statists and the banksters’ irresponsible reign.

That’s why your completed petition will help Campaign for Liberty fight back right away by taking the battle straight to the heart of the problem - the Federal Reserve itself.

You and I know the Fed is clearly out of control. 

But our current numbers are just not enough.  I need to spread the word to MILLIONS more concerned activists.

Americans are crushed under a mountain of debt, yet the Fed continues to print more money - backed by nothing but the whims of Ben Bernanke and international bankers.

If you and I don’t put an end to it all, it will clearly be the ruin of our entire way of life.

Sign the Petition

There is good news, however.

Early in the 112th Congress, Congressman Ron Paul re-introduced his Audit the Fed bill. 

And, this time, he was joined by his son, Senator Rand Paul, with similar legislation in the Senate.

The 2010 elections showed us what can be done by outraged citizens. 

The 2012 positions of the candidates showed they understand the emerging political reality – the ideas of freedom are spreading, and so is support for auditing the Fed.

Now, you and I must capitalize on these results to push forward in our battle to audit – and then END – the Fed.

That’s why it’s vital you agree to fill out your personal Audit the Fed petition in support of Senator Paul’s S. 202.

As more Americans than ever are focused on our perilous fiscal situation after the recent debt ceiling fight, you and I must take advantage of this opportunity to make sure our senators feel the heat to support the Audit the Fed bill!

Whether it’s seeing a phony “stimulus” package get rammed into law, or watching Congress pass a $700 BILLION bank “bailout” under threat of martial law and use a fake “DEFAULT” crisis to lock in the Obama spending increases - the American people are agitated and increasingly angry.

Now it’s time to make sure they show it by unleashing the pressure of MILLIONS of outraged Americans on the out-of-control Fed!

So please complete your petition urging your senators to cosponsor and seek roll call votes on the Audit the Fed bill.

And please consider making a contribution to Campaign for Liberty today.

As I know you’re aware, the Federal Reserve is shrouded in secrecy. 

Its meetings are off-limits to the public.  Its inner workings are off-limits to the public.  And the Fed shows no sign of learning its lessons. 

Even now, the Fed still refuses to release the full story on how it acted during the crisis!

Well, why do you think they keep stalling? 

They know coming clean with Congress and the American people on what they’ve done to our money would result in an anti-Fed firestorm.  So can you imagine the impact of a full-scale audit? 

You and I will finally be able to show the American people that the Federal Reserve System leads to:

***  Constant economic crises - the housing crisis and the resulting chaos is just one example of an economic bubble created by centrally planned interest rates and money manipulation;

***  The destruction of the middle class - as fuel, food, housing, medical care, and education costs soar, everyone who is NOT on the government dole is forced to make do with less as the value of their money slowly decreases;

***  Currency destruction - history shows us that riots, violence, and full-scale police states can result when people finally realize fiat money isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on and REFUSE to accept it.

And unless you and I end the madness in Washington, D.C., we may be closer than we’d like to think to learning that history lesson firsthand - right here in our own streets.

Matter of fact, we’re already seeing chaos starting to erupt in cities nationwide.

That’s why your commitment to helping pass the Audit the Fed bill - and helping Campaign for Liberty fight this battle - is so vital.

Sign the Petition

You see, with the piling up of trillions of dollars in reckless bailouts of Wall Street and international bankers, even many politicians in Washington, D.C. want to show you they’re “being responsible.”

What better way for Congress to do this than by auditing the Federal Reserve to account for the trillions stolen from the U.S. taxpayers?

More and more representatives are already feeling the pressure and are signing up to support this bill.  

Audit the Fed could move at any time in the House.

But you and I must turn up the pressure in the Senate.

Audit the Fed is a bill we CAN pass, and one that is vital to exposing the massive corruption and dollar manipulation at the Federal Reserve.

Now, we just need to show Congress the American people demand action on the Audit the Fed bill. 

Here’s how we plan to do that.

