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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Your Advice is Critical

Campaign  for Liberty

Dear Erick,

My Presidential race is over, and my time in Congress is ending, but I'm going to continue leading our REVOLUTION.

After my term is up, I will be leading our fight from the outside. And where I choose to lead that battle is firmly at the helm of Campaign for Liberty.

Time is running out until the start of the next Congress, and C4L President John Tate and I just finished talking about how critically important it is for Campaign for Liberty members to take a stand against the statists' schemes.

There's no doubt the fights our liberty movement will face will be among the toughest we've ever experienced.

But the truth is, C4L needs your opinion because it's clear this REVOLUTION will wither and die without the support of good folks like you – and the statists will run roughshod over our remaining liberties.

Please read the below email from John explaining everything we have on our plate.

Then fill out your Supporter's Directive immediately.

Time is running out, and C4L simply must know where you stand.

For Liberty,

Ron Paul

Campaign for Liberty

Dear Erick,

I already knew the situation was dire.

While the Congress convening in January will have more pro-liberty members than any other in recent history...

... it will also bring with it some of the greatest threats our movement has ever faced.

And it will be led by a President and Senate Majority Leader who think they have a “mandate” to throw what little remains of the Constitution into the shredder to advance their Big Government agenda.

We simply can’t expect the Republican establishment to fight back. They’re too busy listening to all the wrong people and planning to “move left.”

But what has me more worried than anything else is that right when all those who believe in liberty must rise to the challenge, C4L won’t be able to wage an ALL-OUT assault on the statists’ plans in 2013.

As my staff and I look ahead to the new year, there are so many battles that I wanted to make sure I wrote to you to ask for your thoughts and your support.

But I will get to that in a minute.

Voices of Liberty – strong ones like Rand Paul, Mike Lee, Justin Amash, and others – will be leading the fight in Congress. I want to be sure we've got their backs.

Will you stand behind them? Will you stand with C4L to push forward the liberty agenda in 2013?

Campaign for Liberty is poised to lead the fight from the outside – to bring the strong support of the Liberty movement, the anti-Washington message of the Tea Parties, and the small government message of grassroots activists all across the country to the battles ahead.

You see, right now, you and I are at a key stage in many of our current battles – and I’m faced with some critical decisions about C4L’s efforts in 2013. You and I know we will have more battles than we could possibly handle.

So I am asking for your help – and your advice.

That’s why it’s vital you sign your Confidential Supporter's Directive IMMEDIATELY.

The results will be tabulated and presented to me in the coming weeks as I approve our budget and battle plans for 2013. And with a new Congress taking office in just a few weeks, we must begin our grassroots programs immediately.

The good news is, thanks to your help, C4L has really made an impact in Washington in the last four years.

Audit the Fed is ready to pass again in the U.S. House in the new Congress, after passing in 2012 and getting over 300 House votes and 30 Senate cosponsors.

We must push ahead on this vital reform, as well as line up to do battle for a potential new Fed Chairman, as Ben Bernanke is widely rumored to be stepping down in Obama’s second term.

And we are ready.

You see, Campaign for Liberty has grown like no other Liberty organization in history, both in its number of supporters and in its impact across the country. All thanks to Patriots like you!

This comes just in time, because while we must fight for Audit the Fed, I believe most of our time this year will be spent STOPPING statist power grabs like:

*** FISA SPYING: A secret court with broad powers that takes actions never seen by the American public. This system allows for warrantless searches and snooping in all aspects of your life, from your bank account to what books you take out of the library.

*** Indefinite Detention: We will be faced with another year-long extension of the un-American, unconstitutional policy of detaining Americans without trial.

*** Government Control of the Internet: So-called “cybersecurity” bills and the return of power grabs like SOPA threaten our freedom of speech online.

And that really is just the tip of the iceberg. New regulations, trillion-dollar budgets, multitrillion dollar wars ... It is a full-time job keeping up with these power grabs.

I want to stand and fight every one of them.

But today, I regret to inform you - with all the critical battles we’re facing right now - without an IMMEDIATE influx of funds, I will not be able to implement our necessary grassroots plans this January.

I’m going to have to start cutting some of our most vital programs.

You see, unlike our overlords in the federal government, C4L can’t just print money when the bills come due!

Nor would I want to.

But the battles we are fighting don’t come cheap. The fact is, I hope you’ll help Campaign for Liberty fight ALL of our battles. But if we are faced with hard choices, I’d rather quit some fights (even though we could win!) than risk losing everything.

But before I cut anything, I want to be sure to receive your advice.

