Dear Erick, There are now just hours remaining until the end of the first quarter fundraising period. The national media and the Washington, D.C. political establishment literally can’t wait to see the results. They want nothing more than to declare Mitt Romney the Republican Party’s nominee – and declare the Ron Paul campaign DEAD! I’m waiting with baited breath, too. But I’m waiting for further confirmation that our campaign’s delegate strategy is working just like we planned. But Erick, if you haven’t yet given to this End of Quarter final push, please do so IMMEDIATELY! You see, right now, critical states like North Dakota and Minnesota are just beginning to select their national delegates. And it’s these national delegates who will ultimately go to Tampa, Florida, to select our Republican Party’s nominee. And after North Dakota and Minnesota come Colorado, Nevada, Iowa, Maine, Alaska, and Washington! The truth is, no other campaign can match the Ron Paul campaign’s organization. And no other campaign has supporters as dedicated and energetic as Dr. Paul’s. Of course, it’s not hard to understand why. Whether it’s Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, or Newt Gingrich, every one of these candidates stand for continuing the Big Government, big spending status quo that’s pushed our country to the brink. Ron Paul is the ONLY candidate standing for a hard and fast return to constitutional principles, an America-first foreign policy, sound money, and individual liberty. If this presidential campaign winds its way to a brokered convention, all bets are off. And I’m confident our grassroots strength – simply unmatched by any other candidate – will make the difference. But with the first quarter fundraising period set to close in just hours, Dr. Paul and I are counting on your IMMEDIATE financial support. From phone banks to targeted mail, on-the-ground field staff to high-tech Get-Out-the-Vote campaigns, we’re entering the most crucial phase of the race. Of course, the national media and the Washington, D.C. political establishment want you to give up and go home. From the very beginning, they’ve wanted to write off any campaign that doesn’t play by their rules . . . Well, as bad as they might want to, the national media don’t get to choose our presidential nominees. Delegates do. And that’s where the true fight is going on. So even if it’s only $10 or $25, please contribute to this End of Quarter final push IMMEDIATELY! For Liberty, John Tate Campaign Manager P.S. If you haven’t yet done so, please contribute to this End of Quarter final push IMMEDIATELY! The national media and the Washington, D.C. political establishment want nothing more than to declare Mitt Romney the Republican Party’s nominee – and declare the Ron Paul campaign DEAD! But they don’t get to pick presidential nominees. Delegates do. And that’s where, with your help, Ron Paul will win the fight! |
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Saturday, March 31, 2012
Just Hours
Smelling Blood
Dear Erick, At midnight tonight, the first quarter of the 2012 fundraising cycle will end. And thanks to the continued overwhelming response from grassroots supporters like you, it’s been a tremendous quarter for my dad’s campaign. His “Give Me Liberty” Money Bomb brought in over $1 million, and his delegate strategy is seeing success after success all across the nation. But as he wrote to you last night, the eyes of the “old guard” establishment will be carefully watching this first quarter report. Like sharks smelling blood in the water, they can’t wait to close in for the kill. They’ll use any excuse to declare this race over and crown Mitt Romney the winner. But last time I checked, Mitt Romney still had a long way to go to capture 1,144 delegates. And the Ron Paul campaign is the one making waves at the conventions. My dad must be able to take full advantage of this chance to send a powerful message that he is more determined than ever to see this race through to victory. So can he count on your most generous contribution right away? The truth is, acquiring the delegates needed to win the nomination and steer the Republican Party back toward a comprehensive defense of liberty is a massive undertaking. Not only does it involve maintaining a core group of campaign staff in several states, but it requires keeping track of hundreds of meetings and getting the word out to supporters in plenty of time for them to run for delegate positions. Along the way, it also means helping Ron Paul delegates successfully defeat any desperate challenge or tricks from the establishment. Every dollar you can give today will help my dad carry his strong momentum over into the start of the second quarter and keep the establishment on notice that this race is far from over. But, as you well know, my dad will not go into debt. So before he will authorize his campaign to take any action – even in places where further victories are within reach – he must know he has the funds to back up his plans. You can help guarantee that today. I know so many people dug down deep to help with the Give Me Liberty Money Bomb, and the tough economy makes it hard for some to give as much as they would like. Any amount, though, is appreciated and will be put to immediate use to help my dad continue spreading the message of individual freedom and limited government. The deadline is closing in fast, so I hope you will give right away. For Liberty, Rand Paul P.S. Like sharks smelling blood in the water, the establishment is looking for any excuse to close in, declare this race over, and crown Mitt Romney the winner. With the first quarter fundraising cycle ending at midnight tonight, my dad must be able to take full advantage of this chance to show them we are more determined than ever to win this race. His delegate strategy is seeing tremendous success all over the country, and further victories are within reach. But my dad will not authorize his campaign to take action without the funds to back up his plans, so I hope you will give whatever you can today. |