First, we’re already busy contacting up to five million activists nationwide through mail, phones, and email to generate petitions to the U.S. Senate demanding action on Rand Paul’s Audit the Fed bill.

But that’s just the beginning. 

We’ll work the talk radio stations and grant local media interviews to further turn up the pressure on the Senate.

And a few days before the vote, if we have the resources, we’d also like to run hard-hitting targeted radio, TV, and newspaper ads.

This entire program is designed to send this one, CLEAR message to your senators: any politician who votes against the Federal Reserve audit should look for another job.

But such a massive effort won’t be easy - or cheap.  That’s why I’m counting on you to chip in a contribution of $10 today.

The big government, Fed-loving statists in Congress will stop at nothing to derail our efforts to Audit the Fed.  This is our best chance EVER to finish this fight.  But C4L won’t be able to do that without your help today.

That’s why I hope you’ll join C4L in this battle by completing your petition and chipping in a $10 contribution.

Thank you for your support.

In Liberty,

Campaign for Liberty

Matt Hawes
Vice President

P.S. The nation is focused on the fiscal mess in Washington.  And Americans are boiling mad at the failure of politicians to tackle the real problems.

With Congress spending like never before, and TRILLIONS of new dollars being created out of thin air, it’s never been more important the Federal Reserve’s abuses are exposed to the American people once and for all. 

But C4L must be able to turn up the pressure on the Senate right away.

So please, complete the petition to your senators today.  Also, please chip in a contribution of $10 to Campaign for Liberty to help move our battle forward.

Sign the Petition

This message was intended for:
You were added to the system September 15, 2011. For more information
click here.
View this email as a web page.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Breaking News on Audit the Fed

Dear Erick,

This is it!

Earlier today, I received word that Audit the Fed (H.R. 459) is now scheduled for a vote this July in the U.S. House of Representatives!

This historic moment is only possible thanks to your relentless pressure.  Now we must turn up the heat to secure victory – first in the House and then in Harry Reid’s U.S. Senate.

That's why I hope you'll read the note below from Senator Rand Paul and take immediate action.

In Liberty,

Matt Hawes
Vice President

Campaign for Liberty

Dear Erick,

The Fed has proven it cannot be trusted and must be audited.  While the banksters’ dangerous schemes have been going on for years, the bailouts exposed the trillions being stolen from the American people.
Campaign for Liberty has taken this cause straight to Americans nationwide, and the response has been overwhelming.

It is time to Audit the Fed.  Time to shine a bright spotlight on the largest theft in American history.
Just like during my campaign, however, the establishment is stacked against us.
But the establishment isn’t counting on patriots like you from all across America raising their voices to be heard.  The time to turn up the pressure on the Fed is NOW!

Please take a few moments to read the message below from Campaign for Liberty Vice President Matt Hawes and support C4L in this vital effort to rein in the Federal Reserve.  As we enter this critical time, we have an unprecedented chance to finish this fight and finally hold the Fed accountable for all it has done to wreck our economy and endanger our nation.

Don’t let this opportunity slip away.

For Liberty,

Campaign for Liberty
Senator Rand Paul

Campaign for Liberty

Dear Erick,

There’s one thing the presidential race has made clear – our issues are moving to the front and center of the national debate. 

They are being embraced more and more as the principles of liberty are discussed around the country.

And no issue has struck a chord more than reining in the Federal Reserve.

Candidates fall all over themselves to support an audit. 

They scream from the rooftops about firing Ben Bernanke – or worse.

You and I have an opportunity like never before to finally pass a full, complete audit of the Federal Reserve - this year.

That’s why it’s vital you IMMEDIATELY complete your AUDIT THE FED petition.

Senator Rand Paul stands ready to force the issue in the Senate.

And Congressman Ron Paul has just a few short months left in the House to pass the legislative achievement of his lifetime.

So I hope you’ll join C4L on the frontlines today as we push forward in the battle to stop the out-of-control Fed.

Audit the Fed is rapidly gaining ground in the House, where we now have majority support. 