As I’m sure you’ll agree, the idea that we may have to cut some of our vital programs is not welcome news. And it couldn’t have come at a worse time considering everything we’re facing right now.

Any of these battles could be won or lost depending on the resources Campaign for Liberty can spend fighting them.

To me, all of these fights are so foundational to our freedoms it’s almost like asking which amendment in the Bill of Rights I would like to keep.

That’s why I need your advice.

You see, the Big Government crowd isn’t hurting for funds. The statists inside government just tax, borrow, or print money when they need it.

Those outside are happy to ride the taxpayer gravy train with their bailouts, their welfare checks, and their bloated government contracts.

I’ll tell you up front - I don’t want to quit fighting anywhere.

Honestly, I’d rather see just about anything than watch Big Government politicians ham it up for the news cameras after they ram one of their statist schemes into law.

I’m sure you feel the same way.

I also know that without your financial support, there would be no Campaign for Liberty.

That’s why I need YOU to tell me WHICH FIGHT to focus on.

But, believe me, there’s no easy choice. Let me lay out the options.

Should I concentrate on efforts to stop government’s total takeover of the Internet?

The statists' dangerous schemes strike at the heart of everything you and I hold dear.

Whether it is shutting down websites, or invading your privacy through government snooping, the statists are coming after the Internet. After our freedom.

I don’t know about you, but that sends shivers up my spine.

So if stopping Big Government’s Internet Takeover is your number-one priority, please choose "OPTION #1" on your Supporter's Directive.

But before you do, please consider what’s at stake with dangerous Civil Liberties power grabs like Indefinite Detention, FISA spying, and others.

We cannot continue to trade Liberty for security. Our founders warned us against this, and we ignore them at our peril.

Yet every year, it seems the Security State wants more power over our lives. More crackdowns on privacy. More power to simply make those who disagree, disappear.

It makes my blood boil.

I’m sure you can see why I’m torn.

If protecting our liberty from national security state power grabs is where you believe we should concentrate our resources, please choose "OPTION #2" on your Supporter's Directive.

And, of course, I haven’t even mentioned AUDIT THE FED yet.

Thanks to the help of folks like you, we’re at a truly historic crossroads in our fight.

Of course, from here on out, our battle will only get more difficult, with the Fed banksters and their cronies in Congress doing everything they can to stop us.

But if you and I can turn Audit the Fed into the law of the land, the American people will finally see how the Federal Reserve drives inflation, creates devastating economic crises, and destroys the middle class...

...and we’ll be well on our way to finally ENDING the Fed once and for all.

If you believe we should concentrate solely on the AUDIT THE FED bill, please choose "OPTION #3."

Of course, there is one more option.

I’ve hesitated until now to bring it up because it’s absolutely critical you understand the situation we’re in.

Without an IMMEDIATE and massive influx of funds, I will be FORCED to make cuts to our programs.


Don’t back down. Don’t leave anything to chance. Fight.

If you choose this option, I hope you’ll also agree to make a generous contribution to Campaign for Liberty.

I know times are tough for many folks.

If our backs weren’t against the wall, I wouldn’t even consider it.

Erick, if we don’t fight back, who will?

So please fill out your Supporter's Directive – and make your most generous contribution – TODAY.

Your advice and your support will make all the difference.

In Liberty,

John Tate

P.S. The tough economic times are affecting us all - and Campaign for Liberty isn't immune. Without an influx of funds, your Campaign for Liberty will not be able to fully fund its 2013 legislative grassroots agenda.

So I need your IMMEDIATE advice.

Please fill out your Supporter's Directive and make your most generous contribution to Campaign for Liberty right away.

Because of Campaign For Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501(C)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions (IRC § 162(e)(1)).

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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

We CAN Still Defeat ObamaCare

Campaign for Liberty

Dear Erick,

It's a lie, and the media and politicians keep repeating it.

They are saying that with the reelection of Barack Obama, there is no choice but to move forward on the implementation of ObamaCare.

Shortly after the election, House Speaker Boehner stated, "ObamaCare is the law of the land," indicating he would now assist the President in the takeover of your health care.

The truth is, we can still defeat ObamaCare. But to do so, Republicans on the Hill must grow a backbone and refuse to fund it.

Republicans in D.C. need a wake-up call.

Our Founders gave the U.S. Congress the power of the purse. Republicans won the House in 2010 by promising to make significant spending cuts, limit government, and starve ObamaCare.

One reason they lost elections in 2012 is because they didn't keep their promises.

And Republican governors and state legislators must assert state sovereignty and refuse to comply with ObamaCare mandates.

