Thank you for joining forces with Campaign for Liberty in our fight to Audit the Federal Reserve. Federal Reserve Transparency is only one of many causes Campaign for Liberty champions. You see, Campaign for Liberty consists of over 450,000 Americans who have joined together to protect and defend foundational principles including individual freedom, constitutional government, free markets, and sound money, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. This means we are squarely at the forefront of the battle to stop all of Big Government’s power grabs. From Cap and Tax to bailouts, boondoggles, and “stimulus” plans, Campaign for Liberty is leading true patriots into battle every day. And if the support for Audit the Fed is any indication, we are winning the fight. To learn all about Campaign for Liberty, please visit our website at Our website features more than just an overview of our organization. Freedom fighters meet there to share ideas, tactics, and techniques on our forum. We spotlight prominent articles and blog posts from leading pro-liberty writers and thinkers. We draw attention to events, rallies, protests, and our own Regional Conferences, which offer premium grassroots training to other revolutionaries. I’d like to invite you to become a regular visitor to our website. Join in on the conversations in the forum. Leave your thoughts in our blog’s comment section. Sign up to receive top notch grassroots activism training at our next Regional Conference. If we stand together, we can reclaim our Republic and restore our Constitution. In Liberty, John Tate President P.S. Unlike the Fed, Campaign for Liberty cannot just print money from thin air. We are completely dependent on the ongoing financial support of patriots like you. Please consider a generous donation to help us in the fight to Audit the Fed. |