And even though the Senate is a tougher road, we still are at 20 cosponsors.

This is a fight that we simply must win.

Sign the Petition

You and I have seen the damage the out-of-control Fed can cause, especially during a time of crisis.

As you know, the Federal Reserve, the Treasury Department, and their cronies on Wall Street have for nearly four years been engaged in the worst plundering of a country’s wealth in the history of civilization.

It began with the bailouts. 

Then it moved on to QE 1 and 2 – with who knows how many more coming in the future.

Our dollar is being devalued. 

The cost of food, gas, and other goods is being inflated, while you and I are left holding the bag.

And all the while, the budget deficit grows.  Our debt grows – now it’s nearly 16 trillion dollars.

And don’t be fooled by the charade of imaginary spending cuts the politicians want you to believe they have passed.

Nothing has changed.  In fact, the debt ceiling increase ensures we will add at least TEN TRILLION dollars in new debt over the next ten years.

Only you and I, together with millions of freedom-loving Americans, can demand Congress finally put a stop to the statists and the banksters’ irresponsible reign.

That’s why your completed petition will help Campaign for Liberty fight back right away by taking the battle straight to the heart of the problem - the Federal Reserve itself.

You and I know the Fed is clearly out of control. 

But our current numbers are just not enough.  I need to spread the word to MILLIONS more concerned activists.

Americans are crushed under a mountain of debt, yet the Fed continues to print more money - backed by nothing but the whims of Ben Bernanke and international bankers.

If you and I don’t put an end to it all, it will clearly be the ruin of our entire way of life.

Sign the Petition

There is good news, however.

Early in the 112th Congress, Congressman Ron Paul re-introduced his Audit the Fed bill. 

And, this time, he was joined by his son, Senator Rand Paul, with similar legislation in the Senate.

The 2010 elections showed us what can be done by outraged citizens. 

The 2012 positions of the candidates showed they understand the emerging political reality – the ideas of freedom are spreading, and so is support for auditing the Fed.

Now, you and I must capitalize on these results to push forward in our battle to audit – and then END – the Fed.

That’s why it’s vital you agree to fill out your personal Audit the Fed petition in support of Senator Paul’s S. 202.

As more Americans than ever are focused on our perilous fiscal situation after the recent debt ceiling fight, you and I must take advantage of this opportunity to make sure our senators feel the heat to support the Audit the Fed bill!

Whether it’s seeing a phony “stimulus” package get rammed into law, or watching Congress pass a $700 BILLION bank “bailout” under threat of martial law and use a fake “DEFAULT” crisis to lock in the Obama spending increases - the American people are agitated and increasingly angry.

Now it’s time to make sure they show it by unleashing the pressure of MILLIONS of outraged Americans on the out-of-control Fed!

So please complete your petition urging your senators to cosponsor and seek roll call votes on the Audit the Fed bill.

And please consider making a contribution to Campaign for Liberty today.

As I know you’re aware, the Federal Reserve is shrouded in secrecy. 

Its meetings are off-limits to the public.  Its inner workings are off-limits to the public.  And the Fed shows no sign of learning its lessons. 

Even now, the Fed still refuses to release the full story on how it acted during the crisis!

Well, why do you think they keep stalling? 

They know coming clean with Congress and the American people on what they’ve done to our money would result in an anti-Fed firestorm.  So can you imagine the impact of a full-scale audit? 

You and I will finally be able to show the American people that the Federal Reserve System leads to:

***  Constant economic crises - the housing crisis and the resulting chaos is just one example of an economic bubble created by centrally planned interest rates and money manipulation;

***  The destruction of the middle class - as fuel, food, housing, medical care, and education costs soar, everyone who is NOT on the government dole is forced to make do with less as the value of their money slowly decreases;

***  Currency destruction - history shows us that riots, violence, and full-scale police states can result when people finally realize fiat money isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on and REFUSE to accept it.

And unless you and I end the madness in Washington, D.C., we may be closer than we’d like to think to learning that history lesson firsthand - right here in our own streets.

