Dear Erick, I am going to describe a candidate for you right now, and I want you to think about whether or not you would support him. This candidate was for the individual mandate that served as the model for "ObamaCare." He was originally for the TARP bank bailouts before he was against them. He joined with Nancy Pelosi to promote the anti-business "global warming" agenda. He slammed Paul Ryan's budget plan as "extreme," calling it "right wing social engineering." You might think I am talking about Mitt Romney. Heck, you might think I'm talking about a liberal Democrat. But I'm not. That candidate I'm talking about is Newt Gingrich. He is what I like to call a "counterfeit conservative." And I have barely even scratched the surface! My campaign team has put together a great video that tells you more about Gingrich and his liberal positions over the years. It tells you how he flip-flopped on a host of important issues. And it shows, despite his claims, he is simply not a conservative. You can take a look at the video HERE. You might have seen recently that Mr. Gingrich traded on his former political office to land a $1.8 million lobbying contract with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Why is this so disturbing? Because while these out-of-control federal agencies were ruining the housing market and causing millions of homeowners to lose their homes and life savings, Newt Gingrich was earning millions advising them. At that same exact time, I was publicly declaring they needed to be stopped before they ruined the economy. I guess Newt Gingrich and I have a different idea of what to do with federal bureaucracies. I fight to rein them in and shut them down before they can do harm. He pads his personal bank account while they wreck our economy. While I was fighting environmental extremists, the out-of-control EPA, and the Soros-funded green movement, Newt Gingrich was filming commercials with Nancy Pelosi. While I was fighting government bailouts, Newt was saying he would have voted FOR them. Don't be fooled by the words candidates use when they are running for office. Look hard at their records. My record is one of true limited government, anti-Washington, D.C. conservatism. Newt Gingrich has a long record of liberal appeasement, flip-flopping on key issues, and lobbying for insider millions. Millions. That's right. Remember the individual mandate I mentioned earlier that Newt supported? His healthcare group received nearly $40 MILLION in contributions from the healthcare industry. I have rarely seen a candidate who represents so much of what is wrong with Washington and what is wrong with our political system. We can and must demand better. We must demand REAL conservative values. We must demand a person who puts faith, family, and freedom ahead of all else. And we must demand a candidate who has remained true to principle his entire career. I believe I am that candidate, and I ask you to take a look at my Plan to Restore America at You can tell I mean every word in it -- just as I've meant every word I have said in public life. And that's something that everyone will admit, whether they agree with all of my positions or not. With me, what you see and hear is what you get. Wouldn't that be a nice change? I am the only true conservative in the top tier of candidates running for the GOP nomination. And I ask for your support. Together we can stop the counterfeit conservatives AND the liberals in the White House. We can take back and Restore America Now. For Liberty, Ron Paul P.S. Whether it's flip-flopping on TARP, supporting the individual mandate that served as a model for "ObamaCare," joining with Nancy Pelosi in support of the global-warming crowd's radical agenda, or making millions off of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as they helped destroy our economy, Newt Gingrich is trying to pull the wool over our eyes. He's what I call a "counterfeit conservative." Here's an ad my campaign put together explaining his record of supporting liberal policies. Please take a moment to watch it. And, if possible, contribute to my campaign as generously as you can to help me run this ad and get my message of liberty out with mail, internet advertising, and an all-out media blitz. |
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Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Newt: Counterfeit Conservative
New fights in the New Year
Dear Erick, Our cause of liberty has made many advances during this past year. The American people are responding to our calls for action, and we are making excellent progress on many fronts. Now, I’m ready to once again help lead the fight to defund ObamaCare, pass Audit the Fed, and repeal the so-called “Patriot” Act. I want to stop our spending spree overseas and help forge a more constitutional and rational foreign policy. I also want to fight Real ID and the TSA’s jackbooted thuggery and pass a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution to end the insanity of spending money we do not have. But I can’t do any of that alone. I especially need you. I need you to help Campaign for Liberty lead the fight from the OUTSIDE, while my Dad and I and other new liberty representatives and senators help lead it from the INSIDE. I would consider it a personal favor if you