Friday, March 30, 2012
Whole New Ballgame
Dear Erick, Tomorrow marks the end for the first fundraising quarter for 2012. The national media and their pals in the Washington, D.C. political establishment can hardly wait. They want more than anything to crown Mitt Romney the nominee - so they're preparing to scour these reports and declare all other campaigns dead in the water! But with states just beginning to select their delegates to the Republican National Convention, now is our chance to show them this race is anything but over! So won't you please agree to an IMMEDIATE contribution to my campaign before the end of quarter deadline? The great news is, we raised over $1 million during my "Give Me Liberty" Money Bomb, but with the 1st quarter deadline fast approaching, now is the time for a final push! Even if all you can give right now is $10 or $25, your contribution will make a tremendous difference. Right now, my campaign's delegate strategy is being put to the full test. Tomorrow, Minnesota and North Dakota will begin selecting their delegates to the Republican National Convention. Alaska, Colorado, Maine, Nevada, and Washington State will follow not long after. If my campaign has strong showings there - which I'm very hopeful it will - it could turn this entire presidential race on its head. And if we do get to a brokered convention, all bets will be off. But if we're going to succeed, I'm going to need to run a full-scale GOTV program, including targeted mail, email, and phone banks. My staff also needs to stay prepared to fight back against any "funny business" my opponents' supporters or "old guard" establishment hacks might try to pull. You've heard the stories. You know what we're up against. I just wish you could watch the "old guard's" jaws drop when my supporters beat them at their own game! So can I count on you for a generous and IMMEDIATE contribution before the end of quarter deadline? I hope I can. As I mentioned, any amount you can give will be a tremendous help - even if it's just $10 or $25. Of course, I hope you'll be even more generous. With your financial support, we can show the national media and the Washington, D.C. political establishment that this race for the presidency has become a whole new ballgame! Please act IMMEDIATELY! For Liberty, Ron Paul P.S. With the end of quarter deadline coming tomorrow, the national media is preparing to scour the reports of every presidential campaign and declare all other campaigns but Mitt Romney's dead in the water! Now is our chance to show them this race is anything but over! So won't you please agree to an IMMEDIATE contribution to my campaign before the end of quarter deadline? The truth is, my campaign's delegate strategy is being put to the true test right now. So your IMMEDIATE support is critical. |
My Endorsement of Kurt Bills
Dear Erick, My run for the presidency has never been just a campaign. It’s a R3VOLUTION. And today, I’m happy to say there are dozens of new liberty-minded candidates from all over the country that are ready to FIGHT for the principles that you and I hold dear in Washington, D.C. One of the best is Kurt Bills from Minnesota. Kurt is running for the Republican nomination to the United States Senate. With the first quarter fundraising deadline ending on Saturday, I hope I can count on you to please make a generous donation to Kurt’s campaign IMMEDIATELY. Kurt tells me if he has a strong showing during this fundraising quarter, it could scare off his establishment opponents and help prove to the Minnesota GOP that he is the Republican to take on and defeat Democrat incumbent Amy Klobuchar next year. So I’m counting on you to please give Kurt Bills your most generous contribution if you possibly can. Currently, Kurt is a member of the Minnesota House of Representatives, where he’s built an impressive record. You may remember, not long ago, Kurt gave a big boost to my Minnesota campaign by publicly endorsing me. Now, I’ve decided to endorse Kurt because – quite frankly – our country needs more men and women like him in Congress. If elected to the U.S. Senate, Kurt will join my son, Rand, in leading the fight for fiscal responsibility, individual liberty, and constitutional principles in Washington, D.C. You see, Kurt isn’t a career politician. He’s a loving husband and family man, with four wonderful children aged five to fourteen. He’s also a high school teacher and wrestling coach. In fact, before heading into the Minnesota legislature each day, Kurt taught economics – even using my End the Fed book in his class! And if he’s the Republican nominee in Minnesota, he’ll be able to take on Senator Klobuchar in ways no one