Dear Erick, Did you see John Tate's email yesterday about the Big Government statists gearing up to seize control of the Internet through Executive Order? Some of you may have had trouble accessing our Manifesto due to technical issues on our end - which have now been resolved. But since the stakes just got higher, I felt I must forward you John's email. You see, Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Chairman Joe Lieberman just issued a letter to President Obama urging him to use the "full extent" of his power to seize control of the Internet. And according to Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, President Obama's Executive Order is "close to completion." That's why - if you haven't yet done so - it's vital you sign Campaign for Liberty's Internet Freedom Manifesto IMMEDIATELY! And please take a moment to read John's email - and be sure to sign our Internet Freedom Manifesto right away. In Liberty, Teri C Dear Erick The statists want you to believe that if you'd just hand over every last bit of your remaining liberties, everything would be fine. They say freedom is "dangerous." In fact, that's exactly how former U.S. Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) - now a high-powered Washington, D.C. lobbyist - recently referred to C4L's fight for Internet freedom, stating, "You can't just have a legal, free environment where there aren't any restrictions [on the Internet]." Well, according to recent news reports, I'm afraid Chris Dodd may just get his way. That's why - if you haven't yet done so - I'm counting on you to sign your C4L Internet Freedom Manifesto IMMEDIATELY.  As The Hill reported, the Obama Administration is busy circulating a five-page draft of an Executive Order giving the President control over virtually all private communication systems in America under the guise of "national security." This is nothing more than an end run around Congress who - thanks to your help - just blocked a bill with similar provisions last month. But that's not all. Under the guise of improving broadband service, the FCC is launching an unprecedented assault on the American people, collecting all types of personal information from law-abiding citizens without their knowledge. Under this scheme, government bureaucrats will be able to gain access to our personal information - including your website history, your tweets, Facebook posts, and even the physical home address associated with your IP address. Just imagine government bureaucrats armed with whatever they want to know about you right at their fingertips. What you read. What you watch. What you buy. What you say. Who you talk to. Imagine the Internet - and with it, the entire technological revolution - SHUT DOWN with a ball of higher taxes, government snooping, and bureaucratic red tape. Erick, this is where we're headed - not next month, not next week, not tomorrow, but NOW - unless folks like you and me who cherish our remaining liberties begin to fight back. Quite frankly, if freedom is dangerous, I'm committed to living dangerously - and I hope you agree. If you do, please sign your Internet Freedom Manifesto IMMEDIATELY.  And if at all possible, please also agree to your most generous contribution of $500, $250, $100, $50, or $35 to help Campaign for Liberty fight these radical schemes. My goal is to reach 100,000 signers over the next 30 days for the Internet Freedom Manifesto to help send a loud-and-clear message to the statists to keep their hands off the Internet! Every dollar you give will help me reach more Americans and mobilize them to this fight, and that's what it's going to take to win. Right now, statists in both parties don't think they have anything to fear as they chip away at our Internet freedom - so long as they make up a good enough excuse like "security" or "fairness." They think you and I aren't smart enough to figure out what they're up to. Or maybe we just don't care. Or maybe we'll just put our heads in the sand and ignore the fight going on all around us. Well, I'm counting on you to help me prove them DEAD WRONG. So please sign your Internet Freedom Manifesto and make your most generous contribution of $500, $250, $100, $50 or $35 TODAY. I'm counting on your help. In Liberty,  John Tate President P.S. President Obama's Administration is circulating a draft of an Executive Order giving the President control over virtually all private communication systems in America under the guise of "national security." Just as bad, Obama's FCC is gearing up to collect all types of personal information about the American people - information that will be shared with other government agencies - including members of Congress. That's why I'm counting on you to please sign your Internet Freedom Manifesto IMMEDIATELY.  And if at all possible, please also agree to your most generous contribution of $500, $250, $100, $50, or $35 to help Campaign for Liberty fight these radical schemes! |