Following Boehner's leadership - or lack thereof - some Republican governors are backpedaling on their commitment to exercise their prerogative under the 10th Amendment to defend state sovereignty.

We simply must put a stop to this now, but in order to do so, we must act quickly!

Please call your Republican U.S. Representative today and demand he or she starve the beast that is ObamaCare.

Click here to find your Republican U.S. Representative’s contact information

Tell them NOT to fund this monstrosity.

Like you, I want my kids to grow up in a free and prosperous America.

Like you, I'm worried about the future of our country.

ObamaCare is one statist scheme that we can and must stop before it is too late.

Once your state accepts federal funding and invites ObamaCare into their state by building a state insurance exchange or expanding their Medicaid programs, it will be nearly impossible to reverse course.

And many Republican governors and state legislators are looking to the leadership in D.C. for guidance on this issue.

Campaign for Liberty State Operations has been working tirelessly with State Coordinators to ward off ObamaCare implementation across the country.

It is imperative our U.S. Representatives do their part and honor their commitment to starve ObamaCare.

Please call your Republican U.S. Representative today and demand he or she refuse to fund ObamaCare. Click here to find your Republican U.S. Representative’s contact information.

In Liberty,

John Tate

P.S. Please call your Republican U.S. Representative today and demand he or she refuse to fund ObamaCare. Click here to find your Republican U.S. Representative’s contact information.

And please chip in $10, $20, or whatever you can afford to help C4L lead the fight to stop the implementation of ObamaCare.

Because of Campaign For Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501(C)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions (IRC § 162(e)(1)).

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Monday, November 26, 2012

Fw: Lock You Up and Throw Away the Key!


The lame-duck Congress comes back in session tomorrow.

And the Senate is expected to take up the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

Senator Rand Paul is offering an amendment to prevent the indefinite detention of American citizens and reaffirm the Sixth Amendment.

In case you missed it last week, please take a moment to read John Tate's email below about this important fight.

And be sure to call your senators TODAY and demand they support Senator Paul's amendment to reaffirm our Sixth Amenment freedoms.

In Liberty,

Erica D

Campaign for Liberty

Dear Erica,

Your liberties are once again hanging by a thread. As little as five votes, in fact.

Next week, the lame-duck U.S. Senate will take up the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

And the statists will do virtually anything to keep the power to lock up American citizens at will and throw them in prison forever without so much as a trial - effectively GUTTING the Sixth Amendment in the process.

The good news is Senator Rand Paul is offering an amendment to prevent the indefinite detention of American citizens and reaffirm the Sixth Amendment.

Last time he tried a similar effort, it only failed by five votes, and you and I had very little time to mobilize against this outrageous assault on our liberties.

That's why I'm hopeful with your IMMEDIATE action today, we can DEFEAT the indefinite detention provision of the NDAA.

So won't you please agree to call your senators IMMEDIATELY?

Tell them to REJECT the indefinite detention of American citizens and vote against any defense authorization bill that includes such an abuse of power.

Demand they support Senator Rand Paul's amendment upholding our rights.

You can reach them at the numbers I've provided for you below.

Sen. Michael Bennet
(202) 224-5852

Sen. Mark Udall
(202) 224-5941

Of course, time is running out, so your action today is absolutely critical.

This outrageous assault on our remaining liberties isn't something out of Fidel Castro's Communist Cuba.

This is something statists in our federal government are doing!

What freedoms won't they take from us?

What constitutional liberties will they not crush as the statists' national security state continually expands to fit a bunch of bureaucrats' idea of "safety"?

You and I can't let this happen. You and I MUST fight back.

So please call your U.S. senators IMMEDIATELY.

In Liberty,

John Tate

P.S. Next week, the U.S. Senate will take up the NDAA, and Senator Rand Paul will be fighting to prevent the federal government from locking up American citizens and throwing away the key without even so much as a trial.

So please call your senators TODAY and demand they reject the indefinite detention of American citizens and vote against any defense authorization bill that includes language allowing this abuse of power.

Urge them to support Senator Paul's amendment to uphold our rights.

And if you could chip in with a generous contribution of $10 or even $25, it will go a long way toward helping Campaign for Liberty win critical fights like these.

Please act TODAY!

Because of Campaign For Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501(C)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions (IRC § 162(e)(1)).