Matter of fact, we’re already seeing chaos starting to erupt in cities nationwide.

That’s why your commitment to helping pass the Audit the Fed bill - and helping Campaign for Liberty fight this battle - is so vital.

Sign the Petition

You see, with the piling up of trillions of dollars in reckless bailouts of Wall Street and international bankers, even many politicians in Washington, D.C. want to show you they’re “being responsible.”

What better way for Congress to do this than by auditing the Federal Reserve to account for the trillions stolen from the U.S. taxpayers?

More and more representatives are already feeling the pressure and are signing up to support this bill.  

Audit the Fed could move at any time in the House.

But you and I must turn up the pressure in the Senate.

Audit the Fed is a bill we CAN pass, and one that is vital to exposing the massive corruption and dollar manipulation at the Federal Reserve.

Now, we just need to show Congress the American people demand action on the Audit the Fed bill. 

Here’s how we plan to do that.

First, we’re already busy contacting up to five million activists nationwide through mail, phones, and email to generate petitions to the U.S. Senate demanding action on Rand Paul’s Audit the Fed bill.

But that’s just the beginning. 

We’ll work the talk radio stations and grant local media interviews to further turn up the pressure on the Senate.

And a few days before the vote, if we have the resources, we’d also like to run hard-hitting targeted radio, TV, and newspaper ads.

This entire program is designed to send this one, CLEAR message to your senators: any politician who votes against the Federal Reserve audit should look for another job.

But such a massive effort won’t be easy - or cheap.  That’s why I’m counting on you to chip in a contribution of $10 today.

The big government, Fed-loving statists in Congress will stop at nothing to derail our efforts to Audit the Fed.  This is our best chance EVER to finish this fight.  But C4L won’t be able to do that without your help today.

That’s why I hope you’ll join C4L in this battle by completing your petition and chipping in a $10 contribution.

Thank you for your support.

In Liberty,

Campaign for Liberty

Matt Hawes
Vice President

P.S. The nation is focused on the fiscal mess in Washington.  And Americans are boiling mad at the failure of politicians to tackle the real problems.

With Congress spending like never before, and TRILLIONS of new dollars being created out of thin air, it’s never been more important the Federal Reserve’s abuses are exposed to the American people once and for all. 

But C4L must be able to turn up the pressure on the Senate right away.

So please, complete the petition to your senators today.  Also, please chip in a contribution of $10 to Campaign for Liberty to help move our battle forward.

Sign the Petition

This message was intended for:
You were added to the system September 15, 2011. For more information
click here.
View this email as a web page.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Shine a spotlight on the Fed

Campaign for Liberty

Dear Erick,

The Fed has proven it cannot be trusted and must be audited.  While the banksters’ dangerous schemes have been going on for years, the bailouts exposed the trillions being stolen from the American people.
Campaign for Liberty has taken this cause straight to Americans nationwide, and the response has been overwhelming.

It is time to Audit the Fed.  Time to shine a bright spotlight on the largest theft in American history.
Just like during my campaign, however, the establishment is stacked against us.
But the establishment isn’t counting on patriots like you from all across America raising their voices to be heard.  The time to turn up the pressure on the Fed is NOW!

Please take a few moments to read the message below from Campaign for Liberty Vice President Matt Hawes and support C4L in this vital effort to rein in the Federal Reserve.  As we enter this critical time, we have an unprecedented chance to finish this fight and finally hold the Fed accountable for all it has done to wreck our economy and endanger our nation.

Don’t let this opportunity slip away.

For Liberty,

Campaign for Liberty
Senator Rand Paul

Campaign for Liberty

Dear Erick,

There’s one thing the presidential race has made clear – our issues are moving to the front and center of the national debate. 

They are being embraced more and more as the principles of liberty are discussed around the country.

And no issue has struck a chord more than reining in the Federal Reserve.

Candidates fall all over themselves to support an audit. 

They scream from the rooftops about firing Ben Bernanke – or worse.