else can, because Kurt: *** Opposes the unconstitutional Patriot Act and the dreaded SOPA legislation, which threatens to virtually shut down the internet; *** Supports a common-sense foreign policy that puts America’s security first – instead of wasting American lives and tax dollars on utopian nation-building schemes or policing the world; *** Will fight to audit and finally END the out-of-control Federal Reserve, which is destroying the purchasing power of our dollar and the middle class; *** Supports constitutionally limited government, fiscal responsibility, and free markets. But as you can imagine, many in the establishment aren’t exactly cozying up to Kurt. They know that if he’s elected, his only allegiance will be to the Constitution of the United States – not high-powered corporate lobbyists looking for another handout. So please, help Kurt Bills win the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate in Minnesota by making a generous contribution to his campaign. Any contribution you can give now will make a tremendous difference as Kurt’s campaign moves forward. He’s depending on the folks like you and me who truly believe in life and liberty to make his campaign a success. You and I cannot let him down. So please donate to Kurt’s campaign right away and help him WIN the Republican nomination. For Liberty, Ron Paul P.S. I’m writing to announce my endorsement of Kurt Bills for U.S. Senate in Minnesota – and I’m asking you to join me in supporting his campaign. Kurt is dedicated to the principles of individual liberty, free markets, sound money, and constitutional government that made America the freest, most prosperous nation on Earth. So please join me in supporting Kurt’s campaign by making a generous contribution IMMEDIATELY! |
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Enough is enough
Dear Erick, Our deficits are soaring out of control. President Obama has proposed a "budget" that will still allow a 1.3 trillion-dollar deficit. And Republicans are hardly better, with their budget never, ever balancing. The threats to our prosperity and freedom aren't hard to see - just look all around us, every day, at the news coming from Washington. Bailouts, trillion-dollar "stimulus" schemes, huge new debt burdens for our children, higher taxes, skyrocketing gas prices, high unemployment, inflation - I could go on and on. You and I both know this has to end. The good news is, there is a way to fight back. And that fight starts today, by supporting a plan to actually balance the federal budget, cut spending, shrink the size of government, and bring our debt under control once and for all. Please read the email below from my friend Matt Hawes of Campaign for Liberty to learn more about this battle to finally put an end to the out-of-control spending in Washington. For Liberty, Senator Rand Paul Dear Erick, All you have to do is turn on the TV, pick up a newspaper, or click through a few of your favorite websites to realize something is dreadfully WRONG. Bank failures. Bailouts. Failed "stimulus" packages. A surging federal deficit. European-style high unemployment. Sky-high gas prices. Inflation growing as incomes and retirement accounts stagnate. And what does the White House give us now? Yet another budget with trillion-dollar deficits. This is the first White House to have four straight years of trillion-dollar deficits - ever. "[W]e have to go spend money to keep from going bankrupt," as Vice President Joe Biden put it a while back. These people have no shame. The 2012 budget is even worse than the last. A $1.3 trillion deficit in year one. ELEVEN TRILLION in new debt. And they managed to somehow do that while RAISING your taxes nearly $2 trillion. If that scares you as much as it scares me, I hope you'll complete the petition urging your representative to support - and your senators to cosponsor and seek roll-call votes on The PAUL BALANCED BUDGET ACT OF 2012 introduced this month by Senator Rand Paul. Senator Paul's budget does something no other budget in Washington has done in years - it actually balances. It cuts the deficit in half in year one, and it balances in year five. You can almost hear the bureaucrats' cries even now. "Too radical." "Draconian." The big spending establishment of both parties will wail and gnash their teeth. But they will act - if the American people, led by patriots like you, make them. You see, this is an election year. And even the tax-and-spend crowd in Washington is starting to get nervous. They KNOW the American people are FED UP! Our country's deficit is increasing at a rate of nearly FOUR BILLION dollars a day. The average American family is on the hook for nearly $800,000! And now, news reports are saying the bailouts over the past few years cost taxpayers as much as $13.7 TRILLION on top of all that! Like an alcoholic on a binge, the politicians simply can't be counted on to stop themselves. Someone has to step in and bring this circus to an end. Campaign for Liberty is doing just that - leading the fight to stop Big Government in its tracks by launching a nationwide campaign to support Senator Rand Paul's budget. It's been decades since any serious cutting of government spending and waste has even been attempted. But with recent events, I'm convinced the time is right to finally make a permanent change in the way Washington works - a change