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You were added to the system September 15, 2011 [More information].
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Saturday, November 24, 2012

Save 65% Off VideoSecu 600TVL Outdoor Day Night Infrared Security Camera Built-in 1/3 Inch Budget

New Deal: 65% Off VideoSecu 600TVL Outdoor Day Night Infrared Security Camera Built-in 1/3" For Sale Online

Get 65% Off VideoSecu 600TVL Outdoor
(Sale for a limited time only) Price : $328.01
New Price : $199.00

What Make it So Good

  • Built-in 20 LED IR illuminators for night vision
  • Built-in 1/3″ Sony Super HAD CCD, Color DSP, Automatic CDS sensor
  • f 3.6mm Lens for wide view angle. 0 Lux (IR LED ON)
  • Horizontal Resolution: 600 TV Lines. Signal System: NTSC
  • 12V 500mA Regulated Power Supply and Security Warning Decal included

Save 65% Off VideoSecu 600TVL Outdoor Day Night Infrared Security Camera Built-in 1/3" Compare Prices

Product Details




Feature:1/3″ Sony Super HAD CCD, Color DSP, Automatic CDS sensor

Feature:Horizontal Resolution: 600 TV Lines. Signal System: NTSC

Feature:f 3.6mm Lens for wide view angle. 0 Lux (IR LED ON)

Feature:Built-in 20 LED IR illuminators for night vision. IR range up to 65 feet

Feature:12V 500mA Regulated Power Supply and Security Warning Decal included







ProductGroup: Photography




Title:VideoSecu Black Friday 600TVL Outdoor Day Night Security Camera Infrared 1/3″ Sony Super HAD CCD CCTV Home Surveillance with Free Power Supply 1I6


This Black Friday 600TVL dome camera is professional video color CCD vandal proof security camera with 1/3″ CCD technology; it delivers the most sophisticated technology into picture in the security industry,
This IR Dome is constructed of die-cast aluminum,
Inside the vandal-proof housing is a high resolution Sony CCD camera with IR lens,
In low light or night situations the IR Dome has a photo sensor that switches the camera to B/W,
This is further enhanced by the built-in 20-LED IR illuminators,
Note : This camera not made by SONY, it using Sony Super HAD CCD image sensor and Sony DSP technology, made by one of the world largest OEM manufacture,
Free 12 V 500mA regulated power supply included !

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Lock You Up and Throw Away the Key!

Campaign for Liberty

Dear Erick,

Your liberties are once again hanging by a thread. As little as five votes, in fact.

Next week, the lame-duck U.S. Senate will take up the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

And the statists will do virtually anything to keep the power to lock up American citizens at will and throw them in prison forever without so much as a trial - effectively GUTTING the Sixth Amendment in the process.

The good news is Senator Rand Paul is offering an amendment to prevent the indefinite detention of American citizens and reaffirm the Sixth Amendment.

Last time he tried a similar effort, it only failed by five votes, and you and I had very little time to mobilize against this outrageous assault on our liberties.

That's why I'm hopeful with your IMMEDIATE action today, we can DEFEAT the indefinite detention provision of the NDAA.

So won't you please agree to call your senators IMMEDIATELY?

Tell them to REJECT the indefinite detention of American citizens and vote against any defense authorization bill that includes such an abuse of power.

Demand they support Senator Rand Paul's amendment upholding our rights.

You can reach them at the numbers I've provided for you below.

Sen. Michael Bennet
(202) 224-5852

Sen. Mark Udall
(202) 224-5941

Of course, time is running out, so your action today is absolutely critical.

This outrageous assault on our remaining liberties isn't something out of Fidel Castro's Communist Cuba.

This is something statists in our federal government are doing!

What freedoms won't they take from us?

What constitutional liberties will they not crush as the statists' national security state continually expands to fit a bunch of bureaucrats' idea of "safety"?

You and I can't let this happen. You and I MUST fight back.

So please call your U.S. senators IMMEDIATELY.

In Liberty,

John Tate

P.S. Next week, the U.S. Senate will take up the NDAA, and Senator Rand Paul will be fighting to prevent the federal government from locking up American citizens and throwing away the key without even so much as a trial.

So please call your senators TODAY and demand they reject the indefinite detention of American citizens and vote against any defense authorization bill that includes language allowing this abuse of power.

Urge them to support Senator Paul's amendment to uphold our rights.

And if you could chip in with a generous contribution of $10 or even $25, it will go a long way toward helping Campaign for Liberty win critical fights like these.

Please act TODAY!

Because of Campaign For Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501(C)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions (IRC § 162(e)(1)).

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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

This Government Agency Turns My Stomach

Campaign for Liberty

Dear Erick,

This season is traditionally one for giving thanks, spending time with friends and family, and reflecting on the past year.

But before they can stuff themselves at the dinner table on Thursday or kick back to catch the game, many Americans must travel by plane to get to their loved ones.