You and I have an opportunity like never before to finally pass a full, complete audit of the Federal Reserve - this year.

That’s why it’s vital you IMMEDIATELY complete your AUDIT THE FED petition.

Senator Rand Paul stands ready to force the issue in the Senate.

And Congressman Ron Paul has just a few short months left in the House to pass the legislative achievement of his lifetime.

So I hope you’ll join C4L on the frontlines today as we push forward in the battle to stop the out-of-control Fed.

Audit the Fed is rapidly gaining ground in the House, where we now have majority support. 

And even though the Senate is a tougher road, we still are at 20 cosponsors.

This is a fight that we simply must win.

Sign the  Petition

You and I have seen the damage the out-of-control Fed can cause, especially during a time of crisis.

As you know, the Federal Reserve, the Treasury Department, and their cronies on Wall Street have for nearly four years been engaged in the worst plundering of a country’s wealth in the history of civilization.

It began with the bailouts. 

Then it moved on to QE 1 and 2 – with who knows how many more coming in the future.

Our dollar is being devalued. 

The cost of food, gas, and other goods is being inflated, while you and I are left holding the bag.

And all the while, the budget deficit grows.  Our debt grows – now it’s nearly 16 trillion dollars.

And don’t be fooled by the charade of imaginary spending cuts the politicians want you to believe they have passed.

Nothing has changed.  In fact, the debt ceiling increase ensures we will add at least TEN TRILLION dollars in new debt over the next ten years.

Only you and I, together with millions of freedom-loving Americans, can demand Congress finally put a stop to the statists and the banksters’ irresponsible reign.

That’s why your completed petition will help Campaign for Liberty fight back right away by taking the battle straight to the heart of the problem - the Federal Reserve itself.

You and I know the Fed is clearly out of control. 

But our current numbers are just not enough.  I need to spread the word to MILLIONS more concerned activists.

Americans are crushed under a mountain of debt, yet the Fed continues to print more money - backed by nothing but the whims of Ben Bernanke and international bankers.

If you and I don’t put an end to it all, it will clearly be the ruin of our entire way of life.

Sign the Petition

There is good news, however.

Early in the 112th Congress, Congressman Ron Paul re-introduced his Audit the Fed bill. 

And, this time, he was joined by his son, Senator Rand Paul, with similar legislation in the Senate.

The 2010 elections showed us what can be done by outraged citizens. 

The 2012 positions of the candidates showed they understand the emerging political reality – the ideas of freedom are spreading, and so is support for auditing the Fed.

Now, you and I must capitalize on these results to push forward in our battle to audit – and then END – the Fed.

That’s why it’s vital you agree to fill out your personal Audit the Fed petition in support of Senator Paul’s S. 202.

As more Americans than ever are focused on our perilous fiscal situation after the recent debt ceiling fight, you and I must take advantage of this opportunity to make sure our senators feel the heat to support the Audit the Fed bill!

Whether it’s seeing a phony “stimulus” package get rammed into law, or watching Congress pass a $700 BILLION bank “bailout” under threat of martial law and use a fake “DEFAULT” crisis to lock in the Obama spending increases - the American people are agitated and increasingly angry.

Now it’s time to make sure they show it by unleashing the pressure of MILLIONS of outraged Americans on the out-of-control Fed!

So please complete your petition urging your senators to cosponsor and seek roll call votes on the Audit the Fed bill.

And please consider making a contribution to Campaign for Liberty today.

As I know you’re aware, the Federal Reserve is shrouded in secrecy. 

Its meetings are off-limits to the public.  Its inner workings are off-limits to the public.  And the Fed shows no sign of learning its lessons. 

Even now, the Fed still refuses to release the full story on how it acted during the crisis!

Well, why do you think they keep stalling? 

They know coming clean with Congress and the American people on what they’ve done to our money would result in an anti-Fed firestorm.  So can you imagine the impact of a full-scale audit? 