would read the email below from my friend Matt Hawes, Vice President of Campaign for Liberty. Campaign for Liberty has done an outstanding job in the short time it has been providing grassroots muscle for our Liberty agenda. But they’ve succeeded because they pick the right battles – and because they can count on Patriots like you to ride to the sound of the gunfire! So please, take a look at the email below and once again join with Campaign for Liberty in the fight for freedom. For Liberty, Senator Rand Paul Dear Erick, With the excitement of the campaign season reaching nearly a fever pitch, it's easy to forget the critical battles still taking place in Congress. And with Barack Obama desperately seeking to pay off his base with more government, more taxation, and more debt, you and I will face many dangerous battles in the months ahead. This past year certainly has been an interesting one. Champions of our movement have helped shape the debate in Washington. Senators Rand Paul and Mike Lee defended the 4th Amendment and the Constitution by forcing votes on both the "Patriot" Act and unconstitutional wars. Many others in the House and Senate joined them in the fight for smaller government. Our battle to pass a thorough audit of the Fed and hold Ben Bernanke and Tim Geithner accountable continued, as we now have 191 cosponsors in the House and 19 in the Senate for the Audit the Fed bill. Our agenda is taking hold in Washington, and candidates from local races to the presidency are debating these issues for the first time in memory! But we are just getting started. To go beyond talk and win the tough votes in 2012, Campaign for Liberty needs your immediate help. You and I both know there are far more battles than we can possibly handle. That's why I'm writing to you today. I need your help - and your advice. It's vital you complete your Confidential Member's Directive as soon as possible. The good news is, thanks to your help, we've really made an impact in Washington and all across the country in the last year. Audit the Fed is gathering momentum, and the issue draws cheers every time it is mentioned in the Republican presidential debates! Now is the time to work for straight up-or-down votes in the House and Senate, where politicians will choose whether to stand with bailouts, deceit, and Ben Bernanke ... or the overwhelming majority of American voters. And we must be able to ramp up that battle in the new year. We also must fight against more of the "Patriot" Act's secretive invasions of privacy. More demands from BOTH parties for "just a bit more" pork barrel spending. More attempts to raise the debt ceiling and expand out-of-control entitlement programs. More Administration power grabs. But today, I regret to inform you - with all the critical battles we're facing right now - I will not be able to implement all of our necessary grassroots action plans this January without an IMMEDIATE influx of funds. Unlike our federal overlords, I can't just print money when the bills come due! Nor would I want to. The multiple victories we've won haven't come cheap. I hope you'll help Campaign for Liberty keep fighting ALL of our battles, but if we are faced with hard choices, I'd rather quit some fights (even though we could win!) than risk losing everything. You see, Campaign for Liberty is the leader in bringing the strong support of the Liberty movement, the anti-Washington message of the Tea Parties, and the small government message of the country to Congress and turning passion into action. Simply put, if Campaign for Liberty does not mobilize liberty activists, in many cases, no one else will. So before I cut anything, I want to receive your advice. You see, depending on the resources Campaign for Liberty can spend fighting them, the following battles could be won: *** Defunding ObamaCare - With President Obama sure to veto a full repeal, our best chance is to cut every single dime in funding before ObamaCare destroys what remains of our private health care system and herds millions more into the government-run machine; *** Auditing the Fed – It's long past time for the American *** Passing Rand Paul's Balanced Budget Amendment – Politicians in Congress will never cut spending unless they are forced to. And Rand's amendment requires a supermajority to raise taxes and a DECLARED war for any exceptions, so the accounting games will finally end; *** Repealing the so-called "Patriot" Act and stopping the new, even more DANGEROUS ID Bill. These atrocious schemes take away our freedoms in the name of so-called "security." Fighting terrorism doesn't require sacrificing our Fourth Amendment rights. Illegal wiretaps and searches must end now; *** Taking a strong stand to end the madness of spending even more money we don't have and further impoverishing our children and grandchildren with government debt. To me, all of these fights are so foundational to our freedoms it's almost like asking which amendment in the Bill of Rights I would cut if I were forced to choose.That's why I need your advice. You see, the Big Government crowd isn't hurting for funds. The statists inside government just tax, borrow, or print money when they need it. Those outside are happy to ride the taxpayer gravy train with their bailouts, their welfare checks, and their bloated