And while I have a lot to give thanks for this year, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) will not be on that list.

Actually, I'm personally thankful NOT to be flying anywhere for Thanksgiving this time around.

I experienced more than my fair share of TSA grope-downs while traveling around the country managing Ron Paul's presidential campaign.

Unfortunately for those flying this holiday season, Congress has yet to find a backbone and outright abolish the TSA for its repeated violations of our constitutional and natural rights.

If this Congress cared one iota about our liberties, they would pass common-sense legislation like Rep. Ron Paul's "American Traveler Dignity Act," or Senator Rand Paul's pair of bills, S. 3302 and S. 3303, to create a passenger bill of rights and replace Transportation Security Officers (TSOs) with private screeners.

Even Rep. Marsha Blackburn's "STRIP Act" to prevent TSOs from using the title "officer" and wearing uniforms and badges that resemble those of a law enforcement officer would demonstrate Congress had some desire to rein in this rogue and unaccountable bureaucracy.

Knowing a federal agency exists that gropes, scans, pokes, and prods Americans - treating us as cattle until they've removed every shred of human dignity we have left - turns my stomach.

And just as we shouldn't give up our liberty for some fleeting promise of "security," we shouldn't trade our dignity as human beings, either.

It's offensive to watch as elderly or disabled individuals and young children are groped in our airports.

And now it's clear the TSA's inefficiency and ineffectiveness will only get worse...

... their employees just unionized under the American Federation of Government Employees union, an affiliate of the AFL-CIO.

So an agency already rife with corruption will be further solidified into our society, and the misconduct of its employees protected by the full might of the union bosses.

Much has been done to highlight such misconduct, from ABC's investigative report tracking down a stolen iPad to the home of a TSA officer, to a list of 50 of the "Most Dangerous TSOs" compiled by Representative Blackburn.

Sadly, even if you're not flying this year, there is still a chance you might run into the TSA.

Over the past few years, their reach has sprawled far beyond our airports and onto our highways, our train and subway stations, sporting events, and even political rallies through TSA's VIPR teams.

When did the TSA become Big Government's anointed "gatekeeper-in-chief"?

This "mission-creep" reinforces the notion that TSA is "nothing more than a bloated, broken bureaucracy," as Rep. Paul Broun has stated.

Congress must be reminded that Americans do not surrender their Fourth Amendment rights when purchasing an airline ticket.

Now more than ever, the TSA needs to be reined in, and it's up to you and me to make this a top priority in the 113th Congress.

As bad as things are, there is hope!

With the addition of Senator-elect Ted Cruz, a man who made his disdain for the TSA no secret during his campaign, and numerous other liberty-minded representatives, we can push this issue further than it has ever gone before.

But first, all those who care deeply for this country must rise up and loudly proclaim, "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!"

I know the liberty movement is strong enough to make a difference when we determine to do so.

And we can start this holiday season!

If you find yourself in the TSA queue line, observe other passengers as they're directed into the porno-scanners.

As they hold their hands above their heads like criminals, ask yourself, "Is that the pose of a free man?"

When it comes your turn, I hope you'll choose to opt-out.

The truth is, most TSOs don't enjoy performing the grope-downs any more than passengers enjoy receiving them.

(There is always the exception to the rule, and now they'll be tougher to fire for misconduct thanks to the AFGE union bosses.)

The TSA will never change their disgusting screening tactics until enough public disgust forces them to.

If you can at this time, please chip in $10, $25, or even $35 to help C4L mobilize against the TSA's war on our liberties.

Let's work together to take on the TSA in the next Congress and end it once and for all.

In Liberty,

John Tate

P.S. I'm personally thankful NOT to be flying anywhere this Thanksgiving.

With the continuation of the TSA's disgusting screening tactics, and their recent unionization under the American Federation of Government Employees making it even tougher to rein in their abuses, the American people should be outraged.

That's why I hope you'll help Campaign for Liberty put an end to the TSA once and for all.

If you're able, please chip in $10, $25, or even $35 to help Campaign for Liberty mobilize in the 113th Congress against the TSA's war on our liberties.

Because of Campaign For Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501(C)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions (IRC § 162(e)(1)).

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Monday, November 19, 2012

Fw: Stiffen Bob McDonnell’s Spine


In case you missed it over the weekend, please take a moment to read John Tate's email below about Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell "softening" his stance on tax hikes.

And after you read John's email, give Governor McDonnell a call yourself at (804) 786-2211.

Tell him raising taxes and spending is not the way to restore the Republican Party - or to help our economy.

