Dear Erick,
Yesterday, in order to RAM through a 5-year, $6.1 BILLION tax hike, Republican Governor Bob McDonnell sold out Virginia taxpayers and caved in on ObamaCare.
As the Chairman of the Republican Governors Association, Bob "Tax Hike" McDonnell's sellout has ramifications for EVERY man, woman and child in America.
Erick, this is why our country needs a R3VOLUTION now more than ever.
And it's exactly why it's never been more important for liberty supporters like you to stand up and fight back against the GOP establishment by signing your Continue the R3VOLUTION pledge.
I'll give you the link in a moment, but first let me explain exactly why Tax Hike Bob McDonnell's sellout in Virginia matters for all Americans.
As you know, there's a battle raging for the heart and soul of the Republican Party.
On one side sits liberty-minded Americans like you who want to cut taxes, cut spending, and rein in the size and scope of government at every level.
The other side consists of establishment Republicans like "Tax Hike Bob McDonnell" and Karl Rove, who want to hike taxes and grow government every bit as much as Barack Obama does.
And Bob McDonnell's sellout yesterday is a prime example of what the GOP establishment believes is the "solution" to our nation's problems.
Not only did Bob McDonnell cave in on ObamaCare - setting the stage for Republicans across the country to follow suit - but he hiked numerous taxes on hardworking Virginians, including:
Raising personal property taxes in Virginia by a whopping 23%, as if the nearly $350 MILLION in combined state and local property taxes Virginia collects each year isn't enough;
Enacting a new wholesale tax on gas paid by distributors, guaranteed to be passed on to consumers in the form of higher gas prices;
Increasing state sales taxes on the majority of purchases in Virginia;
Raising the title tax on new cars by a staggering 43%.
All in all, Tax Hike Bob's bill raised state sales taxes, car taxes, regional sales taxes, vehicle and personal property taxes, vending machine taxes, heavy equipment taxes, commercial taxes, hotel taxes, hybrid vehicle taxes, and diesel fuel taxes.
If you're as tired of Big Government, big spending Republicans like Bob McDonnell as I am, can I count on you to help fight back by signing your Continue the R3VOLUTION pledge IMMEDIATELY?
You see, while Bob McDonnell's tax hikes may only directly affect Virginians, the fact that he caved in on ObamaCare sets a very dangerous precedent.
That's because expanding Medicaid is a major part of ObamaCare.
In fact, it's one of the key elements in forcing even more people into taxpayer-funded, government-run health care.
Not only is taxpayer-funded health care just plain wrong, but the results will be disastrous for the recipients, taxpayers, and everyone needing emergency services:
Medicaid is bad for recipients. A study by the University of Virginia found that folks on Medicaid were 13% more likely to die after surgery than folks without any insurance at all!
Medicaid is bad for taxpayers. Medicaid spending already consumes a large percentage of most state budgets - 25% in Virginia - and expanding this failed program will force taxes up even higher.
Medicaid is clogging up emergency rooms. Since government payments are slow, reimbursements are low, and penalties for paperwork errors are onerous, more and more doctors are refusing to take Medicaid patients. The result is that people on Medicaid are forced into emergency rooms to get routine medical care, leading to longer waiting periods for folks who need emergency care.
Campaign for Liberty members and supporters are mobilizing to turn up the heat on Republican Governors like John Kasich (OH), Jan Brewer (AZ), Rick Scott (FL), Rick Snyder (MI), Susana Martinez (NM), Brian Sandoval (NV,) and Jack Dalrymple (ND,) just to name a few.
RGA Chairman Bob McDonnell's sellout gives these Governors cover to cave in to Barack Obama and expand Medicaid.
Tax Hike Bob McDonnell's sellout serves as a prime example of the GOP establishment's national Republican Party-imposed cancer on America.
Like Bob McDonnell, the Republican "leadership" in Congress is all too willing to sell our liberties down the river in the name of political expediency, bipartisanship, or "getting things done."
And with the gun grabbers going all-out to pass massive new gun control laws, the last thing our country needs right now is more spineless Republicans like Bob McDonnell.
That's why it's vital you sign your Continue the R3VOLUTION pledge IMMEDIATELY!
Despite this disaster, there is good news and reason to be optimistic.
Liberty-minded Americans across the nation are FED UP with the establishment and both parties' phony "solutions," and they're ready to do something about it.
You see, liberty-minded folks now hold the chair, co-chair, Executive Director, Organization Director, and Finance Chair positions in the Iowa GOP.
In Missouri - the largest caucus state in the nation - grassroots liberty activists mobilized and successfully elected an anti-establishment candidate as Chairman of the Missouri Republican Party, beating the hand-picked candidate of Senator Roy Blunt.
In Nevada, liberty-minded Republicans gained control of the majority of the state and municipal party leadership.
Unfortunately, in many of these states, the establishment is scheming to KICK OUT our liberty-minded folks from the Republican Party.
For example, in Alaska, the establishment tossed out the liberty-minded State Chair that grassroots activists got elected fair and square at the 2012 State Convention.
Campaign for Liberty is on the frontlines helping liberty supporters fight back against the establishment's underhanded tactics.
But with the tax-and-spenders' all-out assault on our liberties in Washington and in state capitols across the country, C4L's resources are already stretched razor thin.
And I'm afraid without your generous support, I just won't have the funds necessary to win these important fights.
So please sign your Continue the R3VOLUTION pledge, and consider chipping in $10 or $20 to help liberty supporters win the battle for the heart and soul of the Republican Party.
Your generous contribution will help pay for direct mail, emails, phone calls and legal assistance for liberty supporters who are fighting tooth-and-nail against the establishment's dirty and sometimes illegal tactics.
The only way to save our country and our freedoms is to stand up and fight for them.
So please stand up and FIGHT BACK by signing your Continue the R3VOLUTION pledge TODAY!
Together, you and I can break the establishment's iron grip over the Republican Party.
In Liberty,

John Tate
P.S. Yesterday, in order to RAM through a 5-year, $6.1 BILLION tax hike, Republican Governor Bob McDonnell sold out Virginia taxpayers and caved in on ObamaCare.
As the Chairman of the Republican Governors Association, Bob "Tax Hike" McDonnell's sellout has ramifications for EVERY man, woman, and child in America.
Erick, this is why our country needs a R3VOLUTION now more than ever.
And it's exactly why it's never been more important for liberty supporters like you to stand up and fight back against the GOP establishment by signing your Continue the R3VOLUTION pledge.