government contracts. I'll tell you up front, I don't want to quit fighting anywhere. I can't even begin to describe how aggravating it is to see Big Government politicians ham it up for the news cameras after they ram one of their statist schemes into law. But I'm sure you feel the same way. I also know that without your financial support, there would be no Campaign for Liberty. That's why I need YOU to tell me WHICH FIGHT (or fights) to focus on. Believe me, there's no easy choice. Let me lay out the options. Should I concentrate on efforts to repeal government's total takeover of medicine? Even besides the massive costs that will very likely finish bankrupting our country, this dangerous law strikes at the heart of everything you and I hold dear. Under this Big Government health care power grab, American citizens are to be nothing more than a dehumanized statistic - numbers on a piece of paper. So, the federal bureaucrats won't be making their decisions on what health care you receive based on what you and your doctor decide is best - they will decide what is "best" for you. I don't know about you, but I refuse to allow this to happen without taking action. So if repealing and defunding Big Government's takeover of medicine is your number one priority, please mark "OPTION #1" on your Member's Directive. Of course, we must keep up our fight to fully AUDIT THE FED. Thanks to the help of folks like you, we've experienced incredible success in this battle, but we are by no means finished. And from here on out, any progress will only get more difficult to make, because the Fed banksters and their cronies in Congress will keep doing everything they can to stop us. They know that if you and I can pass Audit the Fed, the American people will finally see it's the Federal Reserve that's the cause of inflation, our constant economic crises, and the destruction of the middle class . . . . . . and we'll be well on our way to finally ENDING the Fed once and for all. If you believe we should concentrate solely on Audit the Fed, please mark "OPTION #2." We also have an OFFENSIVE battle to keep pursuing. Senator Rand Paul has sponsored an airtight, fiscally conservative, constitutional amendment to Balance the Budget. It will require a supermajority to raise taxes even a single penny. It will have real spending caps that must be met, or across the board cuts will be forced. And it will allow exceptions only for a DECLARED war. No phony emergencies or nation-building exercises that turn into trillion-dollar nightmares. If you'd like to see Campaign for Liberty make Rand Paul's Balanced Budget Amendment its main issue, check "OPTION #3" on your Member's Directive. But please remember, that's not all. Assaults on our civil liberties are only getting worse. Provisions in the so-called "Patriot" Act will be up for reauthorization, and Obama Administration officials are cheerleading for their renewal. After all, government jackboots just can't get enough of wiretapping American citizens and searching everything from banking to library to medical records. It is time to REPEAL the misnamed, unconstitutional "Patriot" Act once and for all, this year. Just as bad, they're also pushing a new DANGEROUS ID bill that could be sewed into "Patriot" Act renewal. If passed, DANGEROUS ID would allow Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano to establish virtually any standards she wants. Retinal scans. Fingerprints. DNA information. RFID tracking chips so anti-gun government goons can watch your every movement. After reading all those Homeland Security "memos" and "directives" calling patriotic Americans like you and me "terrorists," and seeing the frisking of nuns and children at airports because they refuse the naked search machines, I can't imagine sitting idly by while police state cheerleaders in Congress assault our civil liberties. If you believe Campaign for Liberty should focus on these fights, please mark "OPTION #4" on your Member's Directive. Of course, there is one more option. I've hesitated until now to bring it up, because it's absolutely critical you understand the situation we're in. Without an IMMEDIATE and massive influx of funds, I will be FORCED to make cuts to our programs. In fact, without an immediate chip in contribution of at least $10, I may have to make cuts across the board. "OPTION #5" is "FIGHT ALL OF THE ABOVE." Don't back down. Don't leave anything to chance. FIGHT. If you choose this option, please chip in a $10 contribution to Campaign for Liberty. I know times are tight, but if our backs weren't against the wall, I wouldn't be sending you this note. But, Erick, if we don't fight back, who will? Please chip in a contribution of $10 today. Your advice and your support will make all the difference. In Liberty, Matt Hawes Vice President P.S. The tough economic times are affecting us all - and Campaign for Liberty isn't immune. Without an influx of funds, your Campaign for Liberty will not be able to fund its 2012 grassroots legislative agenda. So I need your IMMEDIATE advice. C4L is experiencing tremendous success in our battles at every level of government, but we cannot keep fighting on multiple fronts without your continued support. Please fill out your Member's Directive, and chip in a contribution of $10, right away! |