In Liberty,

Erica D

Campaign for Liberty

Dear Erica,

For statist politicians, economic problems caused by too much inflating, spending, taxing, regulating, and borrowing can be solved by more of the same.

Today, news is everywhere about Republican Members of Congress seeking a “deal” with President Obama to hike our taxes.

Now Politico reports that even Republican Governors are “softening” their opposition!

Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell is quoted as saying, “I think we’re going to have to be [flexible] now . . . The president campaigned on [tax hikes].”

Erica, I’m afraid you and I are going to have inject some stiffness into Bob McDonnell’s “flexible” spine.

Politicians with national ambitions need to be shown that raising taxes and spending, and talking like Democrats, is not the way to restore the Republican Party ... Or to help the US economy.

So won’t you call Governor McDonnell immediately at (804) 786-2211 to tell him you’ve had enough of statists in BOTH parties looking for any excuse to take more of your money?

Please do so at once.

You see, time is short.  There isn’t much time to stop the statists’ Big Government schemes during the “lame-duck” session of Congress.

And massive tax hikes are virtually SURE to be part of any smoky backroom deal between BOTH parties - unless I can count on your immediate action.

Please don’t be fooled.

Raising taxes has nothing to do with closing our $16 TRILLION national debt.

It’s about government control. 

It’s about allowing politicians to look like they’re “doing something” while forcing YOU to pay for their unwillingness to restore government back to its limited role.

That’s why it’s critical you call Governor Bob McDonnell at once at (804) 786-2211.

Tell him not to cave in and run away with a whimper at the first sign of a fight.

Tell him you want to see spending cut and government limited – not taxes hiked.

Please act TODAY.

In Liberty,

John Tate

P.S.  I’m afraid you and I are going to have inject some stiffness into Bob McDonnell’s spine.

Just recently, Governor McDonnell “softened” on calls to hike taxes, which would force you and me to pony up for the statists in BOTH parties’ unwillingness to cut spending and restore our government to its limited, constitutional role.

Please call Bob McDonnell at once at (804) 786-2211 to tell him to fight calls to hike taxes – not run away and whimper at the first sign of a fight.

And if you can, please chip in $10 or $25 to help C4L stay at the frontlines of the fight for freedom.

Because of Campaign For Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501(C)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions (IRC § 162(e)(1)).

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Sunday, November 18, 2012

Ron Paul's Farewell Speech

Campaign for Liberty

Dear Erick,

On Wednesday, November 14, Congressman Paul delivered what is likely his final speech as a member of the United States Congress.

He closed his remarks by saying:

“I have come to one firm conviction after these many years of trying to figure out ‘the plain truth of things.’  The best chance for achieving peace and prosperity, for the maximum number of people world-wide, is to pursue the cause of LIBERTY.

If you find this to be a worthwhile message, spread it throughout the land.”

You’re on this email list because at some point, you’ve shown an interest in spreading the message of liberty throughout the nation, and especially right here in Colorado.

Erick, ideas can have very real and big consequences. But political or even spiritual conviction means very little without accompanying action. As Murray Rothbard stated:

“I see no other conceivable strategy for the achievement of liberty than political action. Religious or philosophical conversion of each man and woman is simply not going to work; that strategy ignores the problem of power, the fact that millions of people have a vested interest in statism and are not likely to give it up ...

... Education in liberty is of course vital, but it is not enough; action must also be taken to roll back the State ...”

Thanks to the support of good folks like you, Colorado Campaign for Liberty will become the leading organization in the state fighting Big Government encroachment on our freedoms, and there will be one simple reason why:  C4L members and supporters have never bought into one of the worst lies to ever infect our political culture.

That lie takes on different forms, but it can be summed up as, “One person cannot possibly make a difference. So why try?”

It’s designed to convince liberty-minded Americans to give up. It’s designed to keep us silent while statists shred every last bit of our constitutional liberties.

After all, practically speaking, there’s no difference between the statist and a sincere Constitution-minded individual – so long as both remain on the couch.

If the statists are able to convince principled men and women that taking action is futile, they’ve already won the war.

That’s why I need people like you to start and lead a Colorado Campaign for Liberty County group today.

Click here to watch Congressman Paul’s “Farewell Congressional Speech,” and while you’re there, let me know you’re committed to spreading the message of liberty in your county.

Ron Paul's Farewell Speech

Our nation is over $16 trillion in debt. Drones are flying over American cities – including Denver. We get groped by TSA goons at the airport, and new nanny-state regulations tell us what we can and cannot eat.

Today, the distasteful fruits of combining statist philosophy with political action are all around us.

But we’re also seeing something new.