that will empower the people and take power from politicians. But more than that, it's a battle we MUST fight. That's why it's vital you act TODAY! You see, I'd love to tell you that there's no reason to worry - that the politicians in Washington are "experts" who are working hard to "get everything under control." I'd love to tell you that the politicians understand that unless they not only stop - but actually CUT - spending, the entire U.S. economy could end up nose-diving off a cliff. And I'd love more than anything to tell you the politicians would never saddle our kids and grandkids with debts they can never repay - and that the nightmare of debt, disorder, and broken hope that is Greece today couldn't be America's future. But I can't say that. It just isn't true. Senator Paul's budget is unlike any other seen in Washington - a REAL plan to make REAL change. Among the highlights of this Balanced Budget: *** Serious cuts in spending in year one, an immediate 50 percent reduction in the deficit in year one, and full balance, with a surplus, in year five; *** In years 6-10, it begins to pay off our debt, paying off nearly $4 trillion of our national debt for the first time in history; *** Closes five cabinet agencies permanently, including the unconstitutional Department of Education; *** Focuses our military on strengthening America's defenses instead of nation-building or funding dictators and anti-American regimes; *** Fixes the deficit in Social Security and Medicare for 75 years, without cuts to current enrollees; *** Cuts and block grants back to the states Medicaid and all federal welfare programs; *** Rescinds funds for the indefinite detention of American citizens; *** Privatizes the TSA. As you can see, this is an ambitious bill that would bring historic change to our country.Will you stand with Senator Paul and Campaign for liberty today? If so, it's vital you act immediately by filling out the petition to your representative and senators. This is no time for half measures. You see, when a mad dog is running loose, terrorizing a neighborhood, you lock him down. You chain him up. And that's what the Paul Balanced Budget Act would do to Big Government. This is a battle worth fighting - win or lose this year. If we succeed, it would be a MAJOR step toward restoring American prosperity. But even if we are set back this year, we can make sure the tax-and-spend politicians PAY THE PRICE! You see, they have to come back to us, the voters, and seek our support for reelection. So even if they don't pass the PAUL BALANCED BUDGET ACT right away, if you and I can put the ENTIRE Congress on record, any politician who votes against us will have hell to pay at the ballot box. Can you imagine the lame excuses? What GOOD excuse is there for VOTING AGAINST being fiscally responsible? There is none. Period. That's why your action today is so vital Now, before I go any further, I want you to know that forcing our tax-and-spend Congress to stop their out-of-control spending isn't going to be easy. The politicians in both parties are going to fight you and me tooth-and-nail. But if we can turn up enough heat - if we can FORCE Congress to heed the will of the American people - I'm confident we can put Congress on record... and on notice. Here's how Campaign for Liberty plans to force action - hopefully, with your help. First, we're already busy contacting up to five million activists nationwide through mail, phones, and email to generate petitions to the U.S. Congress demanding action on the Paul Balanced Budget Act. And that's just the beginning. With your help, we'll work the blogs and write guest editorials. We'll brief influential writers and columnists who will be sympathetic to our efforts. We'll work the talk radio stations and grant local media interviews to further turn up the pressure on Congress. And we're going to do what few groups do anymore. We're going to have our grassroots volunteers go door-to-door encouraging their neighbors to join us. That's a political army of committed liberty-loving folks making a difference the most effective way - one-on-one. And finally, if we have the resources, we'd also like to run powerful targeted radio, TV, and newspaper ads. This entire program is designed to send this one, CLEAR message to Congress - any politician who votes against the Paul Balanced Budget should look for another job. But such a massive effort won't be easy - or cheap. So, in addition to your completed petition, I also hope you'll agree to chip in a contribution of $50, $25, $10 -or whatever you can afford - to Campaign for Liberty. I know times are hard, but this fight is absolutely critical. Can I count on you to join the fight by filling out the petition and by chipping in a contribution of $50, $25, $10 - or whatever you can afford - to Campaign for Liberty? In Liberty, Matt Hawes Vice President P.S. Despite the current economic crisis, the politicians in both parties in Washington seem intent on spending us into total and complete collapse. You and I must stop them! Please fill out your petition urging your representative to support - and your senators to cosponsor and seek roll-call votes on the Paul Balanced Budget Act of 2012 immediately! And, along with your signed petitions, please chip in a contribution of $50, $25, $10 - or whatever you can afford - to Campaign for Liberty TODAY! |