You and I will finally be able to show the American people that the Federal Reserve System leads to:

***  Constant economic crises - the housing crisis and the resulting chaos is just one example of an economic bubble created by centrally planned interest rates and money manipulation;

***  The destruction of the middle class - as fuel, food, housing, medical care, and education costs soar, everyone who is NOT on the government dole is forced to make do with less as the value of their money slowly decreases;

***  Currency destruction - history shows us that riots, violence, and full-scale police states can result when people finally realize fiat money isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on and REFUSE to accept it.

And unless you and I end the madness in Washington, D.C., we may be closer than we’d like to think to learning that history lesson firsthand - right here in our own streets.

Matter of fact, we’re already seeing chaos starting to erupt in cities nationwide.

That’s why your commitment to helping pass the Audit the Fed bill - and helping Campaign for Liberty fight this battle - is so vital.

Sign the Petition

You see, with the piling up of trillions of dollars in reckless bailouts of Wall Street and international bankers, even many politicians in Washington, D.C. want to show you they’re “being responsible.”

What better way for Congress to do this than by auditing the Federal Reserve to account for the trillions stolen from the U.S. taxpayers?

More and more representatives are already feeling the pressure and are signing up to support this bill.  

Audit the Fed could move at any time in the House.

But you and I must turn up the pressure in the Senate.

Audit the Fed is a bill we CAN pass, and one that is vital to exposing the massive corruption and dollar manipulation at the Federal Reserve.

Now, we just need to show Congress the American people demand action on the Audit the Fed bill. 

Here’s how we plan to do that.

First, we’re already busy contacting up to five million activists nationwide through mail, phones, and email to generate petitions to the U.S. Senate demanding action on Rand Paul’s Audit the Fed bill.

But that’s just the beginning. 

We’ll work the talk radio stations and grant local media interviews to further turn up the pressure on the Senate.

And a few days before the vote, if we have the resources, we’d also like to run hard-hitting targeted radio, TV, and newspaper ads.

This entire program is designed to send this one, CLEAR message to your senators: any politician who votes against the Federal Reserve audit should look for another job.

But such a massive effort won’t be easy - or cheap.  That’s why I’m counting on you to chip in a contribution of $10 today.

The big government, Fed-loving statists in Congress will stop at nothing to derail our efforts to Audit the Fed.  This is our best chance EVER to finish this fight.  But C4L won’t be able to do that without your help today.

That’s why I hope you’ll join C4L in this battle by completing your petition and chipping in a $10 contribution.

Thank you for your support.

In Liberty,

Campaign for Liberty

Matt Hawes
Vice President

P.S. The nation is focused on the fiscal mess in Washington.  And Americans are boiling mad at the failure of politicians to tackle the real problems.

With Congress spending like never before, and TRILLIONS of new dollars being created out of thin air, it’s never been more important the Federal Reserve’s abuses are exposed to the American people once and for all. 

But C4L must be able to turn up the pressure on the Senate right away.

So please, complete the petition to your senators today.  Also, please chip in a contribution of $10 to Campaign for Liberty to help move our battle forward.

Sign the Petition

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Do Your Candidates Support Liberty?

Dear Erick,

Can you depend on common sense from the government?

Consider the following headlines from recently reported events:
  • Police shut down lemonade stand run by two little girls
  • SWAT team raids Amish farm for selling milk straight from the cow
  • Federal Bureaucrats fine Missouri family $4 million for son’s sale of $4500 worth of rabbits
Is it any wonder that nearly 80% of Americans believe this country is going in the wrong direction?

Government bureaucrats seem to have gone off the deep end while they blatantly ignore the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Innocent citizens merely wanting to fly across the country are groped and irradiated by thugs with a badge. Elderly cancer patients are forced to remove adult diapers, and parents are required to submit their toddlers to invasive enhanced body searches.

The TSA, first under George Bush and continued by Barack Obama, treats the area between the ticket counter and the door to the airplane as a Constitution-free zone.  Your right to privacy and presumed innocence is of no concern to them.