Whether it’s passage of Audit the Fed through the U.S. House of Representatives, a new crop of Constitution-minded individuals running for office, or a growing number of Coloradans who are opposed to Big Government – and are doing something about it – a very important change is taking place.

That’s why it’s vital you become a leader in your county for Colorado Campaign for Liberty. We cannot afford to slow our momentum down.

As a Colorado Campaign for Liberty County Leader, you will be the backbone of the liberty movement in the state.

Click here and pledge to be involved with CO C4L on the county level right now.

Correct political philosophy and unending action are being molded together. And it’s this powerful combination that sets Colorado Campaign for Liberty apart.

As Congressman Paul stated, “...there is good evidence that the generation coming of age at the present time is supportive of moving in the direction of more liberty and self-reliance. The more this change in direction and the solutions become known, the quicker will be the return of optimism.”

Today, grassroots activists from throughout the country have struck a match, and brushfires of freedom are spreading around Colorado in ways that would have been hard to imagine just a few years ago.

And with your action on the county level, the successes we’ve seen to date will only be the beginning. Pledge to be a county leader today.

In Liberty,

Matt Holdridge
Colorado State Coordinator
P.S. Thanks to the support of good folks like you, Colorado Campaign for Liberty will become the leading organization in the state fighting Big Government encroachment on our freedoms.

Click here to watch Congressman Paul’s “Farewell Congressional Speech” and while you’re there, let me know you’re committed to spreading the message of liberty in your county.

Because of Campaign For Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501(C)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions (IRC § 162(e)(1)).

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Stiffen Bob McDonnell’s Spine

Campaign for Liberty

Dear Erick,

For statist politicians, economic problems caused by too much inflating, spending, taxing, regulating, and borrowing can be solved by more of the same.

Today, news is everywhere about Republican Members of Congress seeking a “deal” with President Obama to hike our taxes.

Now Politico reports that even Republican Governors are “softening” their opposition!

Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell is quoted as saying, “I think we’re going to have to be [flexible] now . . . The president campaigned on [tax hikes].”

Erick, I’m afraid you and I are going to have inject some stiffness into Bob McDonnell’s “flexible” spine.

Politicians with national ambitions need to be shown that raising taxes and spending, and talking like Democrats, is not the way to restore the Republican Party ... Or to help the US economy.

So won’t you call Governor McDonnell immediately at (804) 786-2211 to tell him you’ve had enough of statists in BOTH parties looking for any excuse to take more of your money?

Please do so at once.

You see, time is short.  There isn’t much time to stop the statists’ Big Government schemes during the “lame-duck” session of Congress.

And massive tax hikes are virtually SURE to be part of any smoky backroom deal between BOTH parties - unless I can count on your immediate action.

Please don’t be fooled.

Raising taxes has nothing to do with closing our $16 TRILLION national debt.

It’s about government control. 

It’s about allowing politicians to look like they’re “doing something” while forcing YOU to pay for their unwillingness to restore government back to its limited role.

That’s why it’s critical you call Governor Bob McDonnell at once at (804) 786-2211.

Tell him not to cave in and run away with a whimper at the first sign of a fight.

Tell him you want to see spending cut and government limited – not taxes hiked.

Please act TODAY.

In Liberty,

John Tate

P.S.  I’m afraid you and I are going to have inject some stiffness into Bob McDonnell’s spine.

Just recently, Governor McDonnell “softened” on calls to hike taxes, which would force you and me to pony up for the statists in BOTH parties’ unwillingness to cut spending and restore our government to its limited, constitutional role.

Please call Bob McDonnell at once at (804) 786-2211 to tell him to fight calls to hike taxes – not run away and whimper at the first sign of a fight.

And if you can, please chip in $10 or $25 to help C4L stay at the frontlines of the fight for freedom.

Because of Campaign For Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501(C)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions (IRC § 162(e)(1)).

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Friday, November 16, 2012

Why, Mitch?

Campaign for Liberty

Dear Erick,

Wednesday night, the Senate defeated the latest attempt to ram through Senator Lieberman's "Cybersecurity Act of 2012."

Thanks to your quick action, we won an important victory despite finding out about Reid's plans fewer than 24 hours before the vote.

After being defeated on this issue yet again, even Harry Reid was forced to admit, "Cybersecurity is dead for this Congress."

Enter Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell...

... who on Thursday actually said he hopes the bill will come up again in December!

Why in the world would he make such a statement?

Well, apparently McConnell voted the right way Wednesday simply because Reid limited the amendments that could be offered to the bill.

So how many others didn't shove this bill down our throats just because Harry Reid didn't allow an open amendment process?

