Dear Campaign for Liberty Member,
I know you understand the power of ideas. But good ideas are not worth anything if they are not put into action. I know you believe this, or you would not be a member of Campaign for Liberty.
In order to help their members put their ideas into action, Campaign for Liberty supports training activists to be effective spokespeople and leaders.
A political insider observed that, “Political success is determined by the number and effectiveness of the political activists on either side.” Therefore, you really do owe it to your ideas and principles to learn how to become the most effective activist you can be.
To help you become more effective, I want to let you know there will be a One-Day Grassroots Activist School held in your area soon. (The details are listed below.) I hope you will sacrifice part of your weekend to be part of this exciting class. I understand it is intense and even fun. I know that if you put just a few of the ideas you will learn into practice, you will help advance the cause of liberty.
I sincerely hope you can attend.
In Liberty,

Rand Paul
U.S. Senator, Kentucky
P.S. I know you care about principles, limiting the scope and power of government, and the power of liberty. Here is your chance to convert our shared passion into action. I hope you will attend the upcoming Grassroots Activist School in Westminster, Co.

Dear Erick,
Do you know how to work the legislature, or are you going to be worked over by the legislature ... Again?
I am confident that you understand the power of ideas. But good ideas are not worth anything if they are not put into action.
If you are going to spend your time and treasure trying to restore the Republic, then let’s do it to win.
Colorado Campaign for Liberty is hosting a One-Day Grassroots Leadership School with Senior Consultant Kirk Shelley on Saturday, August 4, 2012.
Kirk has over 25 years experience working (and winning) in legislatures in 25 states. Over the last 2 years, Kirk has trained over 1,800 activists at 48 One-Day Activist schools in 29 states.
Click here to purchase your tickets.
At this school you will learn how to create meaningful change and what you must do to be respected and feared by politicians.
You must be at this school!
This intense one-day training covers:
- The Real Nature of Politics – why “educating” people won’t result in change
- The Biggest Lie in Politics – and how the political class uses your convictions against you
- How to Work Effectively at the Capitol – getting a bill sponsor and a roll call vote despite the leadership
- How to Build a Group – Putting pressure on legislators
All this and much more for just $30 – which includes lunch and materials!
This class will teach you how to turn your passion into action. I sincerely hope you can attend.
Complete One-Day Grassroots Leadership School
August 4
9:00 AM*-5:00PM
Front Range Community College – Westminster College
3645 West 112th Avenue
Westminster, CO 80031
*Registration begins at 8:30
Click here to purchase your ticket today.
You owe it to your ideas and principles to learn how to become the most effective activist you can be.
In Liberty,
Matt Holdridge
Colorado State Coordinator
P.S. Don’t miss your chance to be a part of the solution! Click here to get your ticket today!
P.P.S. Check out what others have said about this class:
- “I really enjoyed the school. I found it simultaneously informative, exciting and revolting.” Luke Priest, Iowa;
- "The best activist training I have taken so far. Political reality is laid out in an easy to comprehend manner. They don’t just tell you what the problem is; they give you a road map to strike back. Absolutely a must-do training event." Al Gerhart, Co-Founder, Sooner Tea Party and Founder, Oklahoma Constitutional Alliance;
- "The slides and training were extremely informative and educational - your real-world experience and anecdotes really hit home and were relevant to the materials. It was a pretty intense class - lots of information in a single day, but we got through it!" Jeremy T. Goemaat, President, LogicBox, Inc.;
- "Your training is OUTSTANDING. I'm not one to be able to sit for more than 1 hour at a lecture style presentation, but honest to God, that's the best political training I've ever seen." Jeff Greenspan, Arizona Campaign for Liberty.