It is imperative that we work to repeal the laws that bureaucrats are using to trample our rights.

That is why Campaign for Liberty is working on a Candidate Survey Program. Each candidate for the Colorado State legislature has received a survey of seven important questions that will put candidates on the record on liberty issues.

Candidates were asked where they stand on:
  • Real ID (also known as Dangerous ID)
  • Red light cameras
  • Constitutional Carry
  • Nullifying ObamaCare
  • No-knock warrants
  • TSA pat-downs
  • State health care exchanges
Click here to learn where the candidates stand on these important issues.

As we work toward liberty, it is critical to have current and potential legislators on record concerning important issues. Therefore, it is vital that we receive responses from as many candidates as possible.

Some candidates don’t want to go on the record; they are using evasive maneuvers to avoid responding to our questions.

If the candidates in your area have not responded to our survey, please contact them and ask that they complete and submit the Campaign for Liberty survey.

In Liberty,

Deb Wells
Senior Director of State Operations
Campaign for Liberty

P.S. Click here to learn where your candidates stand on liberty issues.

P.P.S. Campaign for Liberty does not support or endorse candidates for office. The goal of the Campaign for Liberty Survey is only for keeping candidates true to their word should they be elected. It should not be construed as an endorsement of any candidate.

You are encouraged to view the websites and statements of each candidate to make an informed decision on candidate positions.

This message was intended for:
You were added to the system September 15, 2011. For more information
click here.
View this email as a web page.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Put them on record

Dear Erick,

During an election year, candidates make loads of promises.

Rhetoric is heavy.  Substance is light.

In general, campaign rhetoric often clouds an issue, actually making it difficult to know where a candidate stands on specific issues that matter, like ratifying a Balanced Budget Amendment, abolishing the TSA, repealing ObamaCare, and passing Audit the Fed.

That’s why Campaign for Liberty uses our 2012 Federal Candidate Survey to put challengers and incumbents on the record concerning issues that impact our lives and liberties.

Our survey simply asks candidates to truthfully state their position on our issues by answering 20 “Yes” or “No” questions.

If an incumbent politician or an up-and-coming challenger refuses to answer C4L’s survey, you have to wonder what they’re hiding from their constituents.

Usually it’s a Big Government rap sheet a mile long that runs counter to their small government campaign rhetoric.

With challengers, it too often turns out their “bark is worse than their bite,” and their actions will fail to live up to expectations once they’re in office.

That’s where C4L’s candidate survey comes in.

By putting incumbents and challengers on the record with their constituents prior to elections, those constituents can have a written promise for where a candidate stands.

During the legislative season, C4L members will be able to refer to their politicians’ survey as a sort of compass, to see if their elected officials are “walking the walk” or off trudging through the weeds.

Many politicians get to Washington, D.C. by appearing to stand on principle, only to be blown away with the political winds when they find themselves surrounded by the beltway mentality.

The C4L survey gives our members a tool to hold their elected officials accountable.

In the coming months, C4L will complete its survey of primary candidates and ramp up its general election program in all 50 states!

You can see a sample survey here.

Anything you could give toward financing this important program will help guarantee future politicians are held accountable.

Please, if you can today, chip in at least $10 or $25 to help Campaign for Liberty fully finance our 2012 Federal Candidate Survey Program.

In Liberty,

Matt Hawes
Vice President

P.S.  Campaign for Liberty has created our 2012 Federal Candidate Survey to inform you about where candidates stand on important issues like passing a Balanced Budget Amendment, abolishing the TSA, repealing ObamaCare, and passing Audit the Fed.

In the coming months, C4L will complete its survey of primary candidates and ramp up its general election survey program in all 50 states!

If you are able, please chip in at least $10 or $25 to help Campaign for Liberty fully finance our 2012 Federal Candidate Survey.

P.P.S. Campaign for Liberty does not support or endorse candidates for office.

The goal of the Campaign for Liberty Candidate Survey is only for keeping candidates true to their word should they be elected.  It should not be construed as an endorsement of any candidate.