The simple truth is, there are far too many members of the Senate eager to secure more government control over the Internet.

We can't assume anything - or let down our guard for a moment.

That's why I'm asking you to contact Mitch McConnell by phone at 202-224-2541 and by email today with a simple message - "No Deals!"

Growing government power is about the only bipartisan action we can expect from Congress nowadays.

Have "leaders" in Washington really learned NOTHING from the election?

Millions of Americans were sick of the status quo and simply stayed home.

Grassroots activists want leaders who will STAND UP for their right to privacy and for their freedoms online - not just because the process the bill comes up under is flawed, but because fighting for freedom is the right thing to do!

As Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell (whose number once again is 202-224-2541) needs to lead on principle.

If the Republican Party ever hopes to find its way out of the latest wilderness it has wandered into, then it must stop being the "Big Government-lite" party.

And if the Internet is to remain a vibrant resource for technological innovation and the open exchange of information, Big Brother must keep its grabby mitts OFF.

C4L's message is getting through, as support for the so-called "cybersecurity" bill actually decreased by one senator since they last acted on it in August.

We will continue to apply pressure with the mailgrams we've received from thousands of activists like you, but we need your help today to double-down!

Please take a moment to contact Mitch McConnell by phone at 202-224-2541 and by email right away.

Tell him to oppose ANY efforts to pass Lieberman's "Cybersecurity Act of 2012" or any other legislation during the lame-duck session to give government more power over the Internet.

In Liberty,

John Tate

P.S. Wednesday night, Harry Reid's latest attempt to ram through Senator Lieberman's "Cybersecurity Act of 2012" failed - thanks to your quick action.

But now Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who voted against it, says he hopes the bill comes up again in December - just with an open amendment process!

So please contact Mitch McConnell by phone at 202-224-2541 and by email today with a simple message - "No Deals!"

Tell him to oppose ANY efforts to pass Lieberman's "Cybersecurity Act of 2012" or any other legislation during the lame-duck session to give government more power over the Internet.

And if you can, I hope you'll chip in whatever you are able to help C4L stay on the frontlines of the fight for freedom!

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Because of Campaign For Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501(C)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions (IRC § 162(e)(1)).

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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Fw: Will my last session be the worst?

Campaign for Liberty

Dear Erick,

Did you see the email from my Dad on Monday?

If you missed it, please read it below right away.

You see, his last session in Congress just got started.

And if the rumors I've been hearing are true, it really could be his worst.

I've certainly got my hands full in the Senate!

There could be no greater tribute to his legacy than the grassroots rising up and kicking the statists in the teeth one more time.

So please read his email below and take action right away.

Time is running out, so please hurry!

For Liberty,

Campaign for Liberty
Senator Rand Paul

Dear Erick,

My final session in Congress begins this week.

And it could be the worst of my career...

From re-authorization of FISA spying to an all-out assault on Internet freedom, you and I face some very real threats in this "lame-duck" session.

And we can't forget about potential tax hikes and more outrageous spending bills to bury us deeper in debt.

As I prepare to leave office, I would love nothing more than to see Campaign for Liberty make a huge impact and defeat these statist plans.

That's why I hope you'll take action today.

If you haven't already, please watch this critical video update to see how you can fight back during the lame-duck session.

But if you've already watched the video and taken action, I hope you'll do one more thing today.

Will you forward this email to everyone you know?

You and I cannot have our maximum impact for freedom unless our movement continues to grow.

So please take just a moment to watch an urgent video update from C4L President John Tate and forward it to everyone you know.

For Liberty,

Ron Paul

Because of Campaign For Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501(C)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions (IRC § 162(e)(1)).

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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Ron Paul’s Farewell Speech

Campaign for Liberty

Dear Erick,

I’ve received word that later today, the Champion of the Constitution is set to give his farewell address to Congress, and it could come as early as 1:30 pm eastern. As usual with congressional speeches, it should be carried live on CSPAN.

Due to time constraints, the speech may be delivered over two days.

Stay tuned to and/or follow us on Facebook for any change in schedule or other updates regarding Dr. Paul’s speech today.

Though his time in Congress is nearing an end, I’m excited about Dr. Paul continuing the R3VOLUTION through Campaign for Liberty.

You can help C4L spread the liberty message, stop the statists’ schemes, and make the maximum impact possible in 2013 by donating whatever you are able right away.

But be sure to tune in to CSPAN later today to see Congressman Paul give his farewell address to Congress!

In Liberty,

John Tate

Because of Campaign For Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501(C)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions (IRC § 162(e)(1)).

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