You are encouraged to research each of your candidates to make an informed decision on their positions.

This message was intended for:
You were added to the system September 15, 2011. For more information
click here.
View this email as a web page.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Not Going Away

Dear Erick,

Yesterday afternoon, Minnesota was added to the list of Ron Paul wins with a stunning victory.

Out of the 40 national delegates Minnesota will send to the Tampa, Florida Republican National Convention in August, a whopping 32 are Ron Paul supporters!

It was incredible.

But the truth is, we're not done yet!

That's why, if you haven’t yet given to what is likely the final money bomb of Ron Paul's political career, hope you will contribute as generously as you can IMMEDIATELY.

You see, there are still state conventions in Iowa, Washington, Missouri, and elsewhere where we’re working feverishly to pick up new delegate spots and take over key positions within the Republican Party.

These final battles are critical to our R3VOLUTION

Each victory not only means you and I will have greater influence on the Republican Party, but it also sends a loud and clear message that is being heard all over the country . . .

You and I are not going away – not until free markets, sound money, and respect for individual liberty are finally restored in America.

That’s always been what this campaign is all about.

So please, if you haven't yet given, please contribute as generously as you can right away!

For Liberty,

John Tate
Campaign Manager

P.S.  If you haven’t yet given to what is likely the final money bomb of Ron Paul's political career, I hope you will contribute as generously as you can IMMEDIATELY

There are still several critical fights going on throughout the country.

And each victory brings us one step closer to restoring sound money, free markets, and respect for individual liberty in America.

Paid for by Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee

Friday, May 18, 2012

My Father's Words

Dear Erick,

Growing up, I watched my father fight day in and day out to restore the Founding principles of individual liberty, free markets, sound money, and constitutional government in America.

I often wondered how he continued to fight so hard when he was so often the lone voice standing against Washington, D.C.’s status quo.

But I could tell he always tell he knew the country he loved would return to her founding principles.

It wasn’t easy to see back then.

But today, after my watching my father battle for nearly over three decades, I believe one thing is for certain.

You and I are the future.  Our time has come.

But our job isn’t yet over.

So can my dad count on you for a generous contribution to his Rise for Liberty Money Bomb?

This is likely the final Money Bomb of his career – and I know he’s counting on you to come through for him one last time.

Of course, my dad’s fight against Big Government hasn’t earned him a lot of friends in Washington, D.C. over the years.

Instead, his friends are the millions of Americans all across the country who are fed up with politics-as-usual – and are fighting every day to take our country back.

Right now - all across our great nation - Ron Paul Republicans are influencing the Republican Party, gaining positions, shifting the debate in Washington, and just beginning to chart a new course for our country.

Thousands and thousands of Americans who were previously disengaged from the process, are now active and are having a tremendous impact.

During my father’s last campaign, I remember seeing signs that read, “Ron Paul Cured My Apathy.”

I can only guess that these were carried by men and women, young and old, who finally felt like they finally had a voice – who finally felt like they mattered.

Erick, they couldn’t be right.

Your voice and opinion do matter.

And trust me, the Washington establishment has taken notice, and they know that their days are numbered.

They know YOU are the future of the Republican Party.

That means no more supporting bailouts, debt, printing money out of thin air, and policing the world.

You and I will finally restore America.  And that time will be very soon.

But my dad must have the resources to finish the fight and continue picking up delegates in State Conventions that have yet to occur.

So please, make the most generous contribution you can afford to Ron Paul’s Rise for Liberty Money Bomb.

Help my dad Restore America Now!

For Liberty,

Rand Paul

P.S. My dad’s long-fought R3VOLUTION is bearing fruit – and thanks to your hard work and dedication, you are now the future of the Republican Party.

But the job isn’t over yet – and it’s crucial my dad has the resources to continue picking up as many delegates as possible in the states yet to have conventions.

So please, make the most generous contribution you can afford to Ron Paul’s Rise for Liberty Money Bomb